Venerable Yuan

Chapter 1077 Waiting to open

In the past few days when all the forces gathered at the foot of Tianzhu Peak, many agreements were reached as expected, and these agreements, to put it simply, were nothing more than unanimous cooperation and mutual assistance.

The dangers in Guyuantian should not be underestimated. It is said that Hunyuantian once suffered particularly heavy losses. Except for the strong men in the legal domain, almost half of the Tianyang Realm and Yuanying Realm were lost. In one region, the entire army was almost wiped out. .

Therefore, facing the battle between Gu Yuantian, no force dared to look down upon it.

But even so, it would be too naive to say that just these agreements can make all the forces put aside all grudges and cooperate without reservation. Under the trend of many interests, even forces from the same heaven and many Overt and covert fighting is inevitable.

All parties are well aware of this.

However, it cannot be said that the agreement is completely useless. At least if it encounters a truly huge crisis, the forces of all parties will quickly unite and integrate because of the existence of these agreements.


In the following days after the agreement between the parties was completed, the troops from all parties were still entrenched under Tianzhu Peak. They were all waiting for the moment when Gu Yuantian would be opened.

And this time, half a month has passed.


In the Tianyuan Territory camp, in the training ground, there was violent Origin Qi raging, and the faint roar of dragons could be heard.

Two figures shot out awkwardly, their feet leaving long traces on the ground.

The people in the Tianyang Realm of Tianyuan Territory who were watching the battle in the venue also burst into cheers, and they looked at the young figure in the center of the venue with some awe.

That was Zhou Yuan.

Zhou Yuan's two opponents were Bian Buji and Mu Youlan.

These two were two of the four cauldron bearers in the Tianyang Realm of the Tianyuan Territory. You must know that half a year ago, Zhou Yuan could only be regarded as a newcomer in the eyes of the two of them.

But who could have expected that in just half a year, Zhou Yuan's strength would soar to the point where he would have the upper hand even if he was one against two.

Such strength was so shocking in the eyes of many Tianyang Realm experts in the Tianyuan Domain who were not yet aware of it. After the shock, they couldn't help but cheered. After all, Zhou Yuan had not been exposed before. The strength, but what is revealed now, is enough to make them feel excited, and at the same time, they have more confidence in the ancient Yuantian battle.

Mu Youlan, who had no time to look at each other, also saw the shock in each other's eyes. They would compete with Zhou Yuan just because Qin Lian said before that even if they join forces, they may not be able to defeat Zhou Yuan now.

Bian Buhe and Mu Youlan naturally didn't believe this, because in the past few months, it was not just Qin Lian who had improved in strength, but the two of them had also greatly increased in strength.

The current Origin Qi foundation of the two of them has entered the level of 1.9 billion, which is not far from 2 billion!

Such a huge improvement naturally brought them great self-confidence, so they did not take seriously what Qin Lian said, so they had this competition.

But the final result...

It was really hard for the two of them to accept this.

"How can it be so strong?" Mu Youlan couldn't help but murmured.

Bian Buji also gave a wry smile and sighed: "As expected of the Great Master's direct disciple."

Zhou Yuan stepped forward, patted the two of them on the shoulders with a smile, and then waved to the numerous Tianyang Realm people from the Tianyuan Territory who were watching. When he saw the awe in the latter's eyes, he smiled secretly.

This sparring was also done on purpose by him. What he did was to completely subdue all the casual cultivators in the Tianyuan Territory, whether from the headquarters or recruited, before the opening of Gu Yuantian, so as not to enter Gu Yuantian and then leave again. Some moths.

And showing strength is more effective than any identity.

After comforting Bian Buji and Mu Youlan, Zhou Yuan turned and walked towards Qin Lian on the sidelines. The latter winked at him and chuckled: "It seems that you have achieved your goal."

"Thank you for your cooperation." Zhou Yuan also smiled.

"By the way, this is the information you want about Wang Xuanyang."

Qin Lian handed over the scroll in her hand and her face became more serious: "Are you really planning to deal with him? This guy is not easy to mess with."

Zhou Yuan took the scroll and said with a faint smile: "Be prepared, I have no intention of killing tigers, tigers have intentions of hurting others..."

Qin Lian also nodded lightly. The grievances between Wanzu Domain and Tianyuan Domain were there and could not be easily resolved. Moreover, with Wang Xuanyang's vengeful character, once he found the opportunity, he would probably really attack them.

Zhou Yuan unfolded the scroll, glanced at it, and his eyes were slightly condensed.

"Preliminary estimates suggest that its origin energy may be close to three billion..."

"The source of Qi cultivated is Yin and Yang Xuan Qi, the top of the seventh grade..."

"Holding a yin-yang jade fan, a top-notch Tianyuan soldier..."

"The source technique you cultivate..."

After reading all the information, Zhou Yuan's expression became serious. As Qin Lian said, Wang Xuanyang is indeed a hard character and extremely dangerous.

But it’s normal to think about it, after all, he is ranked second on the Tianyang list.

Zhou Yuan put away the scroll and narrowed his eyes. However, although he was a powerful character, if this guy really wanted to do something, then Zhou Yuan could only touch him to see who was tougher.

After entering the middle stage of Tianyang Realm, once he fully activates "promotion", and with the help of many of his own methods, it is not that Zhou Yuan is not qualified to arm-wrestle with Wang Xuanyang.

"Thank you." Zhou Yuan thanked Qin Lian.

Qin Lian curled her lips and then said, "Your little confidante from Zixiao Realm didn't come today?"

Zhou Yuan said helplessly: "That's my friend."

Of course, what Qin Lian was talking about was Su Youwei. In the past half month, she had often gone to the camp in Tianyuan Territory to look for him. Every time she came and went, she was bumped into by Qin Lian and others.

Qin Lian looked at Zhou Yuan with a strange look, and said in amazement: "The reputations of Wu Yao from the Martial God Realm and Su Youwei from the Zixiao Realm have spread throughout Hunyuan Heaven, and even I, a woman, were shocked when I saw them. I'm very excited, how come two such outstanding girls have such an unclear relationship with you?"

She looked at Zhou Yuan with a look that seemed a little disgusting, feeling that he was completely inferior to Wu Yao and Su Youwei.

The corner of Zhou Yuan's mouth twitched. He knew that Qin Lian was burning with gossip again. He had explained his relationship with Wu Yao and Su Youwei many times, but it was obvious that Qin Lian didn't listen at all. She seemed to believe her more. My own imagination.

"Hurry up and train the troops."

Zhou Yuan replied angrily. The waiting here for the past half month has really made people feel a little depressed. In order to cultivate the cooperation between the people in the headquarters and the casual cultivators recruited, Qin Lian also spent the past half month. In charge of the running-in of these two people.

When Qin Lian heard this, she could only shrug her shoulders, feeling a little regretful that she could not get more exciting gossip from Zhou Yuan.

The two of them walked away separately, but after taking a few steps, their footsteps stopped almost at the same time, and then they looked up sharply and looked at the towering Tianzhu Peak.

At this time, an extremely terrifying spatial fluctuation erupted on Tianzhu Peak, and the entire world shook at this moment.

Zhou Yuan and Qin Lian's eyes met, and they both saw an uncontrollable look of surprise in each other's eyes.

After waiting for half a month, Gu Yuantian finally had the opportunity to start!

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