Venerable Yuan

Chapter 1378: Killing the Legal Domain

"Holy dragon, legal domain!"

The moment Zhou Yuan's plain voice sounded, a law domain exuding mysterious and majestic fluctuations suddenly took it as its source and swept across the void in all directions.

When Pang Yang saw the enveloping legal domain, his expression couldn't help but change greatly, and he lost his voice and said: "You actually opened up the legal domain?!"

When Zhou Yuan was driven out of Cangxuantian, he had only the strength of the Divine Palace. In the eyes of Pang Yang at that time, he was just an ant. If it were not for the help of the power left by the ancestor of Cangxuan, this ant would be No matter how much he jumped around, it was impossible to cause any damage to their Holy Palace, so he didn't pay too much attention to Zhou Yuan, who was famous in Cang Xuantian at that time.

But over the years, some information about Zhou Yuan has been transmitted back to Cang Xuantian from time to time from the heavens, and with the methods of the Holy Palace, it has naturally collected some. This information has caused some waves in the Holy Palace. After all, no one can Unexpectedly, this lost dog in their eyes could actually thrive in the world.

Especially when the results of the ancient Yuantian battle came out, some senior officials in the Holy Palace had to start paying attention to Zhou Yuan.

This time Pang Yang led his army to the vast continent, and one of his tasks was to capture Zhou Qing and Qin Yu alive, which might be used to intimidate Zhou Yuan in the future.

But what Pang Yang didn't expect was that Zhou Yuan came back so quickly, and... he also opened up a legal domain!

This made Pang Yang feel a little overwhelmed, and at the same time, he was filled with deep jealousy. You must know how much he had to pay to open up the legal domain, but now, this ant that he had never paid attention to back then, turned out to be Can you be on an equal footing with him? !

"Little brat, you were probably not even born when I ruled the Cang Xuantian. Do you really think you can defeat me?!" Pang Yang sneered angrily. Although Zhou Yuan opened up the realm of law, his cultivation years were short. , no matter how high his talent potential is, he is still just entering the realm of law. Speaking of which, the two sides are almost the same. It would be unreasonable for the other party to want to eat him in one bite!

Therefore, Pang Yang had no idea of ​​retreating because he would not allow himself to retreat in front of the ants he once considered.

"Jinchen Law Domain!"

So, Pang Yang stepped out in the air, and during the roar, the golden legal domain suddenly expanded, and there were golden stars in the sky, blooming billions of golden lights, illuminating a sky.

"Zhou Yuan, although I don't know what means you used to open up the legal domain, but if you want to confront me head-on, you are still a bit immature!" The legal domain filled the air, and Pang Yang felt infinite confidence in his heart, and he looked up to the sky and laughed.

On the city wall, Zhou Qing and others looked at the golden light law domain, and could also feel the terrifying power surging in it. That kind of power, even if it was just a trace, could easily kill them cleanly.

This is the strong man in the legal domain!

Zhou Yuan looked at Pang Yang who chose to confront him head-on. He was slightly startled, and then said with a dumb smile: "It seems that Cang Xuantian is indeed a little closed off."

Looking at Pang Yang's actions, it is obvious that he does not know the outcome of the battle in the Stone Dragon Secret Realm. After all, in that battle, even the strongest member of the Saint Clan fell into the hands of Zhou Yuan. At the moment, Pang Yang was just The first level of the legal domain opened up by external forces, with such strength, is really not even qualified for Zhou Yuan to take seriously, but he still chooses to confront him head-on. This is really a vivid interpretation of chicken head against stone.

"What do you mean?!" Pang Yang said coldly.

Zhou Yuan shook his head, but he was too lazy to talk nonsense. His eyes were indifferent, he stretched out his palm and grabbed it from the distance.


The endless void shattered, and in the next moment, a huge purple-gold dragon claw shot out of the air, and slapped Pang Yang's domain with one claw.

When the purple-gold dragon claw was photographed, Pang Yang's expression suddenly changed drastically, because at this moment, a feeling of impending disaster emerged, causing his eyebrows and soul to tremble violently.


But before he could react too much, the purple-gold dragon claw struck the golden light domain. The latter just persisted but for a moment, it was as fragile as paper and was torn apart by the purple-gold dragon claw. Come.

The purple-gold dragon claws penetrated the golden light domain and grabbed the golden star that was suspended in the air and released billions of bright golden lights. This golden star was the core of Pang Yang's legal domain.

"Even the strongest member of the Saint Clan was killed by me. How courageous do you have to open your spell in front of me?" Zhou Yuan's faint voice sounded.

Pang Yang was horrified, with boundless fear rising in his eyes, because only in that contact could he discover how vast and terrifying Zhou Yuan's power was.

"You, you are in the third realm of the legal realm?! How is that possible!" Pang Yang screamed in horror. Moreover, even if he really met the third realm of the legal realm, it would be impossible to break his legal realm so easily, right? !

How could Zhou Yuan turn into such a monster in just ten years? !

He could feel the power of the dragon claws holding the golden stars, and immediately said in a sharp voice with a pale face: "Stop! I am willing to surrender!"

That golden star is the core of his legal domain. If it is really broken, then the legal domain that he paid countless costs to open up will also be broken!

The consequences were too serious and he couldn't bear it!

At this time, Pang Yang finally felt some regret. He should not have accepted this task if he had known it earlier. Who would have thought that a small Zhou Dynasty would have such a terrifying guardian.

However, in the face of his begging for mercy, Zhou Yuan's face was expressionless, and his eyes were cold. This man wanted to massacre the Great Zhou City before, how could he let him go so easily.

Then, with a thought, he clenched the purple-gold dragon claws.

Boom boom!

It was like a star exploding, and countless rays of golden light shot out, like a golden sun exploding in the void.

The golden legal domain quickly broke apart at this time.

In just a few short breaths, the golden legal domain completely dissipated.


The legal domain was broken, and Pang Yang spurted out a mouthful of blood. His origin energy slumped rapidly, his face became older, and there was death energy emanating from his body.

"Run away!" He screamed with fear in his eyes.

When the voice fell, he had already turned around, burning all his blood and essence, trying to escape.

But when his figure just moved, there was a purple-gold dragon looking down indifferently in the void. The next moment, a purple-gold dragon's breath penetrated the void and directly hit Pang Yang's body.

In just one breath, the void cracked like a mirror, and Pang Yang's body was completely evaporated at this time, and it could be said that there was no corpse left.

In the void, the Holy Demon Army looked at this scene with trembling eyes. They witnessed a strong man from the legal domain fall in front of their eyes. This made even them who had experienced the baptism of the divine blood altar and become ferocious. Boundless fear arose.

The next moment, the Holy Demon Army fled.

On the city wall, everyone including Shen Taiyuan fell into a sluggish state at this time. From Zhou Yuan's attack to the end, it only took a moment. However, in such a short period of time, a genuine powerhouse in the legal domain fell. In front of them...

That's a strong man in the legal field!

Even in such a Cang Xuantian, it is still a giant, and any force regards it as the top combat power.

But now, Pang Yang was easily wiped out without even the slightest resistance...

Is such power possible with human power?

Looking at Zhou Yuan who was slowly closing his hands with dull eyes, everyone could feel that he seemed to be very strong now, but they didn’t know how strong he was until... a member of the legal field The strong man fell before his eyes.

The dead silence on the city wall lasted for a moment, and finally broke out into countless cheers.

"Your Highness is invincible!"

In that city, countless people of the Great Zhou Dynasty were also paying attention to the battle outside. They had also seen Zhou Yuan's appearance before. They only knew that a strong man was coming to help, but they did not know who it was.

And when they saw Pang Yang beheaded on the spot, they were also shocked.

Immediately afterwards, cheers from the city wall were heard.

"What? Your Highness?!"

"Could it be that the person who came to the rescue was actually His Highness Zhou Yuan from our Great Zhou?!"

"Has His Highness returned?!"

"We are saved!"

"Your Highness is invincible!"

As countless voices surged through the city, the people of the Zhou Dynasty who had survived the disaster all cheered with excitement.

From the despair and fear before to the sudden hope, they were so excited that they couldn't control themselves.

After hearing the overwhelming cheers, Shen Taiyuan finally came back to his senses, and then looked at the figure in front of him with complicated eyes.

Who would have thought that when the young man who was forced to leave Cang Xuantian... came back again, he would already have the power to change the entire situation of Cang Xuantian.

However, Shen Taiyuan gradually felt a sense of pride and relief.

This young man who is destined to bring great shock to the entire Cang Xuantian, but comes from their Saint Origin Peak...

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