Venerable Yuan

Text Chapter 698: Shock in all directions

When Dawu's army was defeated all the way back, the whole Dawu was shaken immediately. Everyone was shocked and unbelievable. This result was obviously beyond their expectations.

With the strength of Dawu, it is the top dynasty in the entire vast continent. Over the years, Dawu has been conquering everywhere, but has it ever been defeated?

Dawu's opponent this time was the weak Dazhou. Normally, Dawu should have achieved a devastating victory, but who could have imagined that Dawu would collapse so quickly?

Moreover, even King Wu was severely injured!

As a result, the entire Dawu Dynasty was in turmoil at this moment.

Especially some people who were important ministers of the Great Zhou Dynasty and now hold high positions in the Great Wu Dynasty are even more panic-stricken. Back then, they followed King Wu to rebel and captured the Great Zhou Dynasty. Originally they thought that the Great Zhou Dynasty was not something to be afraid of, but who could have expected it? , and now Da Zhou actually has the potential to counterattack?

If the Great Zhou Dynasty defeats the Great Wu Dynasty and recaptures what was lost, then these former ministers of the Great Zhou Dynasty will inevitably be liquidated.

Therefore, when the news of Dazhou's counterattack came, the entire Dawu Dynasty was in chaos.

At this time, if King Wu could come forward, the situation could still be suppressed, but King Wu simply disappeared without a trace, leaving the group of dragons without a leader, and the morale of Da Wu and the people's hearts completely collapsed.

As a result, wherever Da Zhou's army pointed, Da Wu's defenses collapsed.

The smoke and flames of war burned directly from Dazhou to the territory of Dawu.


The news of Dawu's defeat spread throughout the vast continent at the first time, and other major dynasties were also shocked by it.

And when they figured out what happened on the battlefield, they were even more shocked. King Wu of Dawu was defeated at the hands of the young His Highness of Dazhou...

King Wu is definitely considered a top-level powerhouse on this vast continent, especially after he exposed his strength in the middle stage of the Divine Palace Realm, he can basically be considered the strongest.

But who would have thought that King Wu, who was in the middle stage of the Divine Palace realm, would be defeated by Zhou Yuan, who had just entered the Divine Palace realm.

For a time, many top dynasties began to pay attention to the once-defeated dynasty of the Great Zhou Dynasty. They all understood that after this battle, perhaps the Great Zhou Dynasty, which was once famous in the vast continent, would rise again...


Shengzhou Continent, Cangxuan Sect.

clang! clang!

The loud chime of the bell reverberated throughout the sect.

At this time, the news about Zhou Yuan's defeat of King Wu spread throughout the Cangxuan Sect, causing the entire sect to burst into excitement.

"Senior Brother Zhou Yuan is so awesome!"

"He actually defeated the King of Martial in the middle stage of the Divine Palace Realm!"

"You are truly invincible!"

"Such achievements are simply shocking. Will those disciples from the Holy Palace still dare to show off their power in front of Cangxuan Sect in the future?"


All Cangxuan Sect disciples are proud of it. After all, this achievement is indeed rare.

On the top of a peak.

Chu Qing, Li Qingchan, Kong Sheng, Ye Ge and others looked at the boiling sect, and then looked at each other, and they all saw deep amazement in each other's eyes.

"I didn't expect this guy to be the first to break through to the Divine Palace realm." Li Qingchan said softly.

Ye Ge touched his chin and said: "You can defeat King Wu just after entering the early stage of the Divine Palace Realm. I think the Divine Palaces opened by Zhou Yuan are at least the Eight Gods Palace..."

The others did not speak, but they all looked solemn, which was rare in the Yashen Mansion.

Chu Qing sighed with a worried look on his face and said, "It's troublesome... This guy is making breakthroughs like crazy, which puts a lot of pressure on us."

"It was so good for everyone in the past. You practiced slowly, spent time peacefully, and enjoyed life."

Chu Qing looked distressed: "The atmosphere of our Cangxuan Sect was ruined by this boy!"

Li Qingchan glanced at him sideways and said, "I heard that the headmaster said that you should go into seclusion immediately. If you can't break through to the Shenfu realm and open up the Eight Gods Mansion, you will be driven to the outer mountains to become a training deacon."

Chu Qing sighed and muttered: "It was all caused by that boy Zhou Yuan!"

Li Qingchan said angrily: "I think this is good. The way of cultivation is to be diligent and diligent. What's wrong with being so lazy like you?"

"Zhou Yuan entered the sect after us, and now he has broken through to the Divine Palace Realm. If we don't break through, what shame will we have?"

Hearing this, the other saints nodded in sympathy.

"It seems we need to work harder and start retreating today!"

The saints looked at each other, and then their figures moved and flew towards the peaks. In a blink of an eye, Chu Qing was the only one left on the top of the peak with a bare head and a lonely look on his face.

"Oh, you bastard boy, you have messed up the cultivation atmosphere of our Cangxuan Sect!"

Chu Qing sighed melancholy again, and finally could only fly back to Cangxuan Peak dejectedly.

The meeting hall.

Headmaster Qingyang had a smile on his face, and several other peak masters also had surprised expressions on their faces. They also knew the outcome of the dispute between Dazhou and Dawu immediately.

"This Zhou Yuan is truly a genius." Several peak masters couldn't help but sigh after knowing the results.

"It seems that Cangxuan Sect is also going to make a dragon." Headmaster Qingyang said with a smile.

"I really don't know what the old thief Sheng Yuan's face looks like right now?" Peak Master Lianyi sneered. When he talked about Sheng Yuan, there was unconcealable hatred in his eyes.

This battle between Dazhou and Dawu is a game between Cangxuan Sect and the Holy Palace.

But at the moment, it is obvious that Cangxuan Sect has won completely.

The news of this matter will also have a considerable impact on the reputation of the Holy Palace.

Hearing this, Headmaster Qingyang showed a thoughtful look on his face and said, "I do think that Saint Yuan may have an ulterior plan."

His eyes were deep. In this game, Headmaster Qingyang could faintly feel that the Holy Yuan seemed to be just pushing it in secret without intervening too much.

When the other peak masters heard this, their eyes also condensed. They were obviously extremely fearful of the Master of Shengyuan Palace.

"What does he want to do?"

Headmaster Qingyang shook his head and said slowly: "It is impossible to speculate at the moment, but I think that if he really has a plan, now that the battle between Dawu and Dazhou is about to end, he will definitely reveal it."

"During this period, I will keep an eye on him!"


Holy Palace.

On the edge of the mist-shrouded mountain cliff.

Lord Shengyuan Palace fiddled with the chaotic crystal ball in front of him, his eyes were unfathomable, and an indifferent smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"This Wu Huang, King Wu... is really a waste of the whole family."

He shook his head, then smiled lightly and said: "Forget it, it's just a chess piece. It only needs to be useful. It doesn't matter whether it is a wolf or a dog..."

His eyes were staring at the chaotic crystal ball as he murmured.

"The collision of holy dragon energy should begin soon..."

"When the secret comes, Ancestor Cangxuan, your last resort will be revealed by me..."

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