Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 500 How dare it scold me? !

When he was first sent here, Ange was incapable of projecting power, but as his soul became stronger and stronger, especially after "self-belief", his soul was equivalent to being riveted in this world and became the main body A fulcrum in this world.

His power can be projected into this body, and then projected to the people and the gods, and as his strength grows stronger, more and more local believers, the divine power harvested here is also enough To support his high-intensity consumption, there is no need to use the power of the body at all.

So as soon as he heard Anthony calling him, he came over, looking at a scarecrow in front of him with a blank expression on his face.

Sensing Anger's doubts, Anthony quickly explained: "Scarecrow Wuga, the most dangerous undead creature, masters the real domain, can make people get lost in the illusion of its domain, and never come out, my lord, what did you see? "

"Scarecrow." Ange responded.

"Phew—that's good, that's good. It seems that its spiritual power is not as strong as yours, and its real domain can't affect you. What I saw was an undead. It was too dangerous just now. Fortunately, you came Hurry up, if you are accidentally affected by the Real Realm, it will be difficult to get out." Anthony said with lingering fear.

Don't blame him for calling for help as soon as he met, because this Scarecrow Wuga was reminded by both the Undead Council and the Warlock Alliance to make him be careful of the danger. This is also confirmed from the side, the Scarecrow Wuga is extremely dangerous.

Its danger does not mean that it is evil and brutal, on the contrary, it is still a very peaceful soul, with no desires or desires, and its only obsession is to chase birds away.

Its danger is that it is out of control. It is a scarecrow, which was originally erected in the rice fields to drive away birds and animals, but it is amazing that a soul was born in the scarecrow.

One day, the undead king passed by this field and found the soul in the scarecrow. He was very curious, why can a soul be born in straw? So I brought it back.

Since then, the scarecrow has been raised by the undead king and grown into an extremely powerful soul. Its soul strength has reached the level of the mourning lord, and it is almost about to break through.

However, its intelligence is not very high, it is equivalent to a golden skull, and its obsession is very heavy. It has to drive birds all day long. The illusion field where enemies deal real damage.

When the undead king was still there, someone restrained it, or someone who was trapped in its real domain was rescued, so there was no harm. Now the king is trapped by the death circle, and no one restrains it, the problem is serious .

"The Real Realm?" Ange asked suspiciously.

"Yes, my lord, what else do you see now but the Scarecrow?" asked Anthony.

"Scarecrows, canyons, rocks." Ange said.

Anthony pulled Gray over and asked, "Grey, what do you see?"

Gray said in a daze: "I saw a wilderness, a flat wilderness, and an undead stared at us with a scythe, but weren't we in the canyon just now? How did we get here?"

Anger immediately understood that his mental power was strong, so what he saw would not be affected, but Gray couldn't. She had already been affected by the phantom of the Real Realm.

This process was so silent that even an esoteric magician like Gray couldn't tell the difference between reality and illusion, and he just wondered why he suddenly came from the canyon to the wilderness.

Is it so fun? Anger immediately combined the imprints, and then said to Anthony: "Send the magic circle and form one."

"Ah? Could it be..." Anthony froze for a moment, and quickly formed a teleportation circle, which was much easier than a teleportation circle, almost equivalent to a positioning mark.

The white light of the teleportation circle flashed, and four of An Ge teleported over.

"Sure enough, it's so convenient that the hand-rubbing teleportation array can still be used like this." Although he had expected it, Anthony was still very excited.

Doesn't this mean that when calling for help in the future, adults can not only project it over, but also come over to save him in person, and the sense of security will increase dramatically, right?

As soon as the white light faded, the little zombie, the little angel and the big cat all exclaimed:




Anthony heard that the voice was wrong, and quickly asked, "What did you see?"

"Oh!" The little zombie pointed forward.

"Aww!" The little angel pointed to the side, then pushed forward fiercely, and a beam of light flashed past.

Ever since trying to release the flash of light without wings in Magic Star City, the little angel seemed to have found something interesting, desperately compressing the power of the flash of light.

Now the power of this kind of holy light shining is similar to that of the sixth-level light magic arrow of light. With her power, it can be fired more than ten or twenty times in a row.

In the past, she could only play once, but now she can play more than a dozen times, but she was so happy that she sizzled in the distance, blowing up rocks and flying.

From Anthony's point of view, he saw the little angel firing at a pile of rocks, but from Gray's eyes, he saw countless skeletons crawling up from the wilderness, and the little angel's holy light just hit a On the body of the golden skull, it was soothed that it smoked and collapsed.

Gray hurried to help, twirling her fingers in a circle, turning out a cyan ring, and then throwing it out, the 'ring' would change continuously during the flight, turning into a wind blade, slashing at the enemy in her eyes.

Of course, the 'enemy' she saw did not exist in Anthony's eyes, and An Ge's power was still projected on him, so he was not affected by the illusion.

The big cat must have sensed that something was wrong, so it slumped to the ground, transformed into its own body, opened its mouth wide and shouted 'Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh——' towards the distance.

But this is an illusion, a change in perception, not a change in space. Its interference has no effect, but it startled Gray. How did such a small cat suddenly become a big group?

Seeing that they had been disturbed by the illusion, Anthony said: "My lord, we must stop the scarecrow as soon as possible. The injuries suffered in the real realm are all real. If they are injured, they will be really injured."

Is it so powerful? Ange tilted his head, and hurried towards the scarecrow.

In the chaotic rocks of the canyon in the distance, a scarecrow opened his arms, with one foot on the ground, wearing a straw hat, no different from the scarecrows that can be seen everywhere in the field, except for the black air coming out of the gaps in the straw, and a pair of red eye slits .

But seeing Ange running straight towards it, the slits in the red eyes first narrowed a little, as if squinted, and then widened again, obviously confirming that Ange was not affected by its illusion.

The scarecrow immediately arched its body, opened its mouth and let out a sharp scream: "Woooo—"

Its sound seemed terrifying... A thought came to Ange's mind, and then he felt weird, was it scary? Why don't you feel it?

Anthony shouted from behind: "Fear, my lord, it's a fear, be careful."

While speaking, Anthony blesses several magical spells on the little angels. First is the will of steel, then the praise of light, then the wall of light, and then the wall of sighs to protect everyone tightly.

If there were people from the Illuminati Church present, they would probably have been frightened by Anthony and their legs were weak. With so many magic spells added at one go, Anthony's divine power is so profound. Is he the thigh pendant of the God of Illuminati?

But he was still worried. It was the first time he encountered this kind of fantasy battle, and he had no experience.

But as long as he thought about the strength of the scarecrow's soul, he could almost step into the soul of mourning, and he had his own domain, he knew that he could not be too cautious.

Harvey and Fetti, the Lord of Mourning, do not have their own domains, but only Locke seems to have one.

But I heard that Locke's domain is combat, he can't beat Locke, so he hasn't experienced it, but you can ask Negris, the God of Knowledge is one of the few who has experienced it and is still alive.

Seeing Ange ignoring the illusion and ignoring its fear spell, the scarecrow finally panicked, jumped up from the ground, and shouted: "Woogahh!"

An Ge continued to ignore it, and swung his sickle down.

The scythe slashed across the scarecrow, but Ange felt that nothing had been hit. Looking closely, the scarecrow was one body away from where the scythe fell.

Chop crooked? Impossible, An Ge has been cutting rice for so many years, and he has never cut it crookedly, even with his eyes closed.

Ange closed his eyes, swung his sickle and slashed over.

when! The scarecrow took out a small scythe from nowhere, and blocked Ang's sickle. Look, they said that they couldn't cut crookedly even with their eyes closed.

The small scythe looked familiar, and it was the same standard as the small scythe Ange used before.

when! The sickles of the two sides chopped together again, and a violent shock wave exploded at the point where the weapons collided, and the surrounding air was blown away by the shock.

Anthony turned his head and took a deep breath. It seems that this scarecrow not only has a real field, but also has a very strong fighting power.

Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang, Anger and the scarecrow fought together, the sound of weapons clashing in a row, and the force of the impact and explosion splattered, as if someone was demolishing a house.

It's been a long time since Ange had a head-to-head fight with others. After being projected into this world, he couldn't transform into Dragon God or Locke, and his combat effectiveness declined severely.

The strength of the scarecrow is not as good as his, but it has a very strange ability that can make Ange's sickle inaccurate. Every time it swings its sickle, it is already one body away. .

At this moment, Negris cursed in Ange's soul: "This is a real phantom, both of which are real, and which one you hit will become fake. In the illusion, you can't kill it." It. Sangbada, I slowed down a few steps, and you all disappeared, where is this place? Who is this?"

Ange's four little ones sneaked away, and Negris chased him out and couldn't find anyone, so he had to project it over. When he came over, he saw this kind of explosive fighting scene, which scared him a lot. Isn't it just a few steps slower, and even a fight started.

"Scarecrow, wake up, soul, king, raise up." Ange said.

Negris gasped because he heard two key words: "King? Raised by His Majesty?"

You don't need to listen to anything else, just listen to this sentence and you will know that this scarecrow is definitely not ordinary.

"The scarecrow awakens the soul? The scarecrow can also awaken the soul? How is it possible? It is a dead thing." Negris continued to be surprised.

A scarecrow is nothing more than straw made into a human shape. If it can awaken the soul, then so can stone, wood, and pillows. The world is in chaos.

When he was puzzled, Ange suddenly pulled out a hat and put it on his head.

"Scarecrow hat? What do you want?" Negris asked in shock.

Does the scarecrow hat have any special functions that can decipher the real phantom of the scarecrow?

Ange didn't respond, but adjusted his hat, turning into an eagle in everyone's eyes...

"Why do you become an eagle? There are no birds here." Negris asked inexplicably.

But it knew why right away. Almost at the same moment when Ange transformed into an eagle, the scarecrow let out a strong scream: "Woooooo! Wooga! Wooga! Wooga!"

Negris felt uncomfortable all over his body: "Fear, such a strong fear, ahhh—"

Negris was terrified, and his mind ran away without a trace. Somewhere in the pool of life, the brass dragon screamed strangely, scurrying around with its teeth and claws, and rushed to the edge of a cliff, and it was about to fall.

Fortunately, a tree root suddenly bulged, tripped it, and fell to the ground, which made it wake up.

"Hey, what happened? Why am I here? I seemed to see Nai Aili jumping towards me just now, and almost trampled me to death. What's going on?" Negris muttered blankly, and it took him a long time to remember. What, quickly projected it again.

There was a soft rustling sound in the forest, and the leaves fell gently, startling an insect that was about to get into the nostril of the brass dragon, and fled away with its head in its arms.

The forest is guarded by the God of Life, Negris is very relieved, and will ask the old tree for compensation if his health breaks down.

Projected onto Angor again, Negris saw Angir's scythe slash across the scarecrow's body, splitting it in half from shoulder to waist.

"Huh? It's not a phantom? Did you hit it?" Negris was surprised.

On the other side, the excited little angel, who was fighting non-stop, suddenly stopped in doubt, and called out in confusion: "Oh?"

The real realm disappeared, and the little angel found that the enemy was gone. Turning his head, he found that the scarecrow had been cut in half. He immediately understood what had happened, and made a few dissatisfied '哩哒' sounds, very much like a knight novel that was taken away by his parents. bad boy.

Compared with her dissatisfaction, Anthony breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't like this kind of weird battle because he didn't know how to win or how to lose.

Fortunately, Ange was there, and Ange's powerful soul restrained him. Otherwise, no matter how many people were present, they would only die faster.

The scarecrow, which fell to the ground in half, launched a soul shock to Ange: "Woooo!"

Ange's head was pushed back, and then he continued to walk towards it as if nothing had happened. Without an overwhelming soul gap, it would be difficult for the soul shock to work, not to mention that its soul is not as strong as Ange's, and its mental power is also weaker. Same.

With these two advantages alone, the Scarecrow's strength cannot be brought into full play.

Despite the scarecrow's 'wooga wooga' constantly attacking him, Ange picked up its upper body, looked carefully, and found a shriveled heart wrapped in straw in the chest cavity.

"So it's not an ordinary scarecrow. This heart is its main body. No wonder it can give birth to a soul, but who is so cruel to stuff a heart into a scarecrow?" Negris asked.

Anthony came over to take a look, and said hesitantly: "This seems to be an evil punishment. Your body will be replaced with straw until you die completely, but your soul will also be sealed in the straw forever."

Negris was shocked: "You mean, the soul of this scarecrow was once alive?"

Anthony shook his head: "No, it should be that His Majesty released the original soul that was sealed inside. This soul is newly conceived."

Anger took out the holy shroud, wrapped it up, stuffed it into the dimension space, and prepared to go back and study it again.

At this moment, a big cat appeared from a distance, yelling at everyone. After the real domain disappeared, it ran out to explore the way, and now it obviously found something.

Negris listened to the big cat's cry, and translated with some uncertainty: "What do you mean? It seems to be saying that it found an embryonic dragon? Find me? How dare it scold me?!"

Thank you Momoranshu for your reward.

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