Venerable Yuan

Chapter 889: Differentiation

Chapter 889? Differentiation

"This Mystic Realm is really too much. They actually moved your position to fourteen!" In the main building of Fengdao Pavilion, Yi Qiushui slapped the Divine Palace List on the table and said angrily.

Ye Bingling on the side also frowned and nodded to express that this Mystery Realm's move was too much.

Zhou Yuan, on the other hand, didn't look angry at all. He took the divine palace list and looked at it, then smiled and said: "Fourteen is the fourteenth. Didn't I say before that Lu Xiao's ranking is a bit watery, and Even though I defeated him, it’s not incomprehensible to put him back to number fourteen.”

He looked back and saw Lu Xiao in the twenty-third position. Obviously, the latter's defeat by him this time had a considerable impact on his ranking.

In fact, he doesn't attach much importance to these rankings. After all, everything still has to rely on real strength, and rankings can't really bring anything.

Yi Qiushui rolled her eyes at him and said: "You are generous, but this matter is not only related to you, but also related to the reputation of Tianyuan Territory. Others looked at this list of divine palaces and found that our Tianyuan Territory's strongest divine palace realm capital If you can only be ranked fourteenth, what will you say?"

"They will definitely feel that our Tianyuan Territory is increasingly declining, which is not good for the reputation of Tianyuan Territory."

Zhou Yuan shrugged. In fact, these are all facts. There is no need to hide it, and it cannot be covered up.

However, he didn't argue. He just let Yi Qiushui vent for a while, then stretched out and said with a smile: "It should be the Four Pavilions meeting later, right?"

Since the battle for the chief pavilion master, he has been resting and recovering for the past few days. Today is the day he truly started taking office.

Yi Qiushui nodded slightly and said, "The other three pavilions have been notified."

Then she took out another scroll and put it in front of Zhou Yuan, saying: "You are now the first chief pavilion master. Both the Wind Pavilion and the Lin Pavilion are easy to talk to, and they will definitely support you. However, the Fire Pavilion has always been relatively negative, and the Shan Pavilion has always been negative. It’s better, but it’s still a piece of cake.”

"If you want to control all the four pavilions and make them obey your orders, you still need some means."

"How?" Zhou Yuan asked modestly.

"Divide them internally." Yi Qiushui said without hesitation.


Yi Qiushui said: "Now in the Fire Pavilion, apart from Lu Xiao, the pavilion master, there are eight deputy pavilion masters. Seven of these eight are from the Tianling Sect, but you know, in the Fire Pavilion, , in fact, most of the members do not belong to the Tianling Sect, they enter the Fire Pavilion just because the Fire Pavilion can bring them more cultivation resources."

"But they must be somewhat dissatisfied with the fact that the top management of Fire Pavilion are almost all members of the Tianling Sect, but they dare not show it because of Lu Xiao's suppression."

"As long as you, as the chief pavilion master, select some outstanding people from among the non-Tianling Sect members in the Fire Pavilion to be promoted to leaders or deputy pavilion masters, you will definitely be able to win over a large number of people's hearts and even cause them to become internally unbalanced. At that time, even if Lu Xiao and the others wanted to object, they would not be able to unite the voices in the Fire Pavilion."

"As for the mountain pavilion, the same is true. I think it won't be long before the four pavilions will be truly under your control."

Zhou Yuan looked at Yi Qiushui, whose pretty face was full of confidence and she was talking eloquently. He couldn't help but smack his lips and give a thumbs up. Even if these plans have not yet been implemented, he can tell that they will happen just by thinking about it. How much trouble it brought to Lu Xiao and Han Yuan.

Yi Qiushui pursed her lips and chuckled, pointing to the scroll and saying: "In the past few days, I have investigated the situation in Fire Pavilion and Shan Pavilion. Those people recorded on it belong to the kind of people who are not disciples of Tianling Sect. , and they are both good in strength and talent. They have been suppressed by Lu Xiao for many years and have resentments in their hearts. You can choose from them to see who will be promoted. "

Zhou Yuan nodded, sighing in his heart. With Yi Qiu Shui as the great butler, he, the chief pavilion master, felt really comfortable.

Zhou Yuan opened the scroll, read it carefully for a while, and suddenly said: "These methods are enough to establish authority, but I have just been promoted to the chief pavilion master. Such drastic measures will inevitably attract people's attention and even cause some turmoil. So I think it still lacks some gentleness."

"Huairou?" Yi Qiushui was startled and said, "Then what are you going to do?"

Zhou Yuan thought for a while and said slowly: "I plan to reduce the sales price of the Four Mother Patterns by 30%."

The original appearance of the four mother patterns was

In order to deal with the Fire Pavilion, but now that Zhou Yuan has become the Chief Pavilion Master, he can no longer focus on the Wind Pavilion. Otherwise, if this continues for a long time, it will inevitably arouse the dissatisfaction of the other three pavilions. They feel that he, the Chief Pavilion Master, is too partial to the Wind Pavilion. .

So if he can lower the sales price of the Four Mother Patterns, then it will not only be the Feng Pavilion that will benefit, but also the other three pavilion members will be able to benefit from it.

However, if the sales price is reduced, his income here will also be reduced, but Zhou Yuan does not care about this. After all, even if it is reduced by 30%, what he has gained is enough.

When Yi Qiushui heard this, her beautiful eyes lit up and she said, "This is a good idea. With such benefits, no matter what you do to Fire Pavilion or Shan Pavilion, I'm afraid most people will support you."

Her previous method was considered fierce, but Zhou Yuan's move was gentle. Such a combination of strength and softness was the perfect method.

Ye Bingling on the side also nodded in support and said: "I will inform Fengge, and I believe everyone will understand."

After Zhou Yuan was promoted to Chief Pavilion Master, the position of Wind Pavilion Master was vacated, and Zhou Yuan handed it over to Ye Bingling. After all, although Yi Qiushui could make suggestions, she still lacked some strength and could not completely defeat him. Convince everyone, and Ye Bingling is fully capable of promotion regardless of her strength and qualifications.

Seeing this, Zhou Yuan smiled and nodded.

He stood up and said: "In that case, let's go and meet Sange first."

Zhou Yuan took the lead to walk outside. Although he was promoted to the chief master of the four pavilions, he could not relax. He knew that many people were probably watching him. If he could not quickly integrate the four pavilions, all the internal If the problem is solved, then maybe Lingzong will use this as an excuse to impeach him, the chief cabinet master, for not fulfilling his duties that day.

Therefore, whether it is to ensure his position or to unite his forces to cope with the future Nine Domain Conference, Zhou Yuan must completely control all the power of the Four Pavilions as quickly as possible.

If there is anyone who is dissatisfied, whether it is Lu Xiao or Han Yuan, Zhou Yuan must first find a way to kick him out of the four pavilions, so as not to ruin his big event later.

Zhou Yuan walked out of the room with a fierce light in his eyes.

I hope Lu Xiao and Han Yuan are sensible enough.

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