Venerable Yuan

Chapter 1,352 Shen Wanjin

The fat man standing in front of him, covered in hideous body and with extremely ugly and terrifying scars, was clearly the same Shen Wanjin who followed Zhou Yuan into Cangxuan Sect in the same group.

Zhou Yuan clearly remembered that back then, this little fat man was proud to call himself his younger brother and took care of many affairs for him.

But who would have thought that after not seeing each other for more than ten years, the cute little fat man would turn into what he is now.

And most importantly, his origin energy seemed to have been destroyed.

At the banquet table, Chu Qing, Li Qingchan and others also became quiet.

Shen Wanjin raised his head and glanced at Zhou Yuan with courage, and said with some embarrassment: "I just wanted to take a sneak peek, and didn't want to disturb everyone's enjoyment."

Zhou Yuan stared at Shen Wanjin, frowned slightly, and said, "Why are you sneaking around?"

Shen Wanjin didn't say anything. Today's Brother Xiao Yuan is no longer the same as before. He is a big shot that even the leaders of the Holy Sects from all over the world dare not take lightly. But now he is a waste. How can he dare to mess with this old man again? relation?

Besides, who can be sure that more than ten years later, the other party will still remember the fat man who followed behind her and wanted to fawn over her?

Zhou Yuan stared at Shen Wanjin, as if he had penetrated his inner thoughts, and said slowly: "In your heart, Shen Wanjin, am I, Zhou Yuan, this kind of person?"

Shen Wanjin was speechless and looked bitter.

"What's going on with him?" Zhou Yuan looked at Chu Qing, Li Qingchan and others and asked.

Li Qingchan sighed softly and said: "It may also be due to the situation in Cang Xuantian. A few years ago, Junior Brother Shen Wanjin and a team of fellow disciples took over the mission, but during the mission, they encountered Xu Chan, the master of the Holy Palace Poison Temple. This man was cruel and cruel by nature, and he especially liked to kill his opponents. Everyone in that team died in a miserable state. Junior Brother Shen Wanjin was lucky enough to survive, but he was also tortured to the point where he was not human. The most important thing is that the meridians in his body were... The Divine Mansion was directly melted by the poison, which directly destroyed his foundation."

"In the end, it was the Headmaster's personal intervention that saved his life. However, it was difficult to reshape the meridian palace in his body. According to what the Headmaster said, only a saint can reshape it. Done.”

"At that time, I originally wanted Junior Brother Shen Wanjin to return to his hometown, but he was unwilling and ended up working as a chef at Baixiang House..."

The atmosphere at the wine table also became dull. Over the years, Cang Xuantian has been in chaos and fighting endlessly because of the fragments of the holy seal. It can be said that they have grown up step by step from such dangerous battles. Over the years, they don’t know how many people they have met. The senior brother went out with a smile. When he came back, he was already a cold corpse.

All kinds of joys and sorrows have been staged countless times in these years.

"I don't know how long this fight will last..." Chu Qing sighed, with some tiredness on his brows.

Zhou Yuan held the wine glass in his hand, and the wine reflected a pair of piercing eyes. He drank the wine in one gulp and said calmly: "It won't be long. Once the cancer of the Holy Palace is eliminated, Cang Xuantian can return." calm."

Everyone was shocked when they heard this. Zhou Yuan's words had already revealed a lot of information.

"Are we going to have a decisive battle? But the Palace Master Shengyuan has become a semi-saint, who will compete? The four sect leaders probably don't have the ability." Li Qingchan asked hesitantly, frowning slightly.

Her voice fell, as if she remembered something again, and then she and everyone looked at Zhou Yuan in shock.

"I will deal with the Holy Yuan Society." Zhou Yuan nodded.

Everyone suddenly lost their voice, and they didn't know how to speak for a while. Now Zhou Yuan actually has the power to compete with the Half-Saint?

Zhou Yuan turned his gaze to Shen Wanjin, stretched out his palm to grab his wrist, and with a turn of his mind, he clearly detected the situation inside his body.

During his detection, the meridians and divine palaces in Shen Wanjin's body were indeed completely dissolved. The poison was obviously overbearing beyond imagination.

Over the years, Shen Wanjin has almost become a useless person without vitality, working as a chef in Baixiang Building.

You can imagine how painful he has been in these years. After all, after getting used to the power he possesses, and then suddenly depriving him of it, that is the greatest torture.

This is just like those who demoted the former princes and nobles to common people in secular dynasties. It seems that they have saved their lives, but they have been deprived of their identities and rights. This will make these demoted people feel extremely miserable for the rest of their lives. pain.

In Zhou Yuan's memory, Shen Wanjin was a fat little man with a smile on his face all the time. However, now he is almost buried in depression and despair.

After losing his Origin Qi, he closed his mind, and his former friends gradually cut off contact. After all, the contrast was too great.

At this moment, Zhou Yuan suddenly remembered the time when it was difficult to open the eight meridians. From a certain point of view, he was somewhat similar to Shen Wanjin. He once had the luck of the Holy Dragon, but in the end he was deprived of the luck of the Holy Dragon, and it was difficult to open the eight meridians. Unable to embark on the path of cultivation, Shen Wanjin originally possessed Origin Qi, but due to an accident, he became a useless person...

Zhou Yuan slowly released his palms, glanced at everyone, including Shen Wanjin, who looked at him expectantly, and said: "The master is right, he wants to reshape the divine palace in his body. Only the saints can do it.”

Everyone's eyes suddenly dimmed.

Shen Wanjin pulled the corner of his mouth with difficulty and forced a smile: "It's okay, I'm used to it anyway."

The strongest person in Cang Xuantian is Sheng Yuan, but even he is only a semi-saint. As for the saint... that is too far away for everyone, and he is simply like a god. figure.

"There is nothing we can do for now."

Zhou Yuan shook his head and said: "Unless you wait a little longer for me to advance to the Saint Realm and reshape it for you personally, if you can't wait, when I get rid of the Saint Yuan, please ask your sister Xiaoyao to help. It must not be difficult.”

Shen Wanjin raised his head suddenly and looked at Zhou Yuan with dull eyes. The latter's words really revealed a lot of information, but what excited him the most was that Zhou Yuan was helping him.

After a long while, he said tremblingly: "Brother Xiao Yuan...are you willing to help me?"

Zhou Yuan stood up, cut off Shen Wanjin's scalp, and said angrily: "No matter how big the matter is, it will be life-or-death. Don't worry, we will not criticize what you said back then, Brother Xiao Yuan, Sister Xiao Yao," I won’t care.”

Shen Wanjin cried with joy. He never expected that hope would come so quickly.

Even though Brother Xiao Yuan, whom he talked about back then, has now become a big shot that overwhelms Cang Xuantian, he is still willing to help this little guy who once followed behind.

"Brother Xiao Yuan, let me cook you some more special dishes." Shen Wanjin wiped his tears and was so excited that he couldn't help himself. He stammered, then turned around and ran out.

Zhou Yuan did not stop him, he understood how important his seemingly simple help was to Shen Wanjin, it was enough to pull him out of the abyss of despair.

Just like when his eight meridians were difficult to open, Master Cangyuan opened up hope for him.

He turned his eyes to Chu Qing, Li Qingchan and others, and their expressions became more solemn, because from the situation of Shen Wanjin, it was enough to feel how chaotic Cang Xuantian was in these years.

Li Qingchan said softly: "Zhou Yuan, will you end the chaos in Cang Xuantian?"

Zhou Yuan smiled lightly and said: "Otherwise, what would I do when I came back?"

He raised his glass, looked at everyone, and said: "Seize this last rest time, a war will come soon, and no one will be able to escape by then."

"We can only win this war, otherwise, the entire Cang Xuantian will be destroyed, and there will be no hope."

The Saint Palace's actions this time must be driven by the Saint Clan. Although Zhou Yuan is not sure what the Saint Clan wants to do, it is definitely not good news for Cang Xuantian.

Chu Qing, Li Qingchan, Kong Sheng, and Ye Ge felt their hearts tremble, and immediately they all raised their glasses and clinked them together with determined eyes.

"For Cang Xuantian."

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