Versatile Mage: Evolving from the One-eyed Wolf

Chapter 169 169, Subduing the Snow Leopard

The dark sword wave and the frost claws collided fiercely in mid-air, bursting out with roars and dazzling light. The powerful energy impact caused a large piece of snow fog to rise around, temporarily covering the figures of both parties.

Mo Fan seized the opportunity to successfully cast a high-level magic. The dark field opened instantly, and his figure was blurred in the snow fog, as if he was free to shuttle like a ghost.

The dark sword continued to attack the eldest and the second with gusts of cold wind. He fought one against two, but he was not afraid at all.

Mo Fan was like a fish in water in the dark field. Sometimes he teleported to the side of the eldest, and the big sword slashed down fiercely, bringing a dark whirlwind. The eldest hurriedly used his claws to resist, but was shocked and retreated again and again.

Sometimes he appeared behind the second like a ghost, and the dark sword swept across, and the dark sword wave shot out. The second narrowly avoided it, but also broke out in a cold sweat. His figure kept changing positions in the darkness, making it impossible for the two snow mountain demon leopards to figure out.

The two snow mountain demon leopards attacked from the left and right sides. They roared, their fangs flashed cold light, and their forelimbs and claws waved wildly, bringing waves of frost flying claws, attacking Mo Fan like raindrops.

However, Mo Fan, relying on his flexible body movements and the cover of the dark field, dodged sideways or blocked with a big sword, and resolved these attacks one by one. Occasionally, there were close attacks that slipped through the net, but they were easily resisted by the dark armor on his body.

In the state of close combat, the two commander-level beings were actually unable to defeat Mo Fan, who was possessed by the dark sword spirit, and were even suppressed faintly.

"Ice coffin!"

Mu Ningxue was always on the side, she didn't dare to fight the demons directly like Mo Fan did. While Mo Fan, the powerful front row, was holding the opponent firmly, she directly completed the high-level ice magic.

Countless ice ridges quickly condensed into five ice coffins, which enveloped the two snow mountain demon leopards like a huge cage, and the cold air instantly spread.

Seeing this, Mo Fan increased his attack strength, waving the dark sword repeatedly, and the dark sword waves surged towards the snow mountain demon leopards trapped by the frozen coffin like a tide, directly slashing the two snow mountain demon leopards all over their bodies, making waves of wailing.

Obviously, the three brothers also realized that they had kicked the iron plate at this moment, but it was too late to run at this moment. Mo Fan raised the dark sword in his hand high, and the power of darkness surged into the sword like a tide.

"Zongheng Mingjian!"

Mo Fan chopped down with force, and the dark shadow behind him swept the sword, and a powerful cross slash broke through the air. This was the ultimate move of the dark sword soul, which was enough to kill the demons of the same level!

The cross-shaped dark slash whizzed past, and the eldest and the second trembled all over. The threat of death loomed in their hearts. They fought hard. The two snow mountain magic leopards stretched out their front paws and pressed tightly against each other to resist the dark slash.

The sharp claws flashed with cold light, colliding with the dark slash, making a sizzling sound. The power of darkness and the power of the magic leopards were in a stalemate, and the air around them seemed to be torn apart.

The magic leopards gnashed their teeth and tried their best to block this terrifying blow. Their leg muscles were tense and their bodies were trembling slightly. The dark slash broke through their defenses little by little, and cracks began to appear on their claws, and blood gradually seeped out.

They roared in pain, but still refused to give up and continued to hold on. However, the remaining power of the dark slash gradually pushed them back, and their feet left deep marks on the snow.

In the end, the dark slash broke through their defense, cut off their claws in an instant, hit their bodies hard, knocked them back and fell heavily to the ground, spurting a lot of blood, dying.

At this time, Mo Fan, holding the dark sword, looked at all this indifferently, without any mercy in his eyes, and was ready to go up to finish them off.

"Wait a minute, don't kill them!" At this time, Lingling suddenly said.

"What's wrong, Lingling?" Mo Fan asked in confusion, and the sword in his hand also stopped.

"These snow mountain magic leopards are still useful. They live here all year round. They should know where the territory of the polar ice fox is. Let them help us lead the way!" Lingling said.

Mo Fan's eyes lit up after hearing Lingling's words, and then he put away the dark sword. The snow mountain magic leopards seemed to have noticed the change in the atmosphere, and there was a hint of doubt in their originally frightened eyes.

Mo Fan walked up to the snow mountain leopards and said, "Listen, as long as you are obedient and take us to find the territory of the polar ice fox, I will spare your lives."

The snow mountain leopards looked at each other in confusion, and found that they couldn't understand it at all, but they still made a gesture of submission with their limbs on the ground.


So, Mo Fan and his companions successfully obtained three sub-commander-level mounts, and the three of them rode a snow mountain leopard on the road to find the polar ice fox.

Although the snow mountain leopards were very resistant at first, they soon became really interested after Mo Fan's physical education. Lingling didn't know what method he used to make the snow mountain leopard understand his mission, and drove everyone to the territory of the polar ice fox.

Along the way, Mo Fan and his companions kept alert at all times and paid attention to the movements around them. The environment on the ice field was very harsh, with biting cold winds and frequent blizzards.

Lingling is a mortal after all. The coldness of these demonic areas is unbearable even for fire mages, let alone ordinary people.

However, under the leadership of the Snow Mountain Magic Leopard, they can always find a place to shelter from the wind and snow and avoid the invasion of frost.

After several hours of trekking, Mo Fan and others finally arrived at the territory of the polar ice fox. The temperature here is lower and the wind is more severe. The territory of the polar ice fox is covered by a huge ice layer, which is shining with blue light, beautiful and mysterious.

Mo Fan discovered that the demon area of ​​Iceland has a folding space. No wonder so many places are marked with purple. If the Black Dragon Emperor is not counted, the danger level of Iceland is far higher than the Tyrant Mountains.

Mo Fan and others rode on the snow mountain magic leopards, allowing them to release their momentum without reservation and continue to go deep into the territory of the polar ice fox. However, as they moved forward, an inexplicable fear seemed to shroud these three powerful creatures.

With every step, the trembling of the snow mountain magic leopards became more obvious, and their legs began to weaken, as if they might not be able to support their bodies at any time. Mo Fan noticed their abnormality and couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

"What's going on?" Mo Fan whispered to himself, "Is there something here that scares them so much?"

"It should be a powerful being that makes these snow mountain demon leopards feel uneasy." Mu Ningxue said.

"It may be a monarch-level polar ice fox. Although there is no eyewitness evidence in the intelligence of the Hunter Alliance, there are many intelligences that indicate that there may be monarch-level polar ice foxes on Iceland." Lingling analyzed.

As they went deeper, the cold atmosphere of the polar ice fox territory became more and more intense. The surrounding ice layer flashed with strange light, telling the mystery and danger of this territory.

Suddenly, a gust of cold wind blew, and Mo Fan and others felt a strong breath coming towards them. Their heartbeats accelerated involuntarily, and an unprecedented sense of tension surged in their hearts.

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