Venerable Yuan

Chapter 910 Innate Intelligence

"Innate wisdom?"

Zhou Yuan was a little unfamiliar with this name. He pondered for a moment and said, "I heard that when all the divine palaces in the body are penetrated, the divine palaces will form a connection with the heaven and earth, absorbing a special substance from the heaven and earth. That substance It’s called a “spirit.”

"Everyone in the Divine Palace Realm who wants to break through to the Tianyang Realm needs to absorb this substance called "Spiritual Machinery"."

He looked at Xi Jing and said, "Is this innate intelligence something similar?"

Xi Jing smiled and said: "You do know a little bit..."

"In the way of cultivation, each level has its own grades. As low as the Qi-nurturing realm, opening up the Qi sea can be divided into grades."

"Then there is the realm of the Divine Mansion. The Divine Mansion is divided into nine levels, and there are also grades."

"This path of cultivation is full of difficulties and full of many hurdles. If you want to go step by step and eventually reach the peak, you need to reach the limit at every level."

"The so-called Tianyang realm means that the divine palace in the body is polished to perfection, and the source energy and stars are condensed in the divine palace, and finally form a source energy sun, boundless and extremely yang, which is called Tianyang."

"However, if you want to condense this round of Heavenly Sun, you need this kind of heaven and earth substance called "Spiritual Machine"."

"And the Tianyang realm also has grades. The Tianyang is respected by glazed glass, which is the glazed Tianyang, which symbolizes purity and purity, followed by purple gold, which is the Purple Gold Tianyang, and the third one is Snow Silver, which is the Snow Silver Tianyang... Of course , and the most ordinary red sky."

Zhou Yuan's eyes showed surprise, he did not expect that this Tianyang realm also has four grades.

"Once the red sky sun is condensed, the source energy in the body can reach 100 million if converted in terms of source energy stars!"

"The Snow Silver Heavenly Sun is 200 million, the Purple Gold Heavenly Sun is 300 million, and the Glazed Heavenly Sun is 400 million!"

Zhou Yuan was really stunned this time, 400 million Origin Qi stars? What kind of terrifying background is this? And even if it is the worst Tianyang Realm, it still has a foundation of 100 million Origin Qi. This newly ascended Tianyang Realm is actually so much more powerful than the Divine Mansion Realm?

Xi Jing glanced at Zhou Yuan and said calmly: "Why do you think the top geniuses Zhao Mu Shen and Wu Yao stayed at the peak of the Divine Palace Realm for a long time? That's just because they have great ambitions, and ordinary Tianyang cannot satisfy them at all. , so their goal is at least Zijin Tianyang. If not, they would have already entered the Tianyang realm."

Zhou Yuan's eyes were solemn. This kind of operation was not unfamiliar, because in Cang Xuantian, the saint sons of each sect were also constantly making accumulation at the peak of Taichu Realm, hoping to open up an extra level of divine palace when they entered the divine palace realm. , so the future potential will be greater.

"If you want to condense the Purple Gold Heavenly Sun or even the Glazed Heavenly Sun, do you need this kind of innate spirituality?" He asked.

Chi Jingqing nodded slightly and said: "And you must be someone who has opened the Nine Divine Palaces to have such qualifications. Otherwise, even if you get the innate inspiration, it will be difficult to reach it."

Zhou Yuan's heart trembled. If the ninth level of divine palace is not opened in the divine palace realm, that means that in the future cultivation, the road will only become narrower and narrower, and eventually it will be completely blocked, making it difficult to peek into the next level. Realm, this path of cultivation, if there is really a gap, it will continue to be weak, unless you can really find some heaven-defying opportunity.

If you want to aspire to the peak realm, you must ensure that you can reach the limit in each realm. Once you are missing a step at any level, it will be difficult to make up for it.

This difficulty is too great, and the journey of cultivation is really cruel.

But the good thing is that Zhou Yuan has practiced for so many years. Although he has gone through many difficulties, no matter whether he is in the Qi-nurturing realm, the Taichu realm, or now the Divine Mansion realm, Zhou Yuan has never had any flaws. That is to say, until now, he still has Never been eliminated.

This made him very lucky, and all of this was naturally due to Yaoyao's strict requirements on him, otherwise his foundation might not be as solid as it is today.

Xi Jing continued: "Innate spiritual intelligence is extremely rare. It is a substance that gathers the essence of heaven and earth. Under normal circumstances, you may not be able to discover a few in a hundred years..."

Zhou Yuan's eyes flashed and he said: "Is there any innate wisdom in this nine-region conference?"

Xi Jing smiled and said: "Yes, the place where the Nine Domains Conference is called is the Abyss of the Fall. It is an ancient battlefield in ancient times. Countless powerful people have fallen in it, and even the powerful people in the legal domain have passed down their names. No less than ten!”

"The strong men in the legal domain fell, and the legal domain collapsed between heaven and earth, causing chaos in the rules of heaven and earth. These legal domains were intertwined in the abyss of death, eventually forming an extremely dangerous forbidden land. However, in this forbidden land, great opportunities were also born, that is, innate spiritual opportunities. "

"Then Zhao Mu Shen, Wu Yao and others are probably waiting for this day. As long as they get enough innate inspiration, they can use it to condense purple gold or even colored glaze and set foot in the Tianyang Realm!"

"They are all people with great ambitions, because their goal is probably not just Tianyang Realm, they are also planning for the future Origin Infant Realm, and even the Legal Realm!"

Xi Jing looked at Zhou Yuan and said slowly: "If you are also ambitious, I am afraid that you cannot miss this rare opportunity in Hunyuan Tian."

Deep in Zhou Yuan's eyes, there is a fiery color surging. In this way of cultivation, every level must be pursued to the extreme. Only in this way can he get rid of countless competitors, finally step across the single-plank bridge, and condense the source of energy. Baby, open up the legal domain!

Therefore, this was the Nine Regions Conference, even if there was no Ancestral Dragon Lantern, he had to try his best to get through.

Seeing the fighting spirit rising in Zhou Yuan's eyes, Xi Jing nodded with satisfaction. Then she raised her jade hand and two jade boxes appeared in front of her.

She pushed one of them in front of Zhou Yuan and opened the lid.

All I could see was a cyan fruit in it. The fruit was the size of a fist, exuding a jade-like luster, as if it were made of sapphire. A rich and fragrant aura emitted, directly causing all the source energy in Zhou Yuan's body to swell. It was boiling at this point.

"This is this?" Zhou Yuan asked in surprise. He could feel the longing feeling emanating from the Origin Qi in his body.

"The Shenfu Boundless Fruit, this time the Three Mountains Alliance has lost several years of production, but this fruit only has a one-time effect on the Shenfu realm, so I brought you one. If you take it, it will allow you to open up the first level of the Shenfu realm. ." Xi Jing said.

"Good stuff!" Zhou Yuan's eyes lit up. Now that the Nine Realms Conference is approaching, this Divine Mansion Boundless Fruit can save him a lot of time.

Xi Jing smiled and opened another jade box, which contained a small universe bag.

"In addition, the materials you asked me to help you find before are basically complete and are all here."

Hearing this, Zhou Yuan's eyes suddenly lit up, and the joy could no longer be concealed. The materials he had asked Xi Jing to find before were all used to evolve the "Silver Shadow". In other words, with these materials, his silver shadow that had been covered in dust for a long time could finally shine again.

Once Silver Shadow evolves successfully, it will undoubtedly give Zhou Yuan another trump card.

He stretched out his hand to hold the Qiankun Bag, using his palms firmly, and then couldn't help laughing.

"It seems that I will be very busy in the next period of time..."

However, I am really looking forward to it.

No matter how difficult it is to make this "silver shadow" evolve, Zhou Yuan will get it out. He wants this silver shadow that accompanied him to dominate the Taichu Realm to appear again and fight with him.

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