Venerable Yuan

Text Chapter 750: Wind Demon Thief

Under the night, above the treetops.

The man in a dark red cloak stood with his hands hanging down. His face was expressionless, but the ferocious scars on his face showed a ferocious aura, like a blood-sucking night bat.

A silent sense of oppression spread out from his body, gradually covering the entire camp.

The Yi family's men and horses looked at him with fear in their eyes.

"That's the leader of the crazy demon thieves, the blood bat Xu Feng!" Zhao Yue looked at the scarred man who was the leader, her eyes changed, and she gritted her teeth.

In this little Xuanzhou, in addition to the various families on the surface, there are also some other forces secretly. This crazy demon thief is the most famous. They come and go like the wind, kill people like hemp, and their methods are extremely cruel.

Families from all sides also tried to encircle and suppress him, but they were always able to escape. Over time, he became known as the crazy thief.

Yi Qiu Shui's pretty face was also slightly solemn, and she said slowly: "The families of all parties are good at protecting themselves wisely, and dark forces like the Crazy Demon Thief should be more aware of this truth. Xu Feng, this is not something that you Crazy Demon Thief can get involved in. If you leave at this time, my Yi family can pretend that it never happened."

On the treetop, the man named Xu Feng stared at Yi Qiushui with cold eyes, and said calmly: "Since I, the crazy demon thief, have accepted the mission, there is no reason why I should not complete it."

Yi Qiushui said thoughtfully: "It turns out that after so many years, the people behind your Feng Demon Bandit are actually the Qiu family. No wonder you, the Feng Demon Bandit, are always able to escape when faced with some encirclements and suppressions. "

As soon as these words came out, Xu Feng's eyes visibly fluctuated. After a while, he grinned solemnly and said, "Yijia Qiushui really deserves his reputation. Can you even guess this?"

"If that were not the case, I really can't think of any reason why you Wind Demon Thieves would get involved in this matter. Judging from your past behavior, you are not the type to do such stupid things."

"Because no matter whether this matter is successful or not, you Feng Demon Thieves will no longer have the need to exist in the future, and the Yi family will not let you go."

"You must be well aware of this. Even though you have a great reputation as the Wind Demon Thief, you are still nothing in the eyes of the Yi family and the Qiu family." Yi Qiushui said calmly.

Xu Feng's face twitched slightly, which made his already ferocious face even more terrifying, because every word Yi Qiushui said poked at the most painful part of his heart.

In the eyes of the Yi family and the Qiu family, they were just pawns.

"You are very smart, but nothing you say now will help."

Xu Feng's voice was cold and he said: "Besides, you don't need to delay any more time. I know you secretly sent your sister out, but tonight, you can't leave."

Yi Qiushui's bright eyes changed slightly, and her teeth bit her red lips involuntarily.

This Xu Feng is indeed a notorious thief and really troublesome.

"Xu Feng, although you have a good reputation as a wind demon thief, it may not be that easy to kill us. Judging from the strength you have shown in the past, you are only in the middle stage of the Divine Palace Realm." Yi Qiushui tightened her hands. Holding the long sword, there is Origin Qi surging on the sword body, turning into a sharp sword light.

Behind her, the powerful Origin Qi swirled, gradually forming two haloes of the Divine Palace. Above the halos, there were eight-colored lights flashing, which were the signs of opening up the Eight Divine Palaces.

A powerful aura emanated from Yi Qiushui's delicate body.

In this little Xuanzhou, there were not many people at the same level in the middle stage of the Divine Palace Realm who could make De Yi Qiushui fearful.

Looking at Yi Qiushui's aura of the divine palace shining with eight-color light, everyone present was envious, because they all knew that the more divine palaces opened, not only means that its origin energy is stronger, but also that As its combat effectiveness becomes stronger...

Of course, the important thing is that the potential for the future is even greater!

Xu Feng stared at the eight-color halo behind Yi Qiushui, his eyes also slightly focused, but surprisingly he did not show too much fear, he just grinned, showing his strong white teeth.

"Is it the middle stage of the Divine Palace Realm? That's just the information you know."

Yi Qiushui frowned, feeling a little uneasy in her heart.

At this time, Xu Feng slowly opened his hands, and in the next moment, the powerful storm-like Origin Qi suddenly swept out of his body, and the sound of Origin Qi shaking the void was heard throughout the world.

Everyone saw that behind Xu Feng, the Origin Qi gathered and gradually formed the aura of the Divine Palace.

A halo of light took shape, and the second one appeared immediately... But after the second halo of the divine palace appeared, the gathering of source energy did not stop. Then, everyone present was shocked to see the third halo of the divine palace. , tremblingly condensed behind Xu Feng.

Three divine mansion halos, late stage of divine mansion realm!

The halo of the Divine Mansion showed six colors. Obviously, Xu Feng was also the one who opened the Six Divine Mansion.

The faces of Zhao Yue, Mu Chao and others changed drastically, and their eyes were frightened. No one expected that Xu Feng had entered the late stage of the Divine Palace Realm!

At this time, Qiu Ji looked ferocious and said with a smile: "I'm afraid you don't know that two months ago, Xu Feng broke through to the late stage of the Divine Palace Realm..."

Yi Qiushui's pretty face was serious, and then she shouted without hesitation: "Withdraw!"

Then, just before she finished her sentence, Xu Feng's lips revealed a stern smile, and his figure flew down like a bat, clenching his fingers, and punched Yi. Qiu Shui blasted away fiercely.


The violent Origin Qi gathered under his fist, and the dark red Origin Qi was like a bloody sun, causing the space to become distorted.

Yi Qiu Shuiyu held the long sword in her hand. The sword shook, and a sword roar sounded. The sharp sword light stabbed out. The sword light tore through the night and directly collided with Xu Feng.


The sword and fist were hard, but Xu Feng's fist seemed to be made of gold and iron, with sparks flying out.

A violent shock wave swept away.

Zhao Yue, Mu Chao and others nearby were all shocked and retreated in confusion. Although they were also in the middle stage of the Divine Palace Realm, they were obviously much weaker than Yi Qiushui.


Yi Qiu Shui's small hand holding the sword trembled violently, and there were drops of blood between her white fingers. However, she clenched her teeth tightly, and the sword light roared, turning into countless sharp sword shadows, pointing directly at Xu Feng Vital injuries all over.

"Ha ha!"

However, Xu Feng laughed out loud. His already strong body swelled in a circle at this time, and a black iron light emerged from the surface of his skin. It was obvious that he had cultivated his physical body.

He resisted the sword light with his physical body, leaving shallow marks on his body. His iron fist roared with a sonic boom and blasted towards Yi Qiushui overwhelmingly.

Under his huge fist, Yi Qiushui's slender body looked particularly fragile.

The two fought for dozens of rounds at lightning speed, which was dizzyingly fast.

"Tsk tsk, you are worthy of the Eight Gods Palace. It is so powerful. It was able to delay me for so long in the late stage with the help of the middle stage of the God Palace." During the quick exchange, Xu Feng grinned.

Normally, in the late stage of the Shenfu realm, one can almost suppress the mid-stage Shenfu realm with the Origin Qi foundation, but judging from the current battle, Yi Qiushui actually managed to hold on under his offensive.

Although this is only temporary, it is enough to illustrate the advantages of Yagami Mansion.

Xu Feng kept laughing, but his eyes began to become more and more ferocious. At one moment, he stamped his feet violently and shot out, ignoring the whistling sword light. , and punched Yi Qiushui hard in the chest.

Above that punch, violent Origin Qi raged.

Yi Qiushui also noticed the ferocity of Xu Feng's punch, but at this time it was too late to avoid it. She flashed her beautiful eyes and straightened her sword, pointing directly at Xu Feng's throat.

He looked like he was risking his life.

However, facing Yi Qiushui's sharp sword light, Xu Feng grinned. He raised his arm and let the sword light pierce down. The tip of the sword pierced his arm, but when he was about to pierce his arm, it was struck by his The muscles are clamped hard.

"Yi Qiushui, when I was licking the blood from the knife edge, I'm afraid you weren't even born yet. Why are you trying to play hard with me?!"

Clamping the blade of the sword with his muscles, Xu Feng smiled solemnly, and then that violent punch landed hard on Yi Qiushui's chest amidst the horrified eyes of many around him.

"Miss!" Zhao Yue's pretty face turned pale and her voice was sharp.

The fierce wind of the fist hit her face. Yi Qiushui struggled to break away from the sword, but she could not pull away. She could only watch the iron fist fall, and the violent wind of the fist came, causing her clothes to be tightly wrapped The delicate body is exposed, revealing the moving curves.

However, Yi Qiushui could only sigh lowly in her heart, knowing that today, she was afraid that her life would really end.

I hope Donger can run away.

She thought in her mind, and then she stared at the iron fist with cold eyes. There was no fear of death in her eyes, but she said: "When I die, no matter where you escape, you will be buried with me."

"Hey, being able to accompany such a beautiful woman like you is something I couldn't ask for." However, Xu Feng was indifferent. Apparently he was also a ruthless person.

The fist wind became more fierce.

If she was hit, Yi Qiushui's entire chest would probably be penetrated by a punch.


However, just when Xu Feng's violent punch was only an inch away from Yi Qiushui's chest, a slender palm poked out of the air like a ghost, and then stretched out its five fingers to punch out the fist that contained Xu Feng's full strength. The iron fist that strikes, holds it gently.


The sonic boom sounded violently.

The ground beneath my feet continued to crack.

The expressions of Yi Qiushui and Xu Feng both changed. They looked at the white palm that appeared in front of them in shock...

Yi Qiushui slowly turned her pretty face and looked to her side. She didn't know when a young figure appeared there. In the faint night, she could see a young profile.

Not unfamiliar…

Surprisingly, it was...Zhou Yuan.

Faced with this situation, even Yi Qiushui, who had always been calm, felt a little confused.

Zhou Yuan, on the other hand, turned to smile at her.

"Miss Yi, you can't die here, otherwise, my reputation will be completely ruined by you..."

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