The entire arena fell into chaos, with representatives from all parties whispering and talking.

On the field, Asharuya gritted her teeth, and the dark power in her body surged again, ready to go.

"Darkness is coming!"

As the spell fell, pure dark power surged, and pieces of armor emitting deep black light and evil charm attached to her, intensifying her unruly dominance as the master of the dark sword. The long sword in her hand was lightly dragged, and the sword energy swept across, like thousands of butterflies dancing together, which was spectacular, but also full of dangers.

The tip of the sword was raised high, and the cold sword light revealed the chill of death, which was frightening. Asharuya condensed all the dark energy in the sword, and her bright moon-like eyes locked on the behemoth in front of her, without any fear.

"Dark Dawn!"

With a loud shout, the sword fell, and the world dimmed in an instant, but then a ray of dawn piercing the dark night burst out from the tip of the sword like a sharp blade, narrow, sharp, and fast, and the whole brilliance was cold, bringing not the hope of dawn, but the beginning of despair and death! !

Chen Xian's eyes were cold, and his right arm, like a huge pillar, slowly stretched out, passing through the dimensional barrier and descending into the world. On the giant arm, the mysterious lines flashed with the brilliance of elements, as if containing boundless demonic power.

Chen Xian punched out, blasting at Asharuya's dawn sword light.

There was only a loud noise, like the collapse of the sky and the crack of the earth, and the impact of energy spread wildly around, and the surrounding mountains and rocks were instantly turned into powder.

Asharuya flew out backwards and fell heavily on the rock wall. She struggled to get up, her body trembling, her whole body was shaken and her blood was rolling, and her face was as pale as paper.

On the other side, Mo Fan was fine. All the aftermath of the explosion fanned out in the direction of Chen Xian's punch. With just one move, the winner was decided.

"Stop! We admit defeat!" After the aftermath dissipated, the Greek representatives also admitted defeat directly. This thing was impossible to fight. Even if they, the old mages, played, they might not win. They could only rely on the arbitration after the game.

Hearing this, Asharuya looked at Mo Fan and the huge phantom behind him. A trace of unwillingness flashed in her eyes, but she finally sighed and contacted the state of darkness.

"You win."

Mo Fan smiled triumphantly when he heard Asharuya's words, and Chen Xian's phantom slowly disappeared.

"The game is over!"

"Dragon Country Team, wins!"

"Dragon Country Team! Ranked first!"

As the referee solemnly read out, the salute that Venice City had prepared long ago suddenly rose into the air, and the colorful light reflected on the faces of each member of the Dragon Country Team...

The members of the Dragon Country Team rushed up and lifted Mo Fan high.

"We won!!! We won!!! Oh~"

"Oh oh oh, we won! We are first!"

"Awesome! Dragon Country is awesome!"

"Mo Fan is awesome!"

"Mo Fan! Mo Fan! Mo Fan..."


The Chinese audience at the scene went crazy, standing on stools, running in the corridor, and even hanging their bodies on the railings, cheering and waving the dazzling red flags desperately!


Since the beginning of the Guofu Competition, they have never achieved or even dared to dream of this result!

"Good job!" Shao Zheng nodded with relief. Finally, Dragon Country can also get the biggest piece of the pie.

Several senior executives beside Shao Zheng also had happy expressions, their eyes full of pride and pride. Mo Fan was thrown high and caught by the team members, his face full of excitement and excitement.

At this time, the media's flash lights kept flashing, recording this historic moment. In the live broadcast screens around the world, the cheers of Dragon Country resounded through the sky.

In the next few days, everyone indulged themselves completely. Venice is a charming city. After the decisive battle was over, they could also revel in the water city of Venice for a few days and nights.

They were all young people, so they naturally couldn't do without wine and beauties to cheer them up. As the biggest contributor, Mo Fan naturally became the target of everyone's fire. Even with Mo Fan's current physique, he almost got a beer belly.


"No, I'll go out to solve it." After more than a dozen cups in a row, Mo Fan couldn't bear it anymore, so he waved his hand and walked out.

"Hey! Isn't there a toilet here? Where are you going?" Zhao Manyan's voice came from behind, but Mo Fan pretended not to hear it.

Outside the door of the room was an open-air balcony. The cool evening breeze blew on his face, and Mo Fan regained consciousness.

A cup of honey lemon tea was handed to him.

"Thank you, how much?"

"Tea costs 3 euros, service fee 100 euros."

"100 euros! Why don't you go and grab it? A cup of tea is more expensive than a shot!" Mo Fan said excitedly.

"It's only 100 euros, and the Parthenon Saint personally serves you. Isn't it worth it?" Asharuya said with a blink of her eyes.

Mo Fan was stunned when he heard this familiar voice, and turned to look at Asharuya, only to see her standing there with a sweet smile.

"It's you, I didn't expect to meet you here."

"Surprised? Am I the kind of person who can't stand losing?" Asharuya said with her arms folded.

"That's not the case, but the service fee of 100 euros is indeed expensive. How about I buy you a drink?" Mo Fan said.


The two came to a tavern. Asharuya ordered a glass of fruit wine by herself, while Mo Fan continued to drink honey lemon tea.

"Tell me, what do you want from me?" Mo Fan asked straight to the point. He didn't believe that Asharuya just happened to show up.

"I'm going back to Greece tomorrow. I suddenly thought of someone, so I came to ask you about her." Asharuya took a sip of the fruit wine.

Mo Fan's mind moved, thinking of Asharuya's identity, and subconsciously became alert and said, "Do you want to ask about Xinxia?"

"Don't be so nervous. She is now a candidate for the goddess like me. I am quite curious about her, and about you too, but I didn't expect that you are siblings in a reconstituted family." Asharuya said.

"That's my child bride!" Mo Fan emphasized.

"Well, actually I don't have anything to ask, I just want to chat with you. Tell me about your past, I'm quite interested. When I was a child, my godfather always told me some stories about childhood sweethearts." Asharuya asked.

Mo Fan was puzzled for a while, but he also saw that Asharuya had no ill intentions, and she was not a bitch like Nan Rongni.

Anyway, it was not a secret matter, and anyone with a keen eye could find it out, so Mo Fan just talked about it casually.

As Mo Fan was talking, Asharuya listened very carefully.

After a while, she suddenly interrupted: "Don't you live together?"

"We rarely live together. It's not convenient for me and my dad, two grown men, to take care of her. She was in a girls' middle school in junior high school, so she lived with my aunt because it was close to her home. I was a boarding student in high school, studying magic diligently. We met once a week, and we contacted more often by phone."

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