Guan Yu and Zhao Manyan found a hidden cave in a pile of seemingly disorderly stones, and a small "oh oh oh" sound came from inside.

The two looked at each other, both with joy on their faces. It was obvious that there was a gestational greenhouse inside, and the tender cry indicated that there were ape demon cubs inside.

You should know that the most profitable thing for hunters is to steal demon cubs. No matter whether a warlord-level cub has a high or low bloodline, 20 million is definitely the starting price.

For a race like the white-haired ape demon, which has a slightly better bloodline, it is not a problem to sell one for 30 million!

"Mo Fan! Found a gestational greenhouse!" Zhao Manyan said happily.

Hearing this, the others immediately came over. Mo Fan sensed it and said, "The concentration of elements in here is higher than outside!"

"It should be some magic stones or something like that. When I was outside, I noticed many corpses of black-haired ape demon cubs. If nothing unexpected happens, this is a greenhouse exclusively for white-haired ape demon cubs!" Nanjue judged.

"Open it first!" Lingling said.

"I'll do it! Earth wave!" Chen Ying said, pressing her palms on the wall of the cave. A stream of earth magic was released, and the entire wall quickly softened, pushing a large hole around to reveal the scene inside.

"1, 2, 3, 4, I'm rich, four white-haired ape demon cubs!" Zhao Manyan screamed in surprise. In the cave, four white-haired ape demon cubs with pure white fur and bodies comparable to those of little monkeys were curled up together. They seemed to be both afraid and curious about this sudden change, and made childish "oh oh oh" sounds.

The interior of the cave was simply arranged, but it was inlaid with a large number of magic stones around, emitting a faint light, maintaining a suitable temperature and humidity. It was obviously a nursery carefully built for these cubs.

"The purity of these magic stones is also good! Are there so many that have been used up? It seems that the news that there is a magic stone mine in the Diamond Mountain Range is true." Lingling analyzed.

"Pack up everything and take it away!" Mo Fan gave the order, and everyone immediately took action. He took the lead in opening the contract door and threw the four ape demon cubs directly into the contract space, where Chen Xian was in charge.

The contract space can naturally store materials. In the original work, Xiao Yan Ji brought a lot of toys in it, and Jiuyouhou also entered it.

Since the contract object is Chen Xian, his body is very large, so the summoning contract needs to expand a huge contract space to accommodate him. This is one of the reasons why Mo Fan has not yet been promoted to the advanced level 2, and all of it is used to cast the contract space.

However, this is also a disguised form of having a portable warehouse. It is still more troublesome to open the contract space, and it consumes more magic energy, which is not as convenient as the space bracelet.

Other members of the National Government also quickly dug down the magic stones embedded in the wall. The concentration of these magic stones is relatively high, and they are obviously not those mineral scraps. Each one is worth tens of thousands.

There are at least hundreds of such a large greenhouse. Although it is not worth mentioning compared to the value of the ape demon cubs, it also reveals a message, that is, the quality of the magic stone mine in the King Kong Mountains is very good!

After some cleaning, everyone continued to explore the depths of the core. Here, the mountains began to become rugged, huge rocks and cliffs stood tall, trees towered into the clouds, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and lightning was wandering in it.

"The weather here is changing abnormally, it is likely that there is some kind of magic source affecting it, we may have approached the magic stone mine!" Lingling analyzed.

"It may also be the domain of some big demon!" Ai Jiangtu directly poured a basin of cold water, he was always more vigilant.

"It is also possible that both exist! That big demon occupied the magic stone mine!" Mo Fan said.

"Be careful, there are many powerful guys here, and they are making a lot of noise! ​​They may be commander-level existences." Nanjue reminded.

Everyone heard this, their expressions became more solemn, and Mo Fan quickly made a decision: "Analyze and record the distribution of demons in the core circle, and then retreat quickly, and stop here for today."

The magic stone mine was 100% occupied by the monarch-level ape demon, this goes without saying. It is definitely not possible to rob it by force. Let's not talk about whether Chen Xian can defeat them. Just say that this is their base camp. There are so many commander-level ape demons. The people of the National Government Team can't stand it.

First record the distribution information of the demons, go back and discuss countermeasures, and then come up with a solution next time. It is wishful thinking to take over the magic stone mine in one fell swoop. At most, some pure mineral products can be stolen.

For example, things like Yuanjing, magic diamonds, spirit seeds, and soul seeds.

Everyone followed Mo Fan's instructions and quickly and carefully recorded the distribution of demons in the core circle, especially the environment and guardian forces around the magic stone mine.

However, the process was not so smooth. As a scout, Guan Yu's movements were swift, but his concealment skills were still a little rough.

Just as he sneaked to the vicinity of the magic stone mine and tried to record key information more carefully, a gust of wind and weak magic fluctuations alerted a commander-level ape demon not far away.

The ape demon had a keen sense of perception. It immediately noticed the presence of the uninvited guest. Its eyes shone and a low roar resounded through the valley.


Mo Fan and the others were instantly alerted. They saw a huge ape demon covered with purple hair and golden threads approaching Guan Yu at a rapid speed.

This giant beast was running on all fours, and its body was already 20 meters tall. If it stood up completely, it would be nearly 40 meters tall. The muscles of the forearms of its two long arms were as developed as crabs, thick in the front and thin in the back.

The ape demon punched the ground with both fists, and the force was so great that three or four thick rock pillars rose from the ground in an instant, blocking the front of Guan Yu who was fleeing quickly.

Guan Yu reacted quickly, and his body suddenly bent at the moment the rock pillar appeared, like a fish jumping into the water, and cleverly drew an arc in the air to avoid the blocking rock pillar.

However, he did not dare to be happy at all. The momentum of the ape demon behind him was too terrifying. It was estimated that he could be killed in one punch. Guan Yu activated the magic tool and fled madly to the main force.

Mo Fan was also shocked at this time. This ape demon was not easy to mess with at first glance. It was probably not an ordinary commander. Considering that starting a war here might attract the attention of stronger ape demons, Mo Fan immediately ordered to retreat.

"Run, leave the core circle first!" Mo Fan said.

Upon hearing this, everyone started to retreat without hesitation. The Wind Demon Eagle led the way in front, and the others followed behind on the ground wave. Guan Yu was chased by the giant ape demon behind him.

"Hey! Wait for me, save me!" Guan Yu shouted.

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