Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 821 The shelter is in chaos

What Ah Wuli manifested was a slender, white body, flowing hair, and a very beautiful unicorn, but when she opened her mouth, her naive tone completely destroyed its image.

The God of Life propped himself up from Ange's shoulders, and said slowly, "It's not your space, this is the space of the parent plant."


Anthony immediately stood up and said with a smile: "Your Excellency Awuli, from a legal point of view, the direct lineage enjoys the priority of inheritance. The God of Life is the direct lineage of the Tree God, and the sapling is the lineage of the God of Life. They all Enjoy the priority inheritance right of the father's plant."

"You are the guardian elf of the space, and legally belong to property and have no inheritance rights, so the consciousness space is not yours, you are the god of life."

Debate is reasonable, how can it speak better than an old magician like Anthony? Some were at a loss and froze in place.

Ange didn't care about it, and was going to stuff everyone into the space, and find another place with thick fog to devour it.

Seeing that they were about to leave, Ah Wuli was in a hurry, and quickly stopped them and said, "I can't leave, give me back the space, or I'll beat you up."

Anthony laughed immediately, rolled up his sleeves, a colorful figure floated up on his body, and said majesticly: "Really? Are you really going to beat us? You are now a manifestation, and you can't recover, or you will be killed never mind."

"Ow!" The little angel shouted excitedly, rolled up her sleeves, and a colorful giant angel floated on her body.

The little zombie also made a gesture of rolling up its sleeves. It usually wears soul armor and has no sleeves.

Ah Wuli's horn was itching, brewing a flash of consciousness, but she didn't dare to let it out, because she found that although Ange didn't roll up his sleeves, his eyes were locked on it all the time.

In the space of consciousness, it was already cast out of the shadow of Anger's mind, and after struggling for a while, he didn't dare to make a move.

And it found out, was it fooled? After manifesting, there is no characteristic that the conscious body will not be damaged no matter how you fight it. Could it be that the other party agreed to help it manifest in order to grab its consciousness space?

Counseled, but Awuli was unwilling to let the space be taken away, and said angrily: "You are unreasonable, that is my space, I am the guardian spirit of the consciousness space, and the space is mine."

An amiable smile appeared on Anthony's face, and he took out a thick book with his backhand: "Reasonable? Of course we are reasonable. According to Article 1127 of the Civil Code, the first order of the legal heir: the spouse , children, parents, see, you are a guardian elf, not in the first place."

Anthony's fingers poked forcefully on the page, which made Awuli unable to bear it, and leaned over to look.

Anthony asked, "See? Are we being reasonable?"

A Wuli shook her head: "I don't know your writing, I can't understand it, anyway, you just don't make sense, this is just your reasoning, I don't talk about your reasoning."

"Is that talking about force?" Anthony began to roll up his sleeves again.

Ah Wuli's face was tangled up, she couldn't beat her, she couldn't talk about it, so she simply played tricks and stopped her from leaving.

I have to say that this is the most correct way. Although it is a bit silly, it is because of this that everyone is embarrassed to kill it. In the end, there is no other way. Ange grabbed its corner and stuffed it into the space, anyway It is also considered wealth, so let’s grab it together.


In this way, more than ten days passed, and in the dimensional space, Ah Wuli, who was already familiar with the environment here, wandered around. Seeing the lack of grass by the lake, it stepped on its hoof and made a piece of colorful grass.

After it ran far away, the grass formed by the light collapsed, and the lakeside returned to its original barren appearance. After a while, some grass would tenaciously grow out.

If you can survive the harsh environment, the grass will thrive, and if you can't, it will turn into organic matter, which is equivalent to spreading a piece of vitality.

In this way, Ah Wuli had a great time playing, and never mentioned the consciousness space again. This place is much more interesting than the space full of consciousness. Of course, the fundamental reason is that it can’t talk about reasoning and talking about Anthony, and it’s about force. Can't say enough about Ange.

After these days of observation, Anthony finally confirmed one thing: "It may really be the guardian elf of the consciousness space, and it can indeed create 'consciousness'."

"It's not considered creating consciousness. It should be sowing the seeds of consciousness. As for whether it can grow or not, it seems that it can't be controlled." Negris said.

"It's fine, my lord, as long as you manifest it on the spot." Anthony said.

However, An Ge was not interested in the little flower that embodies Ah Wuli, and instead pointed out with a unicorn.

Ange is no longer a solitary hand bone at this moment, but a colorful consciousness body. Obviously, it is from Awuli that he has learned the ability to present the consciousness body in reverse, and he does not need to eat the fruit of consciousness at all.

The conscious body waved the horn of the entity, and large swathes of gravel were spread out, and the efficiency was several times faster than before.

With the help of the continuous fog of chaos and the gain of the unicorn, Ange finally filled the entire space, reaching a diameter of more than a thousand kilometers in total, presenting an irregular ellipse.

Angles divided the space into two parts. The first part is the most primitive area, where many houses were built, and the Angersians were basically crammed into this area.

The second part is the newly built desert, with a diameter of more than 900 kilometers, separated from the first part by a ditch of more than ten kilometers. Unless you can fly, you cannot get from the farm to the desert.

And the periphery of these two parts is the edge of space, a piece of nothingness, just like the resting palace back then.

Negris couldn't help complaining: "Take it as a storage space, it's bigger than any other space here, even the Palace of Dormition can't compare, but Ange, you're planning to build a new world, it's too small Now, you might as well just find a plane to play with."

Ange is simply building a new world from scratch. What's the point of this? Even the Shenmu Continent has a diameter of more than 500 kilometers. Why do you have to work so hard here? Wouldn't it be enough to find a plane outside the chaotic plane?

Ange shook his head, came to the edge of the space, and inserted the void monument of the consciousness space on the ground.

The whole space immediately trembled slightly, and it was only after dozens of seconds that it returned to calm. It seemed that something had changed, but it seemed that nothing had changed.

"What did you do? Did you stack the space of consciousness here? Multiple stacks? Are you not afraid that the space will be unbalanced and collapse?" Negris took a while to understand what happened.

An Ge shook his head, a ring of scales appeared on his back and said, "Don't be afraid, measure it."

"Pfft——" Negris was speechless. Can the Ring of Libra be used as a measuring instrument for space balance?

At this moment, Anthony's expression changed suddenly, he listened for a while, and said anxiously: "My lord, we'd better go back to the shelter, it's messed up there."

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