Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 376 Ready to Copy Arbitration's Lair?

The moment they left the plane from the Fortress of Heaven, it was impossible for An Ge and the others to go back so quickly. They had to be teleported to the nearest teleportation array, and then rode for two hours to reach the Broken Swamp. By then, the blood had dried up.

Now, Anthony is facing a difficult problem. He has slaughtered hundreds of thousands of people and refined 30,000 sinful angels. What will the God of Arbitration do next?

Will he take this opportunity to push back the power of Anthony and Dyson, and let the Holy See regain control of the Eastern and Western Dioceses?

It is very possible and must be prepared in advance.

Teleport back to the Abyss of Rest, and then teleport to Beauty God City, and hold a plane safety meeting as quickly as possible. Once connected, everyone disregarded the rules of the meeting and started asking questions in one go. What happened?"

Anthony said the matter again, and the meeting suddenly fell into a deathly silence.

It took a few minutes for Tong Hammer to swallow his saliva, and said in an unbelievable way: "500,000 people are still loyal believers in your church, and he just killed them all?"

Anthony took a deep breath and said: "This is the best way for him. He is a guy with only divinity and no humanity. Hundreds of thousands of believers may be just lambs of faith for him. If If he can’t provide strength, he will kill it without hesitation.”

"I guessed wrong, so I did some irrational things and let him choose the best way for him. These believers have formed the understanding that the arbitration will be expelled."

"If they are allowed to leave, they will spread the matter of 'the God of Arbitration lost justice and was expelled from the kingdom of heaven'. By then, the arbitration will not only lose hundreds of thousands of believers, but also lose the belief of hundreds of millions of believers in the entire church."

"Compared with hundreds of millions of believers, hundreds of thousands of people are insignificant, and they can also take the opportunity to refine a group of sinful angels. This is a rare opportunity."

"The believers and priests gathered in the Broken Swamp are all the most devout and fanatical. Among them, the success rate of incarnation as an angel of sin is higher, and it may even be more than the number of other hundreds of millions of believers who can be refined. "

Hearing this, Di Luni suddenly interjected and asked: "You mean, these tens of thousands of sinful angels are already all the trump cards of the God of Arbitration, and it will be difficult for him to refine the enemy into sinful angels through infection and assimilation?"

"Are you worried that the God of Arbitration will randomly kill people to create sinful angels?" Anthony heard Di Luni's real worry at once, and said quickly: "No, no, only the most devout believers can be transformed into sinful angels. It may be transformed successfully."

"Huh—" Across the teleportation array, the voices of the other parties could be heard sighing, and the copper hammer said in a relaxed tone: "I thought it was like a natural disaster of the undead, one death and one turn."

According to Anthony's description, isn't the transformation of the sinful angels similar to the natural disaster of the undead.

"The actions of the God of Arbitration have seriously affected the security of the plane. I, Anthony, the current Pope of the Holy Church, formally send a request to the Republic of Stars, the Empire of the Elf, the Empire of the Dwarves, and the Dragon Clan. Please send reinforcements. Help me, destroy the evil God of Arbitration, and protect the safety of the plane." Anthony said solemnly.

Evil God of Arbitration? This title sounds extremely absurd. Didn’t the Illuminati Church give this title to other people before?

Oh, yes, Anthony still belongs to the church, but this time the name of evil is worn on the head of the God of Arbitration.

"We need to discuss it."

"Yes, we need to discuss."

"It's a matter of great importance, and I'm also looking for someone to study it."

After everyone finished talking, they cut off contact one after another.

Not long after, Ange was slightly taken aback, took out a communicator, clicked on it, and Gaillard's voice came from inside: "Master Ange, there is something I want to discuss with you."

Ange handed the communicator to Negris and asked them to discuss.

After a while, Ange tilted his head again, took out another communicator, clicked on it, and Auburn's voice came from inside: "Master Ange, the matter is like this..."

Anger handed the communicator to Negris.

Just when Negris was unable to greet him with two communicators in his arms, Niali fell from the sky: "Master Ange, Lord Bruce wants to discuss something with you, I will talk to Nagri first, but Bruce I hope you will make up your mind."

Ange tilted his head.

Anthony didn't know whether to laugh or cry, it was unnecessary, just asked directly on the teleportation communication, but in the end, he didn't find Ange here.

But he also knew the reason why everyone did this. They needed Anger's separate promise and guarantee, not his request from the Holy Pope.

Unknowingly, Ange has become the most important existence on the main plane.

Of course, Ange has the weight, and the brass dragon is only for work, and even Bruce, the dragon clan, wants Ange to make up his mind.

After some communication, all races on the plane mobilized.


In the Broken Swamp, the God of Arbitration watched the chariot of heaven going away, and did not stop it. The twin gods of light and darkness, plus a Guliani who was not inferior to the gods, the Arbitration was not sure to keep them.

On the chariot, everyone was also looking behind, vigilant, until the golden giant could not be seen, Guliani was relieved: "I thought he would kill us."

The dark side emerged from the shadows and asked suspiciously, "Why did you leave too? Arbitration regained control of the Eastern and Western Dioceses, wouldn't you be able to continue to be your pope?"

Guliani shook his head quickly: "No, no, no, this kind of pope, is it a puppet or a pope?"

The moment the God of Arbitration launched the judgment to destroy the world, Guliani realized that this was a real god.

what is god No humanity, no pity, no reverence...

Such a thing can be offered to it, but you can't be loyal to it, because you don't know when it will throw you into the flames, just to let the flames burn for a while.

Although the dark side is also a god, it can't reach this level, and can't even understand: "Is it necessary to do this?"

The light side of the twins naturally knew what the dark side was asking, and said hesitantly: "I feel the anxiety in his heart."

What is it that makes the God of Arbitration restless? Guliani and the dark side changed their expressions: "Storm of faith?"

"Arbitration is the only one among the gods of light who has not been reborn. Although we have inherited the godhead we once were, we were all reborn after the last storm of belief. We have lost too much memory. We need to know how the God of Arbitration is. We survived the last storm of faith." The dark side seemed to be muttering to himself.

Guliani thought for a while, and suddenly asked: "Master Guangmian, are you interested in going into the courtroom to have a look, maybe the secret is hidden in the courtroom."

The dark side was startled suddenly, good guy, is this the lair that is going to copy the arbitration?

PS: There are too many things to do. After the root canal was done, I came back, removed the curtains and washed the windows. I am tired, but I can’t watch my mother climb up and down. It will be troublesome if it falls.

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