Venerable Yuan

Chapter 1,279 Baiyun Cang Dog Changes His Day

Time flies, and nearly two years have passed in the blink of an eye.

And in the past two years, the world has not been peaceful.

First of all, after the news of Longling Cave Heaven came out, it caused an uproar in the heavens. The saint clan has been making more and more noises in recent years, which also caused worries in the heavens. After all, all the forces in the heavens are aware of the disputes and positions. They all exist at all times, just like the human race and the Origin Beast clan, they have hunted each other, but from an overall level, both sides have maintained restraint and can restrain each other.

But these restrictions cannot be placed on the saints. The purpose of their birth is to exterminate all the creatures in Tianyuan Realm, so that they can become the only masters of Tianyuan Realm, and also make their Holy God , becoming an existence like an ancestral dragon.

So, it’s a fight to the death.

Although the Holy Clan has returned to the Four Heavens since the world-destroying battle and has not made any waves, the forces in the heavens have not relaxed their vigilance and fear at all, because they are all aware of the power possessed by the Saint Clan.

In fact, many people and even some saints in the heavens have a pessimistic attitude towards countering the saints.

In the battle of annihilation in ancient times, if it hadn't been for the sudden emergence of the will of the ancestral dragons and severely damaging the holy god, I'm afraid that in today's Tianyuan world, all other races would have been kept in captivity by the saints, like livestock, and slaughtered wantonly.

But Zulong's will could protect him once, but he couldn't protect him a second time.

If the Holy Spirit awakens again and regains his strength, what will the heavens do to counter it?

It is precisely because of these things that the Guixu Temple was born in the heavens to monitor the movements of the saints at all times.

And now the Saints have begun to plan for the suppressed Holy God's blood marrow, which means that the Saints are preparing for the awakening of the Holy God. After this matter came out, huge waves were set off in the Guixu Temple. After deliberation, the Heavenly Saint finally made a decision and issued the first war order among the heavens since the establishment of the Guixu Temple.

The so-called war order of the heavens is to mobilize the power of the heavens and begin to prepare for war.

After the war order of the heavens was issued, the Guixu Temple began to send saints to detect the chaotic void. In this chaotic void, there are countless spaces of life and death. This is an area that the various races of the heavens and the saints rarely enter. Because the chaotic void is unstable and full of dangers, sometimes even saints will get lost in it.

When the Ancestral Dragon severely wounded the Holy God, some of the Holy God's blood marrow and other substances separated from the latter's body were sealed and suppressed in the chaotic void.

Now the Guixu Temple is planning to find out where these seals are and then strengthen the seals as much as possible.

It is worth mentioning that this technique of strengthening the seal was created by Yaoyao.

When Zhou Yuan and

During the nearly two years that Tun Tun was training in the Ancestral Soul Mountain, the Guixu Temple sent Great Lord Cang Yuan as an envoy to personally invite Yaoyao, hoping that she could contribute to the fight against the saints.

In response, Yaoyao agreed after sitting in silence for a day.

Facing the actions of the heavens, the Saints quickly took countermeasures. A large number of Saints' strong men poured into the Chaos Void. Then, after thousands of years, the two sides, in this Chaos Void, Collision again.

It was during this collision that the heavens, as expected, truly felt the terrifying power of the Saints.

Because there is no "Hunyuan Saint-killing Formation" in this chaotic void, the Saints can dispatch powerful men and troops without restraint.

In the initial collisions, the armies of the heavens were completely defeated. Regardless of the level of the saints, in other realm levels, the saints obviously had a considerable advantage.

Therefore, after the initial fiasco, Zhutian gave up the large-scale head-on collision, but adopted roundabout avoidance. They first detected the spatial coordinates of some seals, and then infiltrated with large-scale teams, both virtual and real, to conduct seal.

After all, the Chaos Void has an extremely complex environment that can be used to cover it up, and the Saints may not be able to catch all their actions.

Faced with this kind of action from the heavens, the saints really had no other choice but to send out teams to try their luck during the inspection. Of course, at the same time, the saints were also detecting the seals and striving to retrieve them as soon as possible. Return more holy material.

So in the chaotic void, the heavens and the saints began to collide continuously, and the cold and cruel fighting gradually filled the once chaotic void with a bloody atmosphere.

This place has become the real battlefield between the heavens and the saints again after thousands of years.

Both sides call it the Void Battlefield.

As this atmosphere spreads, the atmosphere in the heavens gradually becomes tense.

In the collision in the void battlefield, there are no saints dispatched for the time being, because this level is too powerful, and they are basically strategic weapons, staring at each other. Therefore, most of the battles in the chaotic void are maintained at the same level as before. There are two levels: the Legal Domain is the main one and the Origin Infant is the auxiliary one.

The strong men at these two levels suddenly became the main fighting force representing the heavens.

It is precisely because of this that all the major forces in the world have, in the past two years, begun to devote all their efforts to cultivating those talented people in the Origin Infant Realm in their respective forces, and even the saints have personally gone. Give them guidance and training. After all, compared to the strong ones in the legal realm, this level is more malleable.

Of course, there are still only a few Yuanying geniuses who can get the latter opportunity.

In this rare and special situation

Under such circumstances, the strength of the Origin Infant Realm in the heavens has suddenly increased at a spurt-like speed. In just two years, many talented people have emerged from the sky at a speed that was unimaginable in the past, and then in that void battlefield After achieving great results in Zhongbao, he instantly became famous in the heavens and attracted countless followers.

Many people say that this is a two-year period that changes everything.

Among them, the three heroes of Hunyuantian are the most dazzling.

The son of Devour, Zhao Mu Shen.

Onmyoji, Su Youwei.

The Empress of Wu, Wu Yao.

Two years ago, the three of them were still in the ordinary Origin Infant realm. However, after two years of hard training by their respective forces, they all showed talents and potential that shocked the world. Later, they even entered the Guixu Temple and received guidance from the saints.

By such a chance, two years later, all three Yuan Yings were within nine inches!

At the same time, in their hands, they all killed the pseudo-law domain of the saints!

Such speed and achievements can be said to have caused countless shocks. Everyone understands what potential the Yuanying has to enter nine inches. Moreover, after nine inches, every point can be said to be a world that ordinary people cannot imagine or touch.

Some people assert that the three of them might look like saints!

So even in these two years when many geniuses and evildoers appeared, these three people were considered the most brilliant ones.

When mentioning these three people, some people will naturally remember the one who left quite a reputation in the heavens two years ago...Zhou Yuan of Tianyuan Territory.

However, after two years of disappearing, coupled with the changes in the world in the past two years, and the many geniuses who continued to emerge from the sky, Zhou Yuan's name was rarely mentioned by anyone, and some even lamented that this The stars that were once the brightest in the Yuanying Realm in the sky have finally dimmed and been replaced by the heavy waves, which makes people sigh.

However, this sigh only existed for a moment, and was forgotten in an instant.

With the tense atmosphere in the heavens now, people are no longer in the mood to think about a person who has been missing for many years. Only those geniuses who fight in the void battlefield for the heavens are even more admired and admired.

As time went by, Zhou Yuan's name gradually faded.


And it was in that room of oblivion that the depths of Longling Cave, which had also been sealed for two years, were revealed.

The Ancestral Soul Mountain, which stood quietly on the ground, suddenly shook slightly. A crack appeared at the bottom of the mountain. Then, a deep sound was heard, and a kick was kicked out from the inside. The kick suddenly caused rocks to shoot out.

In the rubble and dust, a somewhat gray-faced young figure slowly walked out from the dust, carrying something as dusty as a puppy.

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