Versatile Mage: Evolving from the One-eyed Wolf

Chapter 135 135, Four-star District Team Achieved

Mo Fan suddenly remembered what Chen Xian had said to him. There is a huge inequality between each major stage, including the primary, intermediate and advanced stages. This inequality will be directly reflected in status and income.

There is only one thing in this world that is not afraid of exploitation, and that is cultivation. Investing in anything is risky, but only the cultivation of a mage is the most real.

Investing in a mage who is stuck in a bottleneck and is bound to break through is a sure-win business. It takes less than half a year for an intermediate mage to earn a Nebula Vein, and the same is true for a high-level mage to earn a Galaxy Vein. There is no other business that can pay back faster than this.


Mo Fan continued, his eyes flashing with sincerity, "I know you, Ningxue, your potential and perseverance are both top-notch. All you need now is a suitable opportunity. I believe you will soon be able to cross this stage. By then, a mere Galaxy Vein will really be a piece of cake for you."

Mu Ningxue listened to Mo Fan's words, and a corner of her heart seemed to be touched. She always knew that Mo Fan seemed careless, but in fact he was thoughtful and devoted to her.

She nodded slowly, with a touch of emotion in her eyes, "Okay, I'll treat it as a loan. But you have to promise me that no matter how much I can repay in the future, you can't refuse."

"Deal!" Mo Fan smiled heartily and excitedly hugged Mu Ningxue's slender waist, "There's no need to talk about this between us. However, what I'm more looking forward to is that you can be promoted to a higher level as soon as possible, and then we can go to see a higher and farther world together."

The two smiled at each other, and Mu Ningxue rarely resisted Mo Fan's touch.

Mu Ningxue accepted the Galaxy Pulse and secretly vowed in her heart that she would not only improve her strength as soon as possible, but also cherish this support and trust, prove herself with actions, and repay this friendship.

Mo Fan was thinking about whether to take the opportunity to confess and win her over? In the end, he still felt uneasy. It was not the best time. It was better to wait until the Guofu team won the first place.

During the Guofu training period, he tried his best to cultivate feelings. The current progress was very good, and he pushed forward a wave of favorability. He could date a few more times in the future, and the relationship would naturally heat up. Maybe he would win her over in less than a month.

"Let's go, I'll treat you to seafood! You may not know that the sea monster meat here is very delicious!" Mo Fan said.

Donghai City is a big seafood market. There are so many sea monster corpses. The purified parts are made into medicinal materials and equipment, and the remaining meat is directly sold in the market.

When the monster can be eaten, it doesn't look that scary. People always say that monsters eat people. Let's taste what monsters taste like today.

It was the first time for Mu Ningxue to taste sea monster meat. At first, she refused, but after Mo Fan half-pushed her to taste the teppanyaki tentacles, she decisively stopped being reserved.

After shopping, eating delicious food, and drinking wine, Mo Fan felt that he could hit a home run according to the normal process.

Mu Ningxue was a little drunk, and her usually cold eyes were a little more charming at this moment, which almost made Mo Fan lose control.

But there was no rush. It had developed to this stage. There was no need to let this impatience ruin the impression of oneself. It wouldn't take long for him to fulfill his childhood dream.

Mo Fan sent Mu Ningxue back to the room in a proper manner, without further development.

A few days later, Mu Ningxue successfully broke through the high level of ice, and her natural talent was also improved. The original spirit seed was now comparable to the small soul seed.

When she appeared in District 17 again, everyone clearly felt the change in her aura. It was the momentum of the high level, and the magic control that only high-level magicians have!

Although she can't release high-level magic yet, her strength is incomparable to that of the middle level. Killing the war general sea monster has become many times cleaner and neater than before.

Mu Tingying looked at her self-satisfied appearance, and her jealous gums were about to be bitten. Why! Why can she break through the high level before herself!

At this moment, she suddenly felt very bad. The least distinctive people in the team were her and Guanyu. Zu Jiming had a special point of poison. Her ice and fire were not as good as Mu Ningxue's, let alone Mo Fan. It was really redundant!

Wouldn't she be eliminated this time? Thinking of this, Mu Tingying was immediately panicked. Even a poisonous arrow from a shark monster almost hit her. Fortunately, it was stopped by Nanjue's sound bow.

Not only Mu Tingying, Mu Ningxue's breakthrough made the other people in the team feel a sense of urgency. Nan Rongni's jealousy overflowed to the point that Jiang Shaoxu caught it.

But she was very smart and didn't say much. She had seen a lot of such plastic girlfriends. The spiritual system was born to be a green tea.

In the days to come, most of the team members began to practice in seclusion frequently. The high-level breakthroughs in the national government team were one after another. The defense of the seventeenth district became much simpler, and often only two or three people were needed.

Soon, a month passed, and the day of elimination was finally coming.

During this period, they experienced two more tides, but at this time, the East Sea City dungeon was no longer difficult for everyone, and it was easy to defend a block.

Including the hiring fee and the share of the monster corpses, Mo Fan received a total of 800 million from the district owner. Regarding the distribution of this money, Mo Fan directly took half.

The remaining 400 million was taken out for distribution.

"Old Ai, this is yours." Mo Fan took out a card worth 90 million and gave it to Ai Jiangtu. He had helped to kill five commanders in the past month, so it was completely reasonable for him to take this money.

As for the rest, each person will receive 30 million. Mu Ningxue and Nanjue will receive an additional 10 million bonus for their special contributions and good performance.

The good national government team was turned into a private company by Mo Fan.

Everyone was very surprised to get so much money. Suddenly, they felt that the national government did not have so many resources.

"I never thought that one day it would be Mo Fan's turn to pay me a salary!" Zhao Manyan accepted the card with a look of emotion.

"Thank you, captain, hehe!" Jiang Shaoxu said playfully after receiving the salary, but Mo Fan ignored her. His mind was on Mu Ningxue for the past month. After several dates, their relationship quickly heated up. In the eyes of everyone, it was no different from the official announcement.

"Thank you, captain!" Jiang Yu said.


The instructor is coming today. The requirements of the four-star district team have been met. At this time, all members of the national government team are high-level mages, but most of them cannot use high-level magic.

During this period, Mo Fan also broke through the Shadow System to a high level, becoming a high-level mage of four systems. At the same time, the Summoning System showed signs of breaking through to the high-level second level, and it should also break through within the next few days.

Since Chen Xian was not around to supervise, he was also a little slack in the Summoning System. He practiced more in the Space and Chaos Systems, so he naturally wanted to practice all the systems to a high level first.

After a month, the overall strength of the National Government team members has been greatly improved, and the next step is to leave the daily life.

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