Venerable Yuan

Chapter 1,095 The Transformation of Silver Shadow

In the spacious and transparent cave, two identical figures faced each other, except that one had fair skin and the other was completely silver.

Zhou Yuan stared blankly at the silver figure in front of him. After a long while, he suppressed the shock in his heart. He could feel that there was a special connection between the silver figure in front of him and him that seemed to be unbreakable.

He even felt that the silver figure in front of him was a part of him.

It's a bit like...some kind of incarnation-like existence outside the body.

In the past, the silver shadow could only form a silver armor-like covering of Zhou Yuan's body to increase his strength, but now it can stand alone...

To a certain extent, it is now like a strong man in the Tianyang Realm with a billion source energy, but it is just a little special.

"Yin Ying?" Zhou Yuan called tentatively.

The body of the silver figure in front of him remained motionless, seemingly extremely stiff, but the silver eyes moved slightly, with some spiritual luster flashing out.

"Move around." Zhou Yuan issued the order again.

Silver Shadow slowly stepped up his feet, and then started to walk stiffly in the cave. At the same time, he was running his source energy under Zhou Yuan's instructions, punching out a deep hole in the cave wall. pit.

It is completely tireless, does not know pain, and does not know life or death.

As the activity speeds up, its stiffness is completely dissipated, and finally it becomes as flexible as a human body.

Zhou Yuan commanded with great interest, and he soon discovered that Silver Shadow's body seemed to be extremely powerful, and it had extremely strong recovery power. Judging from the physical strength alone, it was not necessarily stronger than Zhou Yuan's body. weak.

However, Silver Shadow also has flaws. It does not have any other means of combat.

This made Zhou Yuan a little dissatisfied. Like cultivators like them, Origin Qi is only the basis of combat power. If you want to fully or even double the power of Origin Qi, you need to rely on the power of Origin Technique.

If Silver Shadow does not have Origin Technique, its combat effectiveness is still quite worrying. It is even a bit similar to those ancient beasts of Gu Yuantian who have no spiritual intelligence and no physical strength...

It seems that it is better to turn it into a battle armor to cover his body, at least that can bring an increase in Zhou Yuan's strength.

And just when Zhou Yuan was thinking this, he suddenly felt a subtle wave coming from him.

That was what came from the silver shadow...

Zhou Yuan carefully sensed the information contained in the fluctuation. The information was very vague, but he still managed to sense it. It was...


"Teaching you what?" Zhou Yuan's face was full of astonishment. After a moment, he looked at Yin Ying in disbelief: "Is it to teach you Origin Technique?!"

Silver Shadow slowly came to Zhou Yuan and stretched out his palms.

Zhou Yuan pondered for a moment, then stretched out his palm and touched his silver palm.

The moment they collided, Zhou Yuan could feel that his senses spread directly into Yin Ying's body. At that moment, he sensed many mysteries in Yin Ying's body. He even felt that there was a brand of his Origin Qi in Yin Ying's body. This should be due to the fact that the silver shadow has been cultivated in his body for many years.

This source of energy imprint is too deep and cannot be erased.

This means that Zhou Yuan can even completely destroy Silver Shadow from the inside out with just one thought.

Then, Zhou Yuan felt that there seemed to be a mysterious void somewhere in Yinying's body.

Sensing the hollow aperture, Zhou Yuan had some enlightenment in his heart. It seemed that the Source Containment Technique could be installed here.

Zhou Yuan pondered for a moment, and suddenly realized the cultivation method of the "Great Flame Demon".

At this moment, he could clearly feel some kind of heat flowing into Yin Ying's body, and finally gathered in the void.

After a stick of incense.

The originally transparent aperture turned red, and the magma-like red intertwined to form many ancient and complex lines.

Zhou Yuan opened his eyes and looked expectantly at the silver figure in front of him.

"Silver Shadow, activate...the Great Flame Demon!"

The silver shadow took a step back, its silver eyes closed, and opened suddenly in the next moment. The silver pupils turned into red, and its silver body also had red lines like molten lava. Revealed, a fiery and violent wave erupted.

It's the Great Fire Demon!

Zhou Yuan took a breath of air and his eyes were shining. It turns out that this is the most powerful place of Silver Shadow now!

It was actually able to master the Origin Technique he learned from him in an almost replicating way as quickly as possible!

In this way, it is almost indistinguishable from humans, and it also has the advantage of being physically powerful and recovering extremely quickly.

And now he has also practiced the body refining technique like the Great Flame Demon, so if it were a purely physical competition, Zhou Yuan felt that even he might not be able to beat Yinying.

The most terrifying thing is that in Zhou Yuan's perception, he discovered that Silver Shadow's aperture can become more numerous as it evolves again and again. At that time, if Zhou Yuan gives it all the powerful source techniques he has practiced, , then you can imagine how amazing this help will be.

When he fought against others in the future, he would sway into a two-on-one situation, which would give him an advantage.

The Origin Qi foundation of one billion is relatively weak among the many opponents Zhou Yuan faces today, but it doesn't matter. As more and more Ancestral Qi treasures are devoured, Silver Shadow's Origin Qi foundation has also been greatly improved. space.

Zhou Yuan's eyes were full of ecstasy. Silver Shadow's transformation undoubtedly brought him a great surprise. Those ancestral energy treasures were really not in vain!

He made the silver shadow disperse and sensed the big flame demon again.

"Hey, the red light and red lines in the hole have become weaker..."

Zhou Yuan suddenly let out a startled sound and immediately scratched his head. Does this mean that the origin technique that Silver Shadow got from him is actually consumptive? Will it disappear immediately once too many times? And after it completely disappeared, Zhou Yuan had to replenish it again?

"It's not that big of a problem."

Although this brings some shortcomings, Zhou Yuan is not too disappointed. This kind of consumption is normal. Otherwise, the Origin Technique he has worked so hard to cultivate here can really be given to Silver Shadow for nothing. Then It's too incredible.

Perhaps, in the future, when Silver Shadow truly becomes a holy treasure, it will be able to reach this level.

Zhou Yuan's eyes were full of satisfied smiles. Yin Ying had followed him for many years, and now he had finally undergone a transformation... But when he thought of this, he was suddenly startled. Would this change of Yin Ying's life be like this? Could it be related to Yaoyao?

Back then, Yaoyao had been studying Silver Shadow, and she had made further changes in many of them.

Maybe others don't have this ability, but with Yaoyao's mysterious and unpredictable methods, Zhou Yuan feels that this possibility is very high.


Zhou Yuan's eyes darkened. He didn't know how much help and support Yaoyao had given him over the years. If it hadn't been for her, Zhou Yuan might not have achieved what he has today.

And it was because of him that Yaoyao was severely injured and fell asleep to this day.

He owed Yaoyao too much.

"Don't worry, when I find the ancestral dragon's flesh and blood in this ancient source sky, I will be able to revive you." Zhou Yuan slowly clenched his palms, his eyes firm.

At this moment, footsteps suddenly sounded at the entrance of the cave.

Zhou Yuan waved his sleeves and saw the silver shadow on the side dissolve, turning into silver liquid and falling on his palm, quickly disappearing into his body.

Zhou Yuan looked towards the entrance of the cave and saw Qin Lian coming quickly.

"What happened?" Zhou Yuan asked as he saw Qin Lian's face seemed to be confused.

Qin Lian stepped forward and handed something over, which seemed to be a roll of leather: "Someone secretly gave this to our people before, and it says it is for you."

Zhou Yuan was a little strange when he heard this. He took the leather paper and wrapped it with Origin Qi. After not noticing anything unusual, he slowly unfolded it. There was nothing in it, only a line of writing.

But these writings made Zhou Yuan's pupils shrink slightly, and murderous intent rose deep in his pupils.

"Wang Xuanyang will take action against Su Youwei in the near future to seize his Yin Yuan and make the Yin Yang Peach Blossom Fan perfect."

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