Venerable Yuan

Chapter 932 Detachment

The world where the Fallen Abyss is located shows a sign of distortion, which forms a clear boundary with the outside world. But now, the boundary that has been closed for many years has been forcibly torn open by the powerful men of the nine domains. crack.

Zhou Yuan looked at the torn cracks, and his eyes flashed with a strange light. He was also very interested in the innate wisdom contained in the Abyss of the Fall. After all, after penetrating the ninth level of the Divine Palace, he also had to consider promotion. It’s Tianyang realm.

And the ordinary Tianyang grade is naturally impossible to satisfy his appetite.

In the void, Zhao Xianxiao said calmly: "Originally, there were two small levels to pass through the three levels, but now it seems that it doesn't make much sense, so after our discussion, we directly opened the Abyss of Fall."

Zhou Yuan below heard this and curled his lips slightly because he felt a sense of being targeted.

Among the three levels, the most difficult one is to kill the Nine Dragons. Seeing that they successfully passed through the Tianyuan Territory, Master Zhao Xianxiao planned to omit the other two levels directly so that they can directly enter the main scene and face the powerful enemy?

I really can't wait to see them in Tianyuan Territory's misfortune.

Zhou Yuan's mind was spinning, but his face remained calm. Regardless of whether the other party intended to see them in trouble in the Tianyuan Territory, they could just do their own thing well. After all, it would save them the other two tests of passing the third level. Can save some effort.

"The Abyss of Fallen has opened. I believe you all know the rules here. Please prepare yourself." Zhao Xianxuan said again.

When his voice fell, there was some commotion among the people from the Nine Realms below.

In this abyss of death, many powerful men in the legal domain have fallen. When they died, the legal domain collapsed, which also affected the rules of the world here, resulting in many strange phenomena.

Therefore, many barriers have been formed inside the Fallen Abyss. These barriers are like small spaces of their own, each with its own mystery.

In these small spaces, the power of the legal domain is condensed, so a large number of ideas are born.

The battle for the Nine Regions Conference is about fighting for these small spaces.

Fight for more small spaces, and the people from each domain will get more inspirations. This is a great opportunity for everyone. After all, everyone is fighting desperately in this abyss of death, and it is not for these inspirations. ?

And in some extremely dangerous small spaces, innate spiritual ideas are born. This kind of place is a must-have for the top geniuses on the list of gods.

Zhou Yuan looked at Lu Xiao and others and said, "We are divided into five teams, led by me, Lu Xiao, Han Yuan, Mu Liu, and Ye Bingling."

The moment all parties enter the Abyss of the Fall, they will begin to be randomly teleported into many small spaces. Generally speaking, the more teams teleported into a small space, the more dangerous the small space is. The bigger it is, the more and stronger inspirations may be born.

This mechanism leads to the fact that the troops of the Nine Realms must be divided into multiple groups, so that they can compete for the most small spaces and the most ideas in the fastest time!

Of course, this kind of division of troops cannot be too sparse. Otherwise, when encountering large troops from other regions, they will probably not be able to compete for them.

According to past practice, the number of each team in each domain is approximately between 400 and 700, which is the most suitable range.

There were only 2,000 troops in Tianyuan Territory this time, so Zhou Yuan's troops were divided into five groups, each with about 400 men.

The other eight regions have more people. Among them, Wanzu Region, which has the largest number of people, may have to be divided into ten teams or even more, which will undoubtedly give them an advantage from the beginning.

Because the final ranking of the Nine Domains Conference is defined by the number of inspirations obtained.

Zhou Yuan wanted to divide more teams, but if the strength was dispersed in that way, it would only lead to all the teams being eaten, and it would not bring much gain. The troops were divided into five groups, almost all of them. It's the limit.

Zhou Yuan held the scroll of light, which was the certificate of entering the Abyss of the Fall. He poured the origin energy from his palm into it, and immediately countless light points burst out from the scroll. These light points floated and finally fell on the bodies of the two thousand men and horses in the Tianyuan Territory. .

"These marks are each very sensitive. If you encounter a life-threatening situation, you can break them."

Zhou Yuan stared at the crowd and said slowly: "Everyone, although your ideas are good, you should not be greedy or show off your strength. Saving your life is the most important thing."

Once the mark is broken, the person himself will be sent out of the abyss of death, which means he will lose his qualifications, so some people are always unwilling to give in, but what they pay in the end is their own lives.

In this nine-domain conference, no one will be merciful in the fight for inspiration.

When everyone heard this, they all nodded silently.

In the void, Zhao Xianfal glanced at the scroll certificate in Zhou Yuan's hand. A strange color flashed across his eyes, but it was quickly restrained. His eyes were lowered and his faint voice sounded again: "If all parties are ready, then Get ready to enter.”


The moment his voice fell, Zhao Mu Shen from the Wanzu Domain was the first to shoot out. Behind him, the men and horses from the Wanzu Domain followed closely, like locusts crossing the border, with a terrifying momentum.

Thousands of men and horses rushed into the crack and disappeared in a flash, as if they were swallowed instantly by the giant mouth of space.

The movement in the Wanzu Domain immediately tore apart the peace here. Several other domains also started to move, and the source energy in the entire world surged violently at this moment.


Zhou Yuan also shouted softly and shot out.

Lu Xiao and others followed closely.

Two thousand men and horses flew through the air, and finally fell into the crack and disappeared in an instant.

As all the people from the Nine Regions entered the Abyss of Fall, the world here also became quiet.

Zhao Xianxiao said with a smile on his face: "Everyone, the Nine Regions Conference has completely started. We are waiting for it right now."

When his voice fell, he waved his sleeves and surging energy gathered from the sky and the earth. A compass-like light and shadow gradually formed in the void. Many tiny objects appeared on the compass mirror. point of light.

Those light spots, each with a different color, represent the people and horses of the nine realms.

Although they could not interfere with the operation in the Abyss of the Fall, those certificates were jointly refined by the legal experts from the nine domains, so they could roughly sense some of the changes.

Other powerful men in the legal domain also sat down in the sky, and the source energy turned into blossoming clouds under their bodies. The source energy of heaven and earth gathered around them, as if many visions were born, and they were wonderful and unusual.

"I'm really curious. Which region was eliminated first in this nine-region conference?" Zhao Xianxiao chuckled, his eyes passing over Xi Jing not far away without leaving a trace, with an unfathomable expression on the corner of his mouth. The arc gently lifted.


In the Fallen City further away, countless eyes looked at the empty light mirror in the sky, and withdrew their gaze with some regret. They knew that the next battle in the Fallen Abyss would be truly exciting.

That is the real Nine Regions Conference!

It’s just that I can’t feast my eyes on it.

But it doesn't matter, when the final result comes out, everything can still cause excitement.

Therefore, in this fallen city, countless people began to speculate on the final ranking of the Nine Domains Conference. Not surprisingly, Wanzu Domain and Zhao Mu Shen topped the list, followed by Wu Yao and Su Youwei...

As for Zhou Yuan and Tianyuan Territory, they are still in the unpopular position that no one cares about.

Obviously, even with the amazing record of killing Nine Dragons, most people are still not optimistic about Zhou Yuan and Tianyuan Domain. After all...the opponent they will face this time is the real Eight Domains!

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