Versatile Mage: Demon Panel, unlimited alchemy!

Chapter 200 Lei Qie, destroying the Red Ornament Guild

Although others were a little surprised, there was nothing to sympathize with as mage criminals, especially the forces that were active at sea and caused trouble to other countries, with a bad influence no less than that of the Black Church at home.

After Han Lan got rid of the gatekeeper Ernie, everyone slipped up the hillside. With the help of Mo Fan, a shadow element strengthened by Nanrong Ni, no one was discovered.

Only Zhao Manyan, who was at the back of the team, reluctantly glanced at the black beauty Ernie who was dead but still warm, and felt a little bit of pity.

Continuing to climb up the grassy slope full of herbs, Han Lan had already seen a village with densely packed houses.

Along the way, Han Lan also noticed many pirates guarding here, but without exception, they were easily killed by the Raikiri sword he pulled out from his palm.

This is a new ability developed by Han Lan in his spare time. After initially activating the inheritance of the Five Thunder Drums on his chest, he transformed the power of thunder into a three-foot-three-inch long purple lightning sword.

Just like this, thunder flashed in the palm of Han Lan's left hand, and he pulled out a long purple thunder knife with his right hand. With the power of thunder and lightning given to him by the Nine Mysterious Golden Thunder, his figure shuttled back and forth in all directions like a ghost.

The enemies were all choked by his sword, and it was difficult to even send out a signal for help, so he received a box lunch on the spot.

Soon, with no one standing up to stop them, everyone quickly approached the cottage village.

There are many people in this cottage village. Everyone is gathered outside the house and gathered very densely. There are about three to four hundred people in total. It seems that this is a relatively large village.

Those three to four hundred people were all in the open area of ​​the village, and there was also a group of people wearing red clothes and ornaments all over their bodies. Judging from their outfits, they should be pirates from the Red Ornaments Guild.

Seeing so many "hostages" here, Nan Jue suggested that everyone study a careful rescue plan, while Han Lan said that it would be better to leave it to him.

"Nine Mysterious Golden Thunder-Crazy Thunder Heavenly Prison!!!"

A huge golden thunder and lightning wheel appeared behind Han Lan, and the purple-gold thunder and lightning pythons quickly wrapped around the feet of the group of people wearing red ornaments. The thunder and lightning wheel instantly transformed into a square thunder and lightning prison to capture the pirates. Lock firmly.

The sudden attack disrupted the pirates' position. Some of the unwilling pirates tried to resist, but in the next second they were electrocuted into charcoal and turned into charred corpses and died on the ground.

The leader named Xi Ge was relatively calm. When he saw a group of young men and women appearing behind the Golden Kuang Lei Heavenly Prison, he frowned slightly and said.

"Who are you and how did you come up here? If you also want to rob, we can give up this territory voluntarily and just ask for mercy for a way out. We will see you on the sea in the future."

"Are you just giving up this territory?" Han Lan said.

"We can pay a lot of money to buy our lives. As long as you let us go, a lot of international resources worth hundreds of millions will belong to you." Seeing that the other party's tone was a little loose, Xi Ge quickly spoke up to argue.

"Stupid, I'll kill you, and what I found from your body is mine." Han Lan said ruthlessly after pouring a basin of cold water on him.

"Ah this."

Xi Ge felt a little numb. Why didn't this guy play his cards according to the routine?

"If you dare to kill us, our boss Ka Suo will not let you go. Our boss Ka Suo is a high-level cultivator of the poison system. My friend, I advise you to think twice."

Xige saw that Han Lan was a bit reluctant, so he simply used his trump card and tried to pull Ka Suo's tiger skin to save his own life.

"What a coincidence. My next step is to eliminate the root cause. In order to thank you for the information, can you please die now?"

Han Lan slightly clenched his hands, and the square-shaped purple-gold Crazy Thunder Sky Prison instantly shrank, turning into a series of strangulating giant Crazy Thunder Claws, massacring all the pirates present.

Of course, in order to prevent him from not receiving the reward later, Han Lan deliberately kept their heads as evidence.

More than fifty pirates were buried in the giant purple-gold thunder claws. Almost all of them were mid-level mages. In the face of the powerful power of the soul thunder, they died without any resistance.

"Oh my god, Old Han, you are still so fierce, killing so many pirates with one move." Zhao Manyan said in shock.

"Okay, let's count the number of people here. Their reward amount is quite high. I guess the reason why the pirates here are so rampant is partly because of the connivance of the city government here." Han Lan said.

Mu Nujiao and the other girls heard this and quickly went to count the heads of the pirates. Han Lan gave them the small bounty for safekeeping. Anyway, the family did not speak the same language.

The rescued villagers were hiding on the other side of the village. After the battle, a few of them boldly stuck their heads out to check the situation.

Although the pirates of the Red Ornament Guild were all dead, they were still afraid of Han Lan and his party. After all, there was no one who could kill so many lives with the force of thunder without blinking an eye.

A man who seemed to be the village chief came out tremblingly and told the origins of these pirates and all the things going on here.

Ai Jiangtu and others originally felt that Han Lan's murderous intention was a bit serious, but after hearing the village chief tell the origin and background of the pirates, they understood the inaction of the municipal government and the rampant pirates here.

Not only did the municipal government here fail to strictly monitor these pirates, but they actually wanted to recruit them? ?

"What a confused municipal government!!" Nan Jue said with an unhappy face after leaving the dreamy village.

It was really hard for her to imagine what the top municipal officials here were thinking. The pirates from the Red Ornament Guild, who did all kinds of evil, actually expected them to change their minds and then help them eliminate the Kraken? ?

"Don't be angry. We can just report the matters here to the instructors. This is no longer within our control." Ai Jiangtu said.

Each of them has a unique background, but they are also beyond their reach, and this does not mean that the forces behind them can extend their hands abroad.

"Please Nan Jue, please collect information on this Red Ornament Guild these days, and we will rush directly to their home base to eradicate them." Han Lan said.

"Okay, no problem." This time, Nan Jue had no objection.

No matter whether the local municipal government did anything or not, since she encountered such a dark force, as a person from a Jun school, she certainly couldn't turn a blind eye.

Even though this is not China’s land, this is the attitude that a successor to a monarch’s power should have

Soon everyone came to a large town near the seaside and temporarily stayed here. As for the heads of the pirates, Mo Fan was asked to collect the bounty on their behalf.

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