Venerable Yuan

Chapter 985 Great Master

When Wu Yao fell down and was blocked by Zhou Yuan's shoulders, the Holy Dragon Qi rising from his body turned into winding green smoke and rose towards the phantom dragon's mouth high in the sky. .

Facing the last ray of holy dragon's energy that was sent to him, Zhou Yuan did not hesitate much and directly activated the giant dragon's shadow to prepare to swallow it.

This is something that belongs to him, and now, he just takes it back.

Even though Wu Yao would pay for it with his life, Zhou Yuan didn't intend to have any sympathy for her, because as she said, maybe this is the fate of the two of them...

Let me end this now.

The giant dragon phantom roared and bit into the last holy dragon energy.

However, just when the giant dragon's phantom dragon's mouth was about to bite the sacred dragon's energy, Zhou Yuan suddenly found that the entire world seemed to have frozen at this moment.

Even the source energy of heaven and earth has stagnated.

The giant dragon phantom maintained its posture of biting down with its huge mouth, but it could not bite it down no matter what. It felt like there was an indescribable terrifying force that directly stagnated it.

You must know that this giant dragon's phantom is not transformed by source energy, but a manifestation of destiny. It is ethereal and ethereal, and ordinary power cannot harm it at all. But at the moment, it is like a mosquito in amber, being trapped by it. She was under control.

Zhou Yuan's expression also changed drastically at this moment. This situation obviously showed that an extremely terrifying external force had intervened.

And in this abyss of fall, even the strong ones in the legal domain cannot intervene... That means that those who intervene must have transcended the legal domain...

It's a saint!

It’s the Great Master!

It’s the Great Lord from the Martial God Realm!

Zhou Yuan's eyes were a little gloomy, because this great master's behavior undoubtedly broke the rules of the Nine Regions Conference, but in the face of such an existence, he could not refute it angrily, because it was meaningless.

He looked up at the solidified dragon phantom. At this time, the last holy dragon energy forced out by Wu Yao seemed to be shackled by some kind of force, and then slowly fell down, and finally was pressed back again. into Wu Yao's body.

Zhou Yuan looked at this scene expressionlessly, and did not continue to take it back by force, because under the gaze of a great master, he was like an ant. If he forced provocation, he might not be able to accept the consequences.

"Zhou Yuan, you have won this time, so you don't have to take away all the Holy Dragon's energy, right?"

At this time, a grand voice filled with an indescribable majesty sounded in Zhou Yuan's mind.

Zhou Yuan was slightly silent and said softly: "Master Martial God?"

The voice answered, undoubtedly in acquiescence.

Zhou Yuandao: "Then the Great God of Martial Arts must also know who the Holy Dragon Qi in Wu Yao's body comes from, right?"

"When her father took the Holy Dragon's Qi from me, he didn't leave any trace to care about my life or death."

The voice of the Great God of Martial Arts sounded again: "Now is not the best time to take away the Holy Dragon Qi from Wu Yao's body. It is indeed against the rules for me to intervene this time, but I will not occupy you little guy in vain. It’s cheap, as long as you don’t take away the last Holy Dragon Qi in Wu Yao’s body this time, I will help you with something.”

Zhou Yuan frowned slightly, could you help him? How could he help?

"I will help you stop the Great Ancestor Wanzu so that he will not capture you personally." The Great Martial God said.

Zhou Yuan's pupils shrank sharply, and he said in a low voice: "Why should the Great Lord of Martial God bluff me? How can I, a small person in the Divine Palace Realm, be worth it for the Great Lord of the Wanzu Domain to personally take action against me?"

"Haha, little guy, do you really think you can hide this from the Great Ancestor Wanzu? Cang Yuan thinks that if he doesn't enter Hunyuan Heaven and sends a little ant in, he can hide from the eyes of the Ancestor Wanzu?" The Great Lord Martial God seemed to be laughing at him. He made a sound and said.

Zhou Yuan's face looked a little ugly. Did the Great Master Wanzu really know his identity?

However, some clues about this could be guessed from the order of Zhao Mu Shen to capture him, but now it has been confirmed by the Great God of Martial Arts.

This made Zhou Yuan feel a little numb. After all, being targeted by a great master was really not an easy thing to do. Now that Master Cang Yuan is out, whatever happens in Hunyuan Heaven, I am afraid that the distant water cannot save the near fire.

"That person is a great master after all... His status is aloof. There is no way he could lower his status to deal with a small god like me." Zhou Yuan said with some reluctance.

"It is true that no one will care about you as a small god, but the involvement behind you is a huge matter, which is enough for De Wanzu to take action."

The faint voice of the Great God of War echoed in Zhou Yuan's mind: "How's it going? Are you interested in my proposal? It's a big deal for a Great Lord to personally take action for you."

Zhou Yuan's eyes changed, and after a while, he said: "Does the Great Master never intend to let me get back the last Holy Dragon Qi that belongs to me?"

"When the time comes, I will let you get it back." The Great Lord Martial God said in an ethereal tone.

Zhou Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly. If he was alone, he really wouldn't be afraid of the death of the Great Master Wan Ancestor. But now he can't die or even be captured because he has a more important thing, which is to let him die. Yaoyao wakes up.

In order to achieve this goal... although the Holy Dragon's Qi is important, it may not necessarily be temporarily abandoned.

Now the Great God of Martial Arts is unable to take action because of his supporter Cang Yuan, but Zhou Yuan believes that Cang Yuan will return to Hunyuan Heaven sooner or later. When that time comes, he will no longer have to worry about the Great Lord of Martial Arts. intervention.

So, he no longer hesitated and nodded gently: "I agree."

The Great Lord of Martial Arts seemed to smile faintly, and he did not say any more words of promise, because his identity as Great Lord alone was worth thousands.

At this time, the power that caused the heaven and earth to freeze disappeared, and the solidified source energy began to flow.

"Your Highness!"

Su Youwei came to Zhou Yuan's side immediately, her pretty face was solemn, and she was obviously aware of the strange situation before.

Zhou Yuan shook his head at her, indicating that nothing was wrong, and then waved his sleeves, and the shadow of the giant dragon in the sky gradually turned into nothingness and disappeared out of thin air.

At this moment, Wu Yao, whose delicate body leaned over and her cheek rested gently on Zhou Yuan's shoulder, slowly opened her pair of narrow eyes.

She stood up straight immediately and took two steps back hastily.

Her beautiful face suddenly changed, especially when she felt the Holy Dragon Qi in her body. Beiqi immediately bit her lip, raised her pretty face and looked into the void, and said in her heart: "Why did the Great Lord take action? The winner is the king, the loser is the bandit, I lose, there is no need for the Great Lord to be like this."

The voice of the Great God of Martial also sounded in his mind, with a hint of helplessness: "Wu Yao, don't worry about temporary success or failure. The Divine Palace realm is just an insignificant level on your cultivation path. The real competition lies in the future."

Wu Yao bit her red lips, a little stubborn. She didn't like this result, because from Zhou Yuan's point of view, didn't it mean that Wu Yao was a person who couldn't afford to lose?

"Wu Yao, you are not weaker than Zhou Yuan. There is no need to deny yourself just because of a temporary defeat. In addition... remember what I once said to you. You have had the Holy Dragon Qi for so many years, but in fact it does not belong to you. , is not suitable for you, you should look for something that already belongs to you."

The voice of the Great Lord Martial God was faint and gradually disappeared.

"A python swallows a dragon. How can a bird that can swallow a dragon be an ordinary bird? Is it really inferior to a dragon?"

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