Venerable Yuan

Chapter 451 The third level

In the mist-shrouded mountain stream.

Zhou Yuan sat cross-legged on the water and fire dragon forging platform. At this time, he was sweating profusely and his body was shaking slightly. It was obvious that he had just endured the training of water and fire source energy.

The battle with Wu Hai that day was forgotten by Zhou Yuan after it was over. He ignored some of the commotion caused by this matter and continued to immerse himself in the hard training in the mountains.

The battle for chief is getting closer, and there is no room for him to relax.

"it hurts…"

Zhou Yuan groaned in a low voice, because Xiao Xuan's holy body had cultivated into the Jade Skin Realm, his physical body had also strengthened a lot, and the tempering effect of the first level of water and fire source energy on him had weakened a lot.

Therefore, Zhou Yuan now gritted his teeth and completely stabilized his level at the second level.

That would temper the physical body even more. Of course, the pain that would be endured was far from comparable to the first level of water and fire source energy.

Zhou Yuan stood up with some difficulty, walked to the edge of the cliff, and then sat down.

However, he did not rest. Instead, he took out a mottled tree scale from his arms, which contained a rich aura of Yimu, which made Zhou Yuan's spirit perk up slightly.

Yesterday, with the help of Mr. Xuan, he once again cut down more than twenty tree scales from the dragon-scale locust tree, because cultivating the physical body consumes too much blood, and the "Taiyi Green Wood Mark" in Zhou Yuan's body "Because his recent physical training has also consumed a lot. If he doesn't replenish it, I'm afraid it will completely disappear.

Without the "Taiyi Qingmu Mark", it would obviously be impossible for Zhou Yuan to temper his body with such intensity every day, so his cultivation progress would become quite slow.

Zhou Yuan closed his eyes, and there were tree scales suspended between his palms. Wisps of green air rose up, and finally poured into Zhou Yuan continuously.

Among its flesh and blood, green light spots were looming, and an ancient pattern that was originally a bit frivolous absorbed these light spots and regained its brightness bit by bit.

Gradually, strong blood and vitality bloomed in Zhou Yuan's body again.

His originally pale complexion gradually returned to rosy, and the severe pain caused by the previous water-fire source energy tempering was also quietly dissipating...

An hour later.

Zhou Yuan opened his eyes, and the tree scale in his palm turned into powder and fell down, and all the Yimu energy in it was absorbed.

Feeling the abundant blood in his body, Zhou Yuan also let out a breath.

"There are only more than twenty days until the chief battle."

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and a look of deep thought flashed across his eyes. With his current strength, he was not afraid of an opponent of Wu Hai's level, but that alone was obviously not enough.

Because the most troublesome person is Yuan Hong from Lu Hong's lineage.

Judging from the brief contact before, this Yuan Hong and even Zhou Yuan sensed some dangerous aura. This person will definitely be the strongest obstacle in this battle for chief.

Even if the "Xiao Xuan Holy Body" has now been cultivated to the Jade Skin Realm, the physical body can be regarded as a small improvement, but according to Zhou Yuan's estimation, I am afraid that this is not safe, unless he can "before the chief battle comes," "Xiao Xuan Holy Body" has been improved to reach the second level of Silver Bone Realm.

But reaching the Silver Bone Realm is obviously not an easy matter.

He was able to cultivate the Jade Skin Realm in about a month, which is a speed that is difficult for ordinary people to achieve. The Silver Bone Realm is obviously more difficult to cultivate than the Jade Skin Realm.

Even though he had raised his water and fire source energy to the second level during this period, his own bones still showed no signs of transformation.

"Boy, if you don't hurry up and continue practicing after you've rested, why are you wasting your time?" While Zhou Yuan was pondering, Elder Xuan's voice came from the side.

In the dilapidated stone pavilion next to it, Mr. Xuan crushed the tobacco leaves, put it into his pipe, lit it and took a puff. The smoke rose, and his turbid eyes looked at Zhou Yuan lazily through the smoke.

Zhou Yuan's eyes flickered slightly, he struggled for a while, and finally a look of determination and determination emerged.

He raised his head, looked at Mr. Xuan, and said, "Senior, I plan to raise the water and fire source energy to the third level."

Mr. Xuan's old palms holding the cigarette rod trembled, and his eyes were a little startled. He said, "You don't want to die? The second level of water and fire source energy is already a bit unbearable for you now." Now, do you still dare to challenge the third level?"

He stared at Zhou Yuan, thinking that the latter was just talking nonsense, but he saw Zhou Yuan's firm gaze.

"Are you serious?" Mr. Xuan was a little moved.

Challenging the third level requires great courage.

Zhou Yuan nodded slowly. Wasn't his hard training this year just for the upcoming chief battle? If he fails this time, he might have to wait until next year...

But now, he obviously doesn't have much time to wait.

Therefore, he must use the most extreme method to bring out his potential...even if this may seem a bit cruel.

But the way of cultivation requires the courage to move forward.

I remember that when he was in the Great Zhou Dynasty, the eight meridians in his body were not visible and he could not even practice. At that time, if he had given up, he might not be where he is today.

But he never gave up back then, and's even more impossible for him to give up.

Mr. Xuan took a strong puff, and the smoke rose. He stood up, looked at Zhou Yuan and said solemnly: "Boy, the third level of water and fire source energy is a bit too strong for you now. If you If you insist, I'm afraid you have to be prepared to suffer a lot."

His words emphasized the word "great suffering" a lot, and it was obvious that telling Zhou Yuan that this matter was not a child's play.

Zhou Yuan smiled and did not answer. His figure moved and appeared on the stone platform. He looked directly at Mr. Xuan, obviously his actions represented the answer.

Mr. Xuan was startled for a moment, and nodded slightly. Deep in his turbid eyes, there seemed to be a strong sense of appreciation emerging.

Cultivation is full of difficulties and has never been smooth. Over the years, he has seen too many amazing and outstanding geniuses, but sometimes, perseverance and courage may be more important than talent.

He also didn't speak anymore. He waved the bamboo broom lightly in his hand, and a wave of Origin Qi spread out.

Immediately afterwards, the third stone scale on the top of the stone dragon's head entwined on the two mountain peaks gradually became brighter.

Boom boom!

The whole world seemed to be shaking at this moment. High temperature and cold air quietly filled the air, each filling half of the sky.

Finally, the two stone dragons opened their huge mouths, and the next moment, a mighty torrent of water and fire erupted.

The figure sitting next to Zhou Yuan on the stone platform was submerged by two torrents of water and fire almost instantly. At this time, half of the stone platform turned red, and the other half was covered with frost...

At the same time, a low roar of suppressed pain, somewhat hysterical, came from the torrent of water and fire.

After a stick of incense.

When the torrent of water and fire fell, Mr. Xuan hurriedly looked around and saw a figure covered in steam falling into his eyes. Zhou Yuan's skin was torn all over, as if he had been skinned, and it was extremely penetrating.

But his eyes were still open, and he was breathing weakly.

His spirit was obviously tense all the time. At this time, after the torrent of water and fire dissipated, he finally reached the limit, and then his body fell from the stone platform.

Apparently he fell into a coma.

A stream of Origin Qi surged in, wrapped around Zhou Yuan's fallen body, lifted him up, and landed on the edge of the cliff.

Xuan Lao looked at Zhou Yuan who had passed out immediately, but he could see that under his skin, there were looming green light patterns, exuding blood and maintaining Zhou Yuan's vitality. Those skins were gradually visible to the naked eye. Speed ​​fix.

And vaguely, it seemed that a trace of silver light could be seen passing through the flesh and blood.

Mr. Xuan smacked his tongue and sighed secretly, feeling a little admired.

"What a little lunatic..."

When Zhou Yuan began to practice crazily on the water and fire dragon forging platform, time passed quietly in Cangxuan Sect. Unknowingly, the day of the battle for the chief position was getting closer and closer.

The atmosphere that has been brewing for a long time in Cangxuan Sect is becoming more and more boiling, and the eyes of the entire sect are focused on the most important event of the year.

The chief battle is coming soon.

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