Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 831 I guessed it randomly

Chapter 831 I... I guessed randomly

Seeing how pitiful the flesh and blood giant was, everyone had no choice but to release the war tree man, tree shepherd and petrified tree man to dig the ground, and Ange took them down.

"Pull it out to reveal the black stone? How big does it need to be?" The tree shepherd was a little confused, he just went in to bask in the ancient divine light, why did he have to do so much work?

"Pull as big a black stone as you want," Negris said.

"Then I have to plan the entire forest. This forest is all on top of the ancient black stone. Didn't I tell you before?" said the tree shepherd.

"How is it possible? There is really a black stone as big as a forest?" Negris said in shock.

The tree shepherd said before that the entire forest grew on the ancient black stone, but everyone thought it was a bit bragging, because from a mechanical point of view, it only needs a meteorite with a diameter of more than ten kilometers to destroy all creatures on the plane.

This forest has a diameter of several thousand kilometers. If such a large area of ​​black stone hits the plane, the plane will definitely cease to exist.

The tree shepherd spread his hands: "It's so big. It was only a dozen kilometers away when it fell down, but it got bigger and bigger, and expanded to the current volume. According to my estimation, it has occupied at least a quarter of the plane. During the hundreds of years of its expansion, the entire plane changed drastically, and the mountains and oceans were formed during that time."

The following words are meaningless, everyone has been confused by the 'expansion', the black stone of more than ten kilometers fell down, and expanded into a giant occupying a quarter of the volume of the plane? Is this still a stone?

This is obviously not a stone, and everyone is more interested in it. Let the tree shepherd dig as much as he can.

"Are you crazy? I just want to show off the ancient gods, and you let me do so many things, and I have to herd the flowers and trees to other places. Do you know how big the project is? Your kindness...Okay, No problem, leave it to me." Seeing the three buckets of worm ash falling in front of him, the tree shepherd immediately changed his mind.

It dipped a little worm ash liquid from the petrified tree man and tasted it. It knows the efficacy of this miraculous liquid very well. Combined with the ancient divine light bath, it can make dead trees flourish, old trees germinate, and regain their youth.

After Ange walked away, the tree shepherd happily put his roots into the vat, sucking and sucking, but soon felt two black shadows covering him. Looking up, it was the war tree man and the petrified tree man. The rustling of the breeze through their treetops carried a message.

The tree shepherd painfully divided the worm ash liquid into three parts, one for each tree.

The tree man who received the 'money' immediately became active, shaking his head vigorously, and the power leaves on top of his head rustled.

But the war tree man shook a few times, and the leaves on his head fell off quickly, turning into a bald tree man. The war tree man looked at his fallen leaves in a daze, and thought suspiciously: It's not autumn yet? Why are the leaves falling?


Ange and his party fell to the bottom of the tiankeng and saw an... octopus egg?

"Are you blind? That's my beard, not the octopus legs, you damned lizard!" The flesh and blood giant roared angrily from the octopus eggs.

Negris scolded: "Is there any difference? An octopus is not an octopus if its legs grow on its chin? Not only is it an octopus egg, but it is also an octopus egg that cannot hatch."

The octopus egg was furious: "That's a tentacle tentacle tentacles!! Not octopus legs, you damn lizard, curse the tentacles on your ass."

An Ge's expression moved, but he didn't move in the end.

I saw a puff of smoke rising from Negris' body, and a scream came from the octopus egg: "Ah! My ass! The curse rebounded? Why?"

"Why? Of course it's because my mouth is smarter than yours, hehe, my butt has long tentacles, and I said you're not an octopus." Negris laughed.

Just before the octopus eggs were so angry that they were about to explode, Anthony stopped the bickering in a timely manner, and he had a good way of pulling the side frame.

"What's your situation? Why did you become like this?" Anthony asked.

"What else could happen? When I was still an egg, one day, a black stone fell down and almost smashed me. The yolk was scattered, and the yolk was broken. It was impossible to hatch. It can only be reshaped, and it will become what it is now." The octopus egg said depressingly.

"What about the humans that have been polluted by your consciousness? How did you do it?" Anthony asked.

"That's how it is done. My body is Nightmare Saya, and consciousness pollution is my talent." The octopus egg said.

"Hehe, if I didn't know Nightmare Saya, I would have been deceived by you. Forget it, let's go and bury this hole." Anthony made a gesture to leave.

The octopus egg suddenly became anxious: "Don't, don't, I said, I said, the pollution is the effect of these black stones, and I just use the black stones to pollute my consciousness."

"What do you mean?" Anthony asked.

After some detailed interrogation, everyone finally figured out the origin of this octopus egg. As it said, it was originally the egg of a native Saya, and like Saya, it was a long filament.

However, the black stone fell from the sky, destroying almost all creatures in the entire plane, but it also aroused endless fear in the plane in a short period of time.

Saya was originally an ancient god who sucked fear, and Saya's egg was no exception. A large amount of fear was transformed into its energy, allowing it to survive the cataclysm of the plane... It can't be considered a survival, after all, the yolk was shattered , but the shell is not broken.

Saya's strong vitality made it slowly regenerate in this chaotic situation, but it was no longer Saya who was reborn, but a strange thing with tentacles growing on its chin.

This strange thing doesn't even have a name, it only has powerful mental power, which can project consciousness far away.

Because the egg was pressed to the ground by the black stone, after a long time, the shell has been petrified. Although it has formed inside, it cannot break free from the egg shell, and can only use mental power to control some creatures.

But mind control must be continuous. If the mind is not on the opponent, it will be easy to break free, so the target of control is very limited, and the number is difficult to meet the requirements of octopus eggs.

The ultimate goal of the octopus egg is to control a group of creatures into the forest, dig it out of the ground, and then open its shell to release it.

If the number of controls is too small, this goal cannot be achieved, but there is no good way. In the past, it tried to establish a religion by pretending to be gods and ghosts through spiritual projection.

But on the plane where the Doomsday Temple is strong, unless the religion it establishes is not big, it will be suppressed as soon as it grows.

Until an accidental opportunity, the octopus egg found that the black stones pressing it could attach its own consciousness, and then let these black stones attach to other creatures to achieve a control effect.

The octopus eggs can't tell what kind of mechanism this is. It feels like a creature attached to a black stone. The body and consciousness are separated. The body is conscious, but as soon as it intervenes, it immediately replaces the original consciousness strongly. , making the body a part of it.

Hearing this, An Ge suddenly flipped through his pockets and bags quickly, took out all the black stones that had been quietly hidden just now, and then dispersed, purified, cleared, protected, and cleaned up the powder that fell on his body.

The others also reacted, and quickly took out their pockets. Everyone dared to hide a lot of black stones.

"No, no, only the black stones that have been attached to my consciousness can pollute other creatures. I have never attached to these black stones." The octopus eggs quickly cleared.

Anthony sneered: "You haven't attached consciousness, how do you know if others have attached consciousness? You think you control others, how do you know that you are not the one controlled by others? You have the most black stones on your body."

"You..." The octopus egg gave a 'squeak' in astonishment, but it stopped abruptly, and then the breath changed drastically, and a new voice came out of the egg: "How do you know?"

Now it was Anthony's turn to be stunned: "I... I guessed it randomly, is there really? Are you... the will of the void?"

Thank you, little black bookworm, for your tip.

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