Venerable Yuan

Text Chapter 673: Three Jars of Taoyao Brewing

The night enveloped the Cangxuan Sect, but the atmosphere in the entire sect still seemed extremely warm, especially in the Holy Source Peak, which was filled with people and a rare noise.

The reason is naturally because of the legend created by Bai Ri Zhou Yuan.

Everyone clearly understands how much glory Zhou Yuan's Holy War has brought to Saint Origin Peak. It is unceremonious to say that from now on, this will be the greatest honor for every generation of Saint Origin Peak disciples. The capital of pride.

In the past, the Holy Origin Peak was like a small transparency in Cangxuan Sect, with a very weak sense of existence. But in the future, I am afraid that no one will dare to ignore it anymore, not to mention that now Zhou Yuan has replaced Chu Qing. He became the new head of the Holy Son of Cangxuan Sect.

In any case, Zhou Yuan has undoubted credit for the rise of Saint Origin Peak.

Many disciples are well aware of this, so now Zhou Yuan's reputation and status in the Holy Origin Peak have simply reached an unprecedented level. From a certain perspective, he is even the peak master. Shen Taiyuan is incomparable...



Next to a winding stream in the cave, in the stone pavilion.

Yaoyaosu held a delicate jade gourd in her hand. The mouth of the gourd was tilted, and the crystal clear wine poured down and fell into the three celadon bowls on the stone table.

Putting down the jade gourd, Yaoyao picked up the celadon bowl, looked at Zhou Yuan in front of her with bright eyes, and a faint smile appeared on her lips: "I told you that as long as you win the Holy War, I will drink with you..."


Zhou Yuan also picked up the celadon bowl and was a little dazed for a moment, because he knew very well how much he had sacrificed in the past two years to get to this point.

The young man who came to Shengzhou Continent now has some small achievements.

"Yaoyao, thank you for staying with me all these years." With emotions flowing in his heart, Zhou Yuan looked at the shockingly bright cheeks of the girl in front of him and said softly.

"Although Master Cangyuan handed you over to me at the beginning, saying that he wanted me to take care of you, over the years, I actually know that it's almost you who are taking care of me." He said a little self-deprecatingly.

Over the past few years, if it weren't for Yaoyao, Zhou Yuan was not sure whether he would be able to reach this point today.

Yaoyao stared at Zhou Yuan with bright eyes and said: "Don't belittle yourself. If you can become the leader of Cangxuan Sect's Holy Sons with the help of outsiders, then you have underestimated Cangxuan Sect."

She paused and bit her red lips lightly, but some words remained unsaid.

Because in her opinion, if she hadn't been accompanied by Zhou Yuan all these years, she couldn't imagine how cold and indifferent her world would be.

She could feel that without Zhou Yuan, she would have completely given up on all emotions. After all, she was a very indifferent person.

Even for Cangxuan Sect, her feelings for him are probably not as strong as the cave where Zhou Yuan has lived for two years.

It was only when Zhou Yuan was by her side that her indifference would weaken unconsciously, making her feel like a living person, not a cold stone, or... Like a god far away from the world, she has no fluctuations in the birth and death of the world.

Therefore, in her opinion, she should be the one to say thank you.

Zhou Yuan grinned at Yaoyao and said somewhat mysteriously: "I want to give you a gift."

Yaoyao was startled, her clear and ethereal beautiful eyes looking at him with some confusion.

Zhou Yuan lightly patted the Qiankun pouch on his waist, and three wine jars suddenly appeared on the stone table.

"Wine?" Yaoyao took a look with her beautiful eyes, and then said with slightly raised red lips: "I am very picky about wine now. Don't give me ordinary wine."

Zhou Yuan raised his eyebrows at Yaoyao and said with a smile, "Open it and take a look."

Yaoyao knocked off the mud seal on the wine jar with her hand, sniffed it with her straight jade nose, and suddenly a mellow aroma of wine came to her face. Her beautiful eyes were slightly bright, and she tasted it carefully, and then there was an extremely rare scent on her cheeks. Surprises emerge.

"This, this is... Taoyao wine?! Have you made it?!"

Back then, Yaoyao found a lost wine recipe and loved it so much that she even gave it a special name. However, brewing this wine was extremely difficult and many of the required materials were hard to find. She never expected that it would be made by Zhou Yuan. Come out!

Yaoyao poured out the wine from the celadon bowl without hesitation, and then poured out the peach wine. The peach wine was slightly red, clear and crystal clear.

She took a gentle sip, feeling the wonderful feeling transmitted by the tip of her tongue. Her beautiful eyes curved into small crescents with some relief. But after a while, she suddenly opened her eyes and said strangely: "This Taoyao stuffed wine has a special flavor..."

Zhou Yuan was stunned for a moment, his expression a little unnatural, obviously he didn't expect Yaoyao to be able to brew Taoyao to such an extent.

Yaoyao took another sip, and the next moment her beautiful eyes were focused, staring at Zhou Yuan, and said slowly: "There is a very faint smell of blood in the Taoyao brew."

Zhou Yuan scratched his head and said helplessly: "Your tongue is too powerful."

However, under Yaoyao's increasingly stern gaze, Zhou Yuan could only say honestly: "It's because of the spirit blood peach, which is the main ingredient of Taoyao's brew. However, this thing is extremely rare and is about to become extinct. I just got lucky." Find a seed.”

"I planted it in the back hill for most of the year."

"What kind of seeds are used?" Yaoyao asked.

Zhou Yuan said awkwardly: "The growth conditions of the Spirit Blood Peach are extremely special. It needs to be watered with human blood to grow, so I will feed it some blood every few days."

He saw that Yaoyao's face was getting more and more ugly, and he quickly said: "Don't worry, although it sounds a little disgusting, the spirit blood peach that is produced only absorbs the essence of human blood, and it is quite beautiful."

He knew that Yaoyao had a mysophobia, and thought she thought the birth of the Spiritual Blood Peach was too disgusting.


However, Yaoyao just stood there, staring at Zhou Yuan, and murmured in a low voice.

"What?" Zhou Yuan didn't hear clearly.

Yaoyaoyu clenched her hands and suddenly raised her bright eyes. There was a trace of anger in her eyes, and she shouted: "Did I say you are an idiot? Just for some wine, you have been feeding me blood for more than half a year?!"

In the past year, Zhou Yuan has been in hard training. Every time he comes back from training, he is extremely exhausted. But at this time, he even watered the tree with blood!

For some reason, Yaoyao felt slightly worried at this moment.

Zhou Yuan looked embarrassed, then took a deep breath and said, "I see you rarely like something... I want to see you happy."

His voice, like an invisible force, penetrated the body and hit the deepest part of Yaoyao's soul. An indescribable emotion spread from her heart.

The emotion deep inside her heart made her feel confused and overwhelmed.

Her eyes turned red unconsciously, her teeth bit her red lips tightly, and she turned her head slightly.

But at this time, she no longer looked as indifferent and cold as usual, but was full of the agility of a girl.

Zhou Yuan looked at it and couldn't help but feel a little upset in his heart. Then he quietly stretched out his hand, took hold of Yaoyao's cold jade hand, and said with a smile: "Don't be angry."

Yaoyao struggled slightly, but didn't break free, so she let him go. She calmed down her emotions a little, raised her smooth and pretty face, and wanted to put on a straight face, and said: "Don't do such stupid things again in the future. Oh, this kind of can I drink it?"

The moonlight was pouring down at this time, falling on her body, and on the red and delicate lips, a faint light flowed.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Yuan's heartbeat quickened, and something seemed to be exploding in his head, so he couldn't help but stepped forward, lowered his head sharply, and then, in Yaoyao's beautiful eyes that suddenly widened, he printed on on those delicate red lips.

The touch is like flower petals, cold and delicate.

The light of the soul flickered between Yaoyao's smooth brows for the first time, and she was about to send Zhou Yuan flying away like a reflex. However, when her eyes glanced at the peach wine on the table, she couldn't help it. With a tremor, the light of the soul flickering between the eyebrows gradually weakened after flickering rapidly.

Her eyes gradually became blurred.

In fact, Zhou Yuan was waiting to be beaten the moment he kissed her, but when he noticed the weakened soul power, the blood in his body suddenly boiled.

At this time, his eyes passed by and he happened to catch sight of Tuntun on the stone table. At this time, the latter was leaning against the wine jar, holding the wine bowl in his paws, and looking at him with a pair of animal eyes, as if with contempt.

That look seemed to see through Zhou Yuan's tricks.

However, Zhou Yuan was too lazy to pay attention to it at this time. The little sense that had just arisen was immediately suppressed because of Yaoyao's compromise. He stretched out his arms and wrapped his arms around the slender waist of the girl in front of him. He exerted all his strength, as if to pull him away. She seemed to melt into my arms.

In the stone pavilion, a man and a woman seemed to have forgotten themselves.

After a long time, Yaoyao's pretty face turned red. She leaned against Zhou Yuan's chest while panting slightly, and whispered softly: "Zhou Yuan, I also have a gift for you."

After hearing this, Zhou Yuan's eyes seemed to be filled with thick green light like a wolf in the middle of the night.

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