Venerable Yuan

Chapter 1304 Secret Realm

When Cangyuan suddenly changed his color, a trace of the saint's pressure could not help but emit, causing the chaotic void to tremble. Fortunately, he quickly restrained the pressure, and looked at Zhou Yuan with a somewhat solemn expression on his old face: " No wonder the saint from the holy race would personally hunt you down."

Zhou Yuan frowned and said: "Master, what is going on? What is the plan of the Saint Clan?"

"The dark space and the stone dragon you glimpsed should be the remnant soul of the ancestral dragon. However, the strength of the remnant soul here is far beyond that of the Ancestral Soul Mountain. Otherwise, the saint clan would not have mobilized so many troops." Cang Yuan said slowly.

Zhou Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly. During the brief peek, he saw a large number of powerful men from the Saint Clan forming a large formation in an attempt to shake the mysterious light film.

This kind of mobilization intensity is far stronger than the previous evil beast clan in the Ten Thousand Beasts Heaven.

"I didn't expect that the saints would secretly find this kind of secret realm in the void of chaos..." Cang Yuan's face was more serious than ever before, which shows how important this first-hand information brought back by Zhou Yuan's adventure is.

He looked at the doubtful expressions on the faces of Zhou Yuan and others, and explained: "That stone dragon condenses an unimaginable remnant soul of the ancestral dragon. Looking at its appearance, I'm afraid it has gradually come to life. I can't tell, but it contains the soul marrow of the ancestral dragon." Birth.”

"Ancestral dragon soul marrow?" Zhou Yuan was stunned and said he had never heard of it.

"It's normal that you haven't heard of it, because even ordinary saints probably don't know much about it." Cang Yuan sighed and said: "The remnant soul of the ancestral dragon is scattered in the world. It is rare and hard to find, but I think To give birth to soul marrow, it requires a large amount of ancestral dragon remnant souls to condense, and such conditions are extremely rare."

"If you can get a drop of the soul of the ancestral dragon, you will have the opportunity to glimpse the holy realm..."

As soon as these words came out, Zhou Yuan and Su Youwei all changed their expressions. The saint realm is the top of the heavens. Once you become a saint, you will completely shed your mortal body and become a majestic existence in the world. This is The goal that all practitioners dream of throughout their lives.

It's just that becoming a saint is not easy. Throughout the ages, countless geniuses who shocked the world have stopped here and died with hatred.

Even the nine-inch Origin Infants like Zhao Mu Shen, Su Youwei, and Wu Yao, although they have strong foundations and first-class legal domain seeds, they dare not say that they are completely sure that they will be able to touch the Holy Realm in the future, let alone other people?

But now, Cang Yuan actually said that the so-called ancestral dragon soul marrow can lead people to the path of the saint, such as

Why not shock people.

Cang Yuan glanced at the shocked little guys, couldn't help but smile, and said: "The soul marrow of the ancestral dragon is one of them. There are more than just treasures in this secret space. The stone dragon itself is a If the remnant soul of the ancestral dragon in this magical material can be extracted, I don’t know how many ancestral dragon pills can be refined. If we, the heavens, can get it, the overall strength will definitely be stronger!"

Zhou Yuan also nodded. He helped to refine the Ancestral Dragon Pill, so he naturally knew the importance of the Ancestral Dragon Remnant Soul. The main factor limiting the Ancestral Dragon Pill now is that the Ancestral Dragon Remnant Soul is difficult to find, and the Ancestral Dragon Remnant Soul in this secret space The soul is incredibly rich. If the heavens can obtain it, it will be a super strategic resource.

This level of importance is no less important than that of the ancient Yuantian dispute, and to some extent, it is even more important!

"But if this remnant soul of the ancestral dragon falls into the hands of the saints, it will become a great weapon for them." Cang Yuan added.

Zhou Yuan was shocked: "Master, what do you mean by the saint clan to be able to use the remnant soul of the ancestral dragon?!"

You must know that the heavens can refine the Ancestral Dragon Pill because of the existence of Yaoyao. Otherwise, even many saints can only stare at the remnant soul of the Ancestral Dragon. But now listening to Cang Yuan’s meaning, that saint The clan can actually use the remnant soul of the ancestral dragon?

Cang Yuan looked a little heavy and said: "In the past two years, we have also had many contacts with the Saints, and we also know that they are also searching for the remnants of the ancestor dragons in the chaotic void. I think they must have mastered the means of using them. ...According to the speculation of Guixu Temple, this is probably a sign that the Holy God of the Holy Clan is gradually recovering."

Zhou Yuan felt a chill in his heart. Yes, Yaoyao is a third-order god, but that saint has a second-order god... What Yaoyao can do, other saints cannot do, but that saint The omnipotent Holy Spirit may not be unable to do anything.

In the past, perhaps because of deep sleep, the Holy God could not manifest his holiness, but now seeing the frequent movements of the Holy clan, the terrifying existence that once almost made all the clans in the world almost become extinct is probably really slowly coming back to life.

And this is really bad news for the heavens...

Facing that existence, even the saints in the heavens were a little trembling with fear. In the battle of annihilation in ancient times, countless saints in the heavens were obliterated by the holy god, and even in the end If the will of the Ancestral Dragon had not emerged and severely damaged the Holy God, I am afraid that the Holy Clan would have been the sole control of the Tianyuan Realm today, and the other tribes would have been reduced to livestock in their captivity.

"So no matter what, we heavens must compete for this secret space, and thanks to you sending back the news this time, we heavens did not lose a huge opportunity." Cang Yuan looked at Zhou Yuan, and then It was a bit gratifying.

"There were fluctuations in the Saint clan in this area before. At that time, we sent Saints to investigate, but we didn't find any abnormality, so we just thought it was an illusion. Looking at it now, it really almost ruined the big thing." Here, even Cang Yuan felt a little palpitated.

"This matter is of great importance. We must rush back to Zhutian City immediately. I need to report it to Guixu Temple."

After Cang Yuan finished speaking, he waved his sleeves and robes, rolled up Zhou Yuan and others, stepped on them, and flew directly through the broken void.

With the power of the saint, Zhou Yuan and others appeared in Zhutian City in just a moment.

Because the matter was so important, Cang Yuan didn't have time to say anything more to Zhou Yuan and others. He just told them not to go out recently, and then disappeared directly.

Zhou Yuan, Su Youwei and the others looked at each other with solemn faces. They knew that what happened today would probably cause huge waves, and a first collision with the Saint Clan was inevitable.

Several people were no longer in the mood to chat, so they dispersed.

Zhou Yuan returned to Yaoyao's residence and told the matter immediately after meeting him.

"Ancestral dragon soul marrow?"

When Yaoyao heard Zhou Yuan's discovery this time, a look of surprise appeared on her face. Then she pondered slightly and chuckled again, saying: "You have a good chance..."

"What do you mean?" Zhou Yuan asked a little strangely.

Yaoyao rubbed the soft fur of Tuntun in her arms and opened her red lips slightly: "Aren't you worried about how to break through the nine-inch-nine-inch limit of Yuan Ying?"

Her rosy little mouth was slightly raised.

"This ancestral dragon soul marrow may be able to give you what you want..."

When Zhou Yuan heard this, he was startled at first, and then he licked his lips, his green eyes were intimidating.

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