Venerable Yuan

Chapter 1034 Fragments

Tianyuan Cave.

Deep in the earth in the southwest, there is a magma lake. The red lava bubbles hugely, explodes suddenly, and turns into a rain of fire that is thrown in all directions.

The entire underground is filled with terrifying high temperatures.

Zhou Yuan sat cross-legged on the boulder protruding from the rock wall. After confirming the list of the Strange Objects Competition that day, he returned directly to Tianyuan Cave. As for the huge controversy caused by the list, he did not pay too much attention to it. All doubts will naturally disappear when the results come out. At this time, no matter how much you waste your words, it will be meaningless.

And he came to this magma underground naturally to practice the newly acquired little holy art of body refining: the Great Flame Demon of Purgatory.

But at this time, he did not start directly. Instead, his mind sank into the divine palace...

In the Divine Mansion, Zhou Yuan's mind was entrenched next to the sacred light ball, constantly exploring it with curiosity.

The holy pattern light ball is transformed from four holy patterns, and what makes Zhou Yuan curious is the fourth holy pattern that he has been unable to see until now!

Breaking Barriers, Earthly Saint, Heavenly Punishment... Zhou Yuan has understood the unique power of three of the four patterns. Only the fourth holy pattern, Zhou Yuan has not known its name or knowledge for a long time. Its power...

Zhou Yuan's soul scanned the holy pattern light ball, and then gathered at the fourth pattern.

And it was at this moment that Zhou Yuan felt that the power of his soul began to be consumed rapidly.

But he was not panicked, because this situation had happened before, and it seemed that if he wanted to get a glimpse of the fourth pattern, he needed the support of extremely powerful soul power.

Previously, Zhou Yuan's Divine Soul realm was only in the early stage of transformation. At that time, it only lasted for ten breaths before it was exhausted. No matter how difficult it was to detect, this time there was a breakthrough in the Divine Soul realm, so he must be able to last longer.

The power of the soul is consumed rapidly.

In just a short moment, dozens of breaths of time passed.

Zhou Yuan finally lost his composure, because he felt that his soul power was beginning to show signs of drying up again. Obviously, the power of the soul required to get a glimpse of the fourth holy pattern was far beyond his imagination.

But he also knew that giving up at this time would be a waste of all his previous efforts. As soon as he gritted his teeth, he used all the remaining power of his soul.


At that moment, there seemed to be a shock coming from within the Divine Mansion.

The high-hanging glazed sky was shining fiercely.

Zhou Yuan's soul was locked firmly on the side where the fourth pattern of the holy light ball was located. There were ripples emerging fiercely there, as if the fog had receded slightly, and there was an ancient text flashing past... .


"Xuan? Xuan what?" Zhou Yuan was impatient. This was obviously only the true name of half of the fourth line. If he could not know the full name, he would not be able to truly activate the power of the fourth line.

But unfortunately, with his current power of soul, it is obviously impossible to get a glimpse of all the true names.

Zhou Yuan's heart was full of regret.

However, just when he was exhausted and wanted to quit, he suddenly found that the sacred light ball was vibrating violently at this time. There were circles of waves spreading on the surface of the light ball, and it itself became somewhat transparent.

Then, Zhou Yuan was a little shocked to see that there was something inside the holy pattern light ball!

what is that?

It seems to be a fragment? !

The mysterious fragments have an indescribable power that makes people awe-inspiring, and also gives Zhou Yuan a slightly familiar feeling...

That is...

After being silent for several breaths, Zhou Yuan's heart began to beat violently.

He suddenly opened his eyes, his pale face full of shock.

That thing hidden inside the sacred light ball... is actually a fragment of the Cangxuan Holy Seal? !

During the great battle in Cangxuantian, Zhou Yuan borrowed the power of Cangxuan Ancestor to break the Cangxuan Holy Seal into pieces, so the Holy Seal turned into many fragments and flew to various places in Cangxuantian. This made Zhou Yuan unexpectedly Yes, there was actually a fragment wrapped in the four holy patterns and hiding in his divine palace!

Moreover, Zhou Yuan could clearly sense that this fragment was probably the largest among the separated fragments!


Faced with such a discovery, even Zhou Yuan was so shocked that he couldn't control himself.

That is the Cangxuan Holy Seal. If you possess it, you will be the Lord of the Sky. Such power and status are unimaginable. Facing such a true innate treasure, even the great saints will probably be moved and covet.

Zhou Yuan's throat rolled. No wonder the Four Saint Patterns would form a ball of light. It should be to seal the aura of this fragment from being exposed. Otherwise, once the great masters of Hunyuan Tian notice it, there is no guarantee that they will not have any thoughts.

He had previously peeked at the fourth pattern, and this caused the holy pattern light ball to move slightly, revealing the hidden fragments of the holy seal.

In fact, when the holy light ball appeared for the first time before, Zhou Yuan seemed to be vaguely aware of something in it, but he thought it was an illusion at the time and didn't pay much attention to it. But this time, he could see it clearly. ...

The shock lasted for a long time, and finally gradually subsided.

Zhou Yuan's eyes flickered slightly. On Cang Xuantian's side, when he escaped, he broke the Cang Xuan Holy Seal. Even with the power of the Holy Palace, it would take a long time to put those fragments together... But , once they really collect the other fragments, even if he has the Four Saint Pattern Light Ball Seal here, the clues may be noticed.

That Saint Senator Dog will definitely not let him go.


"When the time comes, who will not let whom go? Maybe it's not necessarily certain!" Zhou Yuan's eyes flashed with cold light. He would one day return to Cang Xuantian to take revenge. The Saint Elder Dog caused Yaoyao to fall into a deep sleep. The vitality of Cangxuan Sect was severely damaged, but he remembered all these debts clearly.

Zhou Yuan has been making continuous progress in these years, and this can be regarded as a race against the Holy Palace. He must fight back before the Holy Palace collects all the fragments of the Holy Seal. Otherwise, once the Holy Yuan's strength recovers, and with the help of the gathered power of the Holy Seal, I am afraid that No one in Cangxuan Tian can control it.

The Cangxuan Sect also showed great kindness to Zhou Yuan. In addition, his father, queen, and queen were both in Cangxuantian, so Zhou Yuan absolutely could not sit back and watch the Holy Palace dominate Cangxuantian.

Zhou Yuan took a deep breath and his face became slightly solemn. This was also a huge pressure.

However, he also knows that he should not be impatient when it comes to becoming stronger. His growth rate is already very fast. If it is purely for the pursuit of cultivation speed, it will damage the foundation and cause more losses than gains. Then the ambition of the Holy Palace will be wiped out by all the forces in Cang Xuantian. As we all know, it will not be so smooth for the Holy Palace to gather other fragments of the Holy Seal.

"Holy Senator Dog, let's see who among us is faster..."

Zhou Yuan's eyes became firm, he closed his eyes slightly and began to restore the exhausted power of his soul.

Half a day later, Zhou Yuan, who had fully recovered his soul, opened his eyes and cast his gaze towards the magma lake below. Now, let’s cultivate this “Great Flame Demon of Purgatory” first...

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