Versatile Mage: Evolving from the One-eyed Wolf

Chapter 146 146, Tyrant Mountains

Most of the members of the National Pavilion during this period were not yet at the high level, and they were completely defeated by the existence of Mu Ningxue and Ai Jiangtu.

At the same time, there was another person who performed very well, that is Chen Ying! Mo Fan and Chen Xian finally discovered the special existence in Chen Ying's body, Jiang Feng!

That's right, it was the Fire Witch Jiang Feng. In order to support her daughter's future in the National Government, this guy has been possessed in her body. No wonder her fire attainments are so terrifying. It turns out that she is carrying a fire element demon that leads the advanced period.

Chen Ying's third system is the awakening of the summoning system. As long as she waits for the intermediate level, she can make a contract. However, this situation will suppress Jiang Feng's strength, so she does not make a contract directly and just carries it with her.

In this month, Mo Fan finally upgraded the summoning system to the high level 2, and at the same time, the harvest of the Diamond Mountain Range came out, with a total income of 600 million, not including the tasks of the National Government training.

There was no in-depth development of the Diamond Mountain Range, and only a circle of looting around the periphery, this income is still pretty good. Mo Fan was a good man for once, and didn't deduct too much. He only took 100 million, and gave away the rest.

During this period, Chen Xian also asked Mo Fan to buy two soul seeds for him, one for wind and one for water. It has to be said that the magic market in Europe is indeed richer than in China, and soul seeds are often difficult to buy.

Even if there are, they are generally a bunch of junk, that is, ordinary soul seeds with four or five times the domain. However, Chen Xian's two have domains attached, which is enough to show how rich the magic resources here are.

Water Soul Seed: Vast Sea Tide!

A very ordinary water soul seed with strong control of water elements can greatly enhance the impact of water magic, which means that Chen Xian can release the wave magic faster and more violently, enough to shake the solid defense and disperse the enemy's shield.

The Sky-turning Tide not only increases the amount of water, control efficiency and range, but also makes every spell contain the explosive power of a stormy sea. Driven by this power, even the most basic water magic can show the power of the commander-level magic in Chen Xian's hands.

Additional domain: Tidal domain!

This domain is only useful when it is opened in the ocean or a huge lake. It allows Chen Xian to simulate the tidal phenomenon in nature within a certain range and manipulate the water element to produce periodic fluctuations at will.

If it is on land, then at most it will increase the element control power, but if it is in the sea, this skill is enough to form a very terrifying increase for oneself. No one knows how terrifying a demon wolf that ignores the resistance of sea water will be!

Wind Soul Seed: Hurricane Lord.

This wind soul seed gives the controller the power to control the vast wind. The domain is to summon and command the vast storm, making the wind magic performed by Chen Xian more destructive and controllable.

The Hurricane Lord not only increases the wind speed, making the spell attack range wider and faster, but also forms a defensive wind wall when necessary to resist the enemy's attack.

The two soul seeds, Fantianchao and Hurricane Lord, each represent the essence of the power of water and wind. As long as Chen Xian refines it, he can only scrape himself against the magic of these two systems in the future, even if it is a super-level three magic.

Of course, it has not been successfully refined yet, and the demon needs a long time to digest these elemental seeds. It is not only about absorbing them into the spiritual world, but also about letting the body adapt to them. This process is actually to let the attributes of the soul seeds temper the body and make it foreign.

Fortunately, this will not trigger the magic immunity passive of Chen Xian's hell curse, otherwise Chen Xian can only refine it directly. In that case, only the demon power will be amplified by the water soul seed, and the demon's body will not change at all.

The demon's body is much more important than the demon magic, at least for Chen Xian.

After another month of precipitation, some of the members of the Guofu team can already cast high-level magic, and the overall strength has increased significantly.

After collecting enough challenge chapters, the Guofu team members can actually say that there is nothing to do, just wait for the opening of the competition silently, but there are still ten months before the start of the competition. This year was originally a training session prepared for the improvement of the Guofu teams of various countries.

The fact that the people in the government have finished ahead of time now has given the instructors a headache. You can't waste ten months of time in meditation and cultivation, right? You don't know if you will be left behind by then.

The instructors can only keep trying to find ways to take on some training tasks for Mo Fan. As for whether to do it or not, it depends on their own decision.

Mo Fan decided to take a break and lead everyone to make money. Chen Xian also planned to take advantage of this time to strengthen Mo Fan and take him to pick up the Tyrant Wild Thunder on Tyrant Mountain, so that he wouldn't keep yelling about buying a thunder soul seed.

"Hey, stop arguing. I'll take you to find the Tyrant Wild Thunder tomorrow. This is a big soul thunder, a high-end product that you can't buy at any auction house!" Chen Xian said impatiently.

"Really? Where is this Tyrant Wild Thunder?" Mo Fan asked excitedly. He originally preferred the thunder system, but the thunder system was a bit useless now. It was completely useless when dealing with the Purple Gold Ape Demon last time.

"It's halfway up the main peak of the Tyrant Mountain in Italy. There's a mountain crack inside, and the Tyrant Wild Thunder is inside. There are a few Wind, Fire and Thunder Vultures guarding it. I forgot where it is exactly. Let Lingling collect some information for you to confirm the route." Chen Xian said.



Early the next morning, Chen Xian took Mo Fan and Lingling with him and set off, flying straight to the Tyrant Mountains.

Lingling was determined to follow them after learning that the two of them were going to the Tyrant Mountains to find soul seeds. Although Mo Fan resisted, he had to compromise for the sake of information.

Lingling said that an old hunter on Tyrant Mountain had indeed mentioned that the lightning symptoms there were unusual, and there were many bounties for finding lightning spirit seeds and lightning soul seeds on Tyrant Mountain, but so far no one has found any trace of lightning soul seeds.

Tyrant Mountains is considered a high-level dungeon. There is no fixed race that occupies it. There are many species of demons living there, which are the least favored by hunters.

The more species of demons there are, the more dangerous it is, and the more details you need to pay attention to. If you are not careful, you may accidentally enter the demon nest, poisonous area, trap, maze and other dangerous places.

If you don't reach the core area of ​​this high-level dungeon and reach the high-level full cultivation, you will be a dead end.

Chen Xian doesn't need to face too many complicated and dangerous environments, because it flies directly into the main peak of Tyrant Mountains. Those feathered demons watched the red meteor pass by their heads and didn't even dare to fart.

After landing, Chen Xian hid directly in the contract space to avoid causing unnecessary conflicts.

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