Venerable Yuan

Chapter 1,328 Core Anchor Point

When Zhou Yuan opened his eyes and gradually recovered his condition, it was already three days later.

The yellow sand swept into the eyes, and the huge crater left by the previous fierce battle had been mostly filled in by the wind and sand. From a distance, it looked like a huge yellow lake.

Zhou Yuan sensed himself, and the Origin Infant in the Divine Mansion once again became filled with spiritual light. The previous consumption was completely replenished, but the holy pattern light ball composed of the four holy patterns in the Divine Palace still had some dark meanings. , obviously the source energy is easy to replenish, but the loss of this holy pattern will take time to repair.

Zhou Yuan sighed helplessly. He had no choice. It was really not an easy task to kill someone in the third level of the legal realm. If he didn't pay the price, it would be impossible to do it.

"The strength is still not enough."

Zhou Yuan murmured that Yuan Quan could only squeeze into the top ten among the legal experts from the Holy Clan who participated in the battle this time. Obviously, there must be someone stronger than him in this stone dragon secret realm, and Zhou Yuanzhan It was already so difficult to kill Yuanquan. If he really encountered someone who was stronger than the latter, Zhou Yuan felt that even if he tried all his means, he would still be unable to compete.

After all, this Yuanying realm is too stretched.

Even if his Origin Infant is nine inches and seven inches tall, he is still the Origin Infant after all...

Although the seventy-seventh battle zone has been occupied now, the battle has not ended here. According to the plans of the saints, the battle between the two sides will continue to advance until the most core position of the stone dragon, which is where the dragon's head is.

The fight that breaks out there is truly crucial.

It is conceivable that people from both sides will eventually gather at the dragon's head for the final battle.

But Zhou Yuan felt that it would be extremely difficult and dangerous for him to participate in that kind of top-notch dispute. He might have met a saint clan expert who was stronger than Yuanquan, and he would be forced into a desperate situation with a backhand.

"Your Highness, have you recovered?"

When Zhou Yuan's mind was changing, a pleasant voice with joy came from the side.

Zhou Yuan turned his head and saw Su Youwei, who was tall and graceful with a slender body. He nodded and turned his eyes, only to see that there were many people standing or standing not far away, they were other team members.

When these team members saw Zhou Yuan waking up, their faces were also filled with joy, and the looks they projected towards him showed more real awe than before.

Obviously, Zhou Yuan's execution of Yuan Quan brought great shock to them.

"How are things going these days?" Zhou Yuan asked with a smile.

"Your Highness, during the three days you have been recovering, we have occupied all the anchor points in this war zone." Su Youwei quickly replied.

Zhou Yuan nodded: "What about the core anchor point?"

"It's not occupied there yet. The main reason is that I want to wait for you to do it yourself. After all, that is your biggest victory." Su You smiled slightly.

Zhou Yuan also smiled when he heard this. He stood up and was about to speak when his expression suddenly moved. Then he took out a jade stone. Light bloomed on the jade stone, forming a dragon shadow made of countless light points in the void in front of him.

"It's a message from the saints."

Zhou Yuan raised his eyebrows slightly. The saints outside the Stone Dragon Secret Realm were always paying attention to the situation inside. Although they could not enter, they were able to send in a lot of information to let everyone know the overall situation in the secret realm.

At this time, Ai Tuanzi, Zhao Mushen, Wu Yao and others also gathered.

Everyone stared at the dragon shadow transformed by the light spot, in which the two colors of green and scarlet were constantly eroding each other.

"Our seventy-seventh war zone is here." Wu Yao's slender jade finger pointed to somewhere in Longying. At this time, all the anchor points in this area turned green, indicating that the anchor points here were under the control of the heavens.

"The gods are still at a disadvantage." Zhou Yuan stared at it for a moment and said slowly.

Judging from the situation on the dragon shadow, the scarlet light spots are more numerous, but fortunately, Zhutian is very tight, and the gap between the two sides is not too big.

"Victory and defeat are gradually emerging in all battle zones. I am afraid that the troops from both sides will begin to gather towards the Dragon Head Battle Zone..." Su Youwei said softly.

Everyone's eyes are looking at the head of the stone dragon. The number of light spots there is huge, and each one is dazzling. This shows that the quality of the anchor point there is extremely powerful, far stronger than that in other war zones.

The Dragon Head War Zone will determine the final outcome of the battle between the two sides, but a team like theirs is probably not qualified to participate and can only be a bystander at most.

Zhou Yuan stared at the light dragon shadow for a while, then put away the jade and said calmly: "Don't think too much about other things. First occupy the core anchor point of this war zone."

After saying that, his figure moved and turned into a stream of light and rushed forward.

In that direction, he had already sensed the existence of the core anchor point.

As soon as he started, the whole team immediately followed.

The team headed towards the depths of the desert. After about half a stick of incense, the desert climate began to change, and a sea appeared in sight, dotted with large and small islands.

After scanning the island, Zhou Yuan locked onto one of them. With a wave of his sleeves, he saw a black light burst out of the air. Finally, accompanied by a roar, it was inserted directly into the center of the island.

Boom boom!

As the dragon nail was inserted, the sea area suddenly shook violently. Huge waves raging from the sea surface, covering the sky and the sun, it was truly spectacular.


Zhou Yuan discovered that as the tsunami swept across, traces of mysterious air currents suddenly emerged from the sea, wandering in the void like fish.

"That's...the remnant soul of the ancestral dragon?!" Zhou Yuan's pupils shrank slightly. These mysterious air currents were clearly the remnant soul of the ancestral dragon!

Obviously, as they drove in the dragon-moving nails, the balance here was shaken, which led to the appearance of these hidden remnant souls of the ancestral dragons.

At the same time, other people in the team also discovered these wandering mysterious air currents. When they understood it, their breathing became heavier, and their eyes were full of salivation.

In the past, when searching in the chaotic void, even if it took a month, they might not be able to find a trace of the remnant soul of the ancestral dragon. But now, there are so many here. How can they calm down?

"First collect all the remnant souls of the ancestral dragons, and then distribute them according to their contributions." Zhou Yuan did not stop them, but just gave an order.


Everyone was in great spirits, and then rushed out in a hurry, hunting the wandering remnant souls of the ancestral dragons everywhere.

"It is indeed the core anchor point of the war zone." Zhou Yuan nodded lightly. The anchor points they met before did not have such a gift.

Tuntun's figure suddenly appeared above Zhou Yuan's head. He sniffed and said, "These remnant souls of the ancestral dragons all came out from the bottom of the sea."

When Zhou Yuan heard this, his expression suddenly changed and he turned his gaze to the sea. At the same time, the barrier-breaking sacred mark appeared in his pupils.

Suddenly the sea water became transparent in his eyes, and his gaze directly penetrated many obstacles and went directly to the deepest part of the sea. After a while, his gaze stopped in a certain trench.

Under the inspection of the barrier-breaking holy pattern, a whirlpool appeared there. In the whirlpool, wisps of remnant souls of the ancestral dragons were constantly wandering out. In the deepest part of the whirlpool, Zhou Yuan saw a drop of chaotic liquid floating. In the chaotic liquid, there seemed to be an extremely subtle ancient dragon shadow looming, exuding an indescribable primitive and ancient aura.

Zhou Yuan stared at the chaotic liquid in the whirlpool at the bottom of the sea, his mind trembled violently, and a flash of lightning passed through his mind, making him instantly understand the origin of this object. It was...

Ancestral dragon soul marrow? !

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