Venerable Yuan

Text Chapter 742 Separation

In front of the crystal coffin, Zhou Yuan looked inside the coffin silently.

Yaoyao lay quietly in it, her slender jade-like hands folded on her lower abdomen. On her fair skin, many radiating cracks could be seen looming.

Her face was still so stunning, but her eyes, which used to be ethereal and clear, were now tightly closed, sealing off the vitality.

A hint of sadness flashed across Zhou Yuan's eyes, and he stretched out his palm to gently touch the coffin lid. Her frown and smile can only exist in memory now.

He felt too much self-blame for Yaoyao, because in his opinion, if it weren't for him, Yaoyao would never have been forced to this point.

Cang Yuan asked him to take care of Yaoyao back then, but over the years, Zhou Yuan knew who was taking care of whom.

Meeting Yaoyao was a blessing for him.

But what Zhou Yuan finds hard to accept is that this may not necessarily be a blessing for Yaoyao, otherwise, she would not have suffered such a disaster.

Zhou Yuan knew that the source of this result was that he himself was too weak.

"Yaoyao, don't worry, no matter how difficult it is, I will revive you!" Zhou Yuan said softly.

He stared at Yaoyao's face, and after a long time, he finally stopped hesitating and turned around decisively.

He didn't know what he would encounter here. Hunyuantian was too vast for him, and it was far from comparable to Cangxuantian, but no matter what, he would not give up.

After leaving the house, a huge source energy wave suddenly emanated from the front. Zhou Yuan looked around and saw a huge source pattern light array gradually taking shape in the valley not far away.

Cang Yuan stood in the void, and every time his fingers crossed the void, countless source patterns appeared out of thin air and fell into the light array.

This is a source array that can be transmitted across borders.

It is extremely difficult to construct a teleportation array of this level, and the source energy it requires reaches an extremely terrifying level. However, for a saint, these are obviously not too big a problem.

After about two sticks of incense.

Cang Yuan finally stopped. He looked at the huge light array in front of him, nodded slightly, and then his figure gradually fell down and came to Zhou Yuan.

"Are you all ready?" Cang Yuan glanced at the room and then asked.

Zhou Yuan nodded silently.

Cang Yuan looked at the young man in front of him and sighed. When he met Zhou Yuan at the beginning of the year, he happened to be sensed by the saints at that time, so he had to leave Yaoyao temporarily. But at that time, he probably never thought of it. Yaoyao and Zhou Yuan will eventually develop some love between men and women.

I really don’t know if this is good or bad.

"Zhou Yuan..."

Cang Yuan pondered for a while and said: "I won't say much between you and Yaoyao, but I hope you will understand that Yaoyao is too involved. If..."

"You really want to be with her, you have to be really strong."

"After all, you probably don't want to see Cang Xuantian's scene happen again."

Zhou Yuan's palms slowly clenched. He knew that Cang Yuan had no intention of attacking him. Some things were cruel, but they always needed to be faced.

If his strength is not strong enough, even if he can revive Yaoyao this time, the same thing will eventually happen again in the future.

Because Yaoyao is not ordinary.

"Master Cangyuan, I understand." Zhou Yuan nodded lightly.

"Your visit to Hunyuan Heaven is also a great opportunity for you... That is the place where countless creatures in the Tianyuan Realm are the most powerful, and there are so many geniuses. The fate of heaven and earth there, even the saints cannot See everything."

"So, in Hunyuantian, when you are working hard for those two ancestral dragons, don't forget that your more important thing is to make yourself stronger at all costs."

"Only when you have enough power, you will be able to grasp something in the future, otherwise..."

At this point, Cangyuan's expression became solemn and he said: "I would rather you become an ordinary person and stop interfering in these things. I will find other ways to wake up Yaoyao, but from now on, you will also Don’t appear in front of her again.”

Zhou Yuan's heart was shocked, and the next moment, his eyes became fierce. He raised his head and looked directly at Cangyuan, and said slowly: "Master Cangyuan, you know that I will never give up."

Cang Yuan stared at Zhou Yuan, and after a long time, he said: "Then show it with actions."

Zhou Yuan nodded and did not say any more useless words. Everything depends on the future.

Woo! At this time, a phantom glanced at Zhou Yuan's shoulder, and it was none other than Tun Tun. Judging from its appearance, it was obvious that it knew Zhou Yuan was about to leave, so it wanted to follow him.

However, when Cang Yuan saw this, he used his palm to grab Tuntun directly from the air, put him in his arms, and said: "You little thing, please don't follow him this time."

He raised his head and explained to Zhou Yuan: "Tuntun is also an extraordinary creature. I plan to send it to a place that is most suitable for it. That is a good place for it."

When Tunton heard this, he immediately made an anxious sound.

Zhou Yuan sighed softly in his heart. He was going to Hunyuantian this time, so it was difficult to know how dangerous it would be. Following him might not be a good thing.

He glanced at Tuntun reluctantly, feeling a little sad. Both Yaoyao and Tuntun had been with him for many years, but now, he was the only one heading to the unfamiliar Hunyuantian.

"Tuntun, let's part ways here for now. When we meet again next time, you will be far behind me." Zhou Yuan smiled at Tuntun.

Tuntun immediately showed a look of disdain, but soon he became depressed and his tail drooped. Apparently he knew that his separation from Zhou Yuan was a foregone conclusion.


It whined at Zhou Yuan, and there was also a strong reluctance in the beast's eyes.

Zhou Yuan felt a little sad when he saw this, but he finally turned around and walked into the huge light array.

"Master Cangyuan, I'm ready."

Cang Yuan nodded lightly and said: "I will try my best to locate you in the Tianyuan Domain. In addition, if you obtain the Ancestral Dragon's item, crush the mark I gave you, and I will contact you when the time comes."

As the voice fell, he waved his sleeves, and the light array suddenly burst out with thousands of rays of light, and the vast source energy gathered, causing the space to vibrate violently.

However, at the moment when Cang Yuan was about to activate the teleportation light array, the space suddenly shook, and the source energy in the entire world showed a tendency to flee.

Zhou Yuan was startled and raised his head sharply. He saw a huge crack suddenly appeared outside the void, and endless thunder light was raging.

Those thunder lights appear white!

Zhou Yuan looked at the white lightning and his pupils suddenly shrank. He was no stranger to those lightnings.

That's the Holy Clan!

Sure enough, they came after them!

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