Venerable Yuan

Chapter 400 Assigning tasks

A room filled with lights.

Li Qingchan, Zhao Zhu, Zhou Yuan and others sat in separate positions.

"Elder Wu." Li Qingchan looked at the first person with bright eyes, and saw an old man with gray hair and gray robe sitting there. The old man's face was solemn, unsmiling, and seemed a bit stern.

This old man, named Wu Lin, is the elder sent by the Cangxuan Sect to take charge of the Black Yan State.

"I didn't expect Qingchan to lead the team this time." Elder Wu nodded slightly towards Li Qingchan. Facing the holy son of Cangxuan Sect, even though he was as stern as him, his expression was somewhat relaxed.

His eyes swept over everyone in turn, and finally suddenly stopped at Zhou Yuan who was sitting in the last position. He was startled immediately, and then he frowned and said: "Why is there still a fourth level of Taibei Realm? This is Which peak's disciple? Is this a task that your level can intervene in? What a nonsense!"

Elder Wu Lin presides over affairs outside the sect all year round, so he cannot return to the sect several times a year. Naturally, he is extremely unfamiliar to Zhou Yuan, who has only been in the sect for half a year.

When Zhao Zhu saw this, he smiled slightly. This elder Wu Lin had a stern personality and could not rub any sand out of his eyes. He hated people who cheated on others. This time Zhou Yuan happened to touch his hand, which was a bit unlucky.

On the other side, Qin Hai and others were also secretly gloating.

Li Qingchan said quickly: "Elder Wu, this is Zhou Yuan, the new purple belt disciple of Saint Origin Peak. Although he has just joined the sect for half a year, his performance is extremely outstanding. Not only did he rank first in the Mountain Selection Ceremony, but he also ranked first in the mountain selection ceremony before. He also won the first place in the Purple Belt Selection. Although he is only in the fourth heaven of the Taichu Realm now, in terms of combat effectiveness, he is not inferior to the disciples of the seventh heaven."


Elder Wu glanced at Zhou Yuan with some suspicion.

"But even so, he is only a new purple belt disciple after all. Compared with Qin Hai and other senior purple belt disciples, he still lacks some firepower."

Elder Wu wanted to scold him, but in the end he sighed helplessly, glared at Zhou Yuan, and said, "That's all, since you're here, let's learn a lesson and try not to hold you back."

Zhou Yuan lamented in his heart, but he could only nod in agreement to prevent the old man from continuing to chatter.

Elder Wu shook his head and looked away. It was obvious that he only regarded Zhou Yuan as a disciple of Huntian Kung Fu and did not have high expectations.

"Elder Wu, what is the situation this time?" Li Qingchan quickly changed the subject. After all, she was the one who brought Zhou Yuan, and she was afraid that Elder Wu would freeze him in anger. In this case, Zhou Yuan would be frozen. Yuan's trip was in vain.

When it came to business, Elder Wu ignored Zhou Yuan and mused: "The value of the "flame marrow vein" that appeared in Black Flame State this time is not low, so Lian Sheng Palace, Beiming Zhenlong Palace, Baihua Immortal Palace, etc. The three giant sects were also attracted.”

"And this Black Flame State is not under the jurisdiction of any of our four giant sects, so it is difficult to determine the ownership of this "Flame Marrow Vein"."

Li Qingchan and others all nodded. If this Black Flame State is the territory of their Cangxuan Sect, if other sects want to get involved, they will start a war with their Cangxuan Sect.

But now this "Flame Marrow Vein" is in Black Flame State. Strictly speaking, the ownership rights should belong to the local sects, but they are obviously not strong enough to monopolize it, so facing the intervention of the four giant sects, they can only Give up reluctantly.

At most, the four major sects will eat meat and leave some soup for them to drink.

This is how the world is, no matter how strong you are, you will eat as much meat as you want.

"Before you come, I have discussed the distribution of this "Fire Marrow Vein" with the Holy Palace, Beiming Dragon Palace, Baihua Immortal Palace and some top local forces." Wu Lin said slowly.

"Oh? The allocation has been decided?" Li Qingchan said in surprise.

"It can't be that easy. Who of these guys are willing to let go?" Wu Lin sneered and said, "After discussion, the final method still depends on each person's ability."

Elder Wu waved his sleeves, and a stream of Origin Qi surged out, forming an extremely huge map in front of Zhou Yuan and the others.

"This is the map of the Flame Marrow Vein. It is extremely vast deep underground and has great mining value." Elder Wu pointed at the map and said: "The method we finally decided on is very simple. Three days later, all forces will send The disciple enters the flame marrow veins and divides the flame marrow veins."

With a flick of his finger, ten rays of light shot towards Li Qingchan and others.

The latter and others took it, and saw within the light was a small flag the size of a palm, with the Origin Pattern looming on it.

"Each of these flags, as long as they are planted, can radiate over a hundred-mile area. As long as the flag can be protected from being destroyed for a day, then this hundred-mile area belongs to the force to which the flag was planted."

Li Qingchan, Zhao Zhu and others all looked at the small flag in their hands with great interest. This competition for the flame marrow veins was quite interesting.

This flag is like a symbol of territory. As long as whoever puts it down, it belongs to whose territory it belongs. Of course, the premise is that all the troubles in the area must be solved within this day.

"Each person can only occupy the area of ​​one flag? In this case, doesn't it mean that we can only occupy an area of ​​ten hundred miles at most?" Zhao Zhu asked.

"Being able to occupy an area of ​​ten hundred miles is already a great victory." Wu Lin shook his head helplessly and said: "This central area is only more than three thousand miles in total. If the disciples sent by the four giants If you can all occupy a piece of it, how can you get enough?”

"So in the end, we will inevitably face a situation where there are too many monks and too little food. When the time comes, fighting and fighting will come..."

The eyes of Li Qingchan, Zhao Zhu and others were slightly condensed. It can be imagined that in order to seize these areas, a fierce battle will inevitably break out.

After all, whether it is the Holy Palace, Beiming Dragon Palace, Baihua Palace, or the top local forces, who doesn't want to occupy an extra area? If it is developed in the future, the value will not be a small amount.

"We have roughly explored this Flame Marrow Vein before, and it is full of Sky Flame Lizards, which are a fourth-grade origin beast. After you enter the Flame Marrow Veins, you must also be careful of these Sky Flame Lizards."

"In addition, during our exploration, we discovered that the most valuable area of ​​this Flame Marrow Vein is this..."

He traced his fingers and saw that a large area in the center of the map was gradually turning red.

"Because the area that can be occupied is limited, we must compete for areas rich in flame marrow veins as much as possible."

Elder Wu pointed to the center of the red area and said: "Li Qingchan and Zhao Zhu, you two are the strongest. You must quickly seize this central area to gain a foothold."

"Qin Hai, Bai Li... and you, compete for the areas adjacent to these." Elder Wu kept giving orders. As he kept tapping with his fingers, he saw that the red patch was continuously divided into small pieces. block.

Obviously, this is Elder Wu assigning their respective tasks.

In the blink of an eye, Zhou Yuan was the only one left who had not yet been assigned.

"What about me?" Seeing this, Zhou Yuan had no choice but to ask.

Elder Wu glanced at him and sighed. He probably felt a headache because of this oil bottle. After all, in this kind of competition, the people sent by all the forces were not fuel-efficient lamps, and Zhou Yuan, the fourth level of Taichu Realm, , it’s really a bit dazzling.

Even though Li Qingchan said that his fighting ability is not weak, who knows how much water there is in it.

Elder Wu was silent for a moment, and finally pointed outside the red area and said: "This area will be left to you to fight for. You must succeed."

Looking at that area, the expressions of Qin Hai and others suddenly became playful. That area has been separated from the core. Presumably, the flame marrow veins are not too rich. Obviously, Elder Wu does not think that Zhou Yuan has He had to compete for qualifications in the core area, so for the sake of his safety, a simpler area was arranged for him in a perfunctory manner.

There shouldn't be too many powerful characters here.

Li Qingchan saw this and said quickly: "Elder Wu, Zhou Yuan's strength is not as weak as you think. He..."

After returning to the sect for this heavenly level mission, merit will be judged based on performance. If Zhou Yuan was just arranged in such a perfunctory manner, he might not even be able to obtain heavenly merit in the end.

Elder Wu waved his hand, interrupted Li Qingchan's words, and said: "I must be responsible for the safety of my disciples. I can eat as much as I want. If something happens to me when I try to be strong, I will not be able to escape the blame." .”

"There is no need to say more about this matter. If he is really capable, it will not be a big problem to seize this area."

Elder Wu's tone was firm, and he immediately decided this moment completely.

"You and everyone else, follow my previous arrangements. Wait until the competition begins in three days, and then do your best to compete for the selected area."

Hearing Elder Wu's stern voice, everyone immediately responded.

Zhou Yuan looked at the area he was assigned on the map and smiled helplessly, but he didn't argue pointlessly. Since he had been given a task, let's occupy that area first. ..

But no matter what, he has to decide on Tian Gong.

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