As Chen Xian's huge and terrifying figure gradually approached Nanling, the demons originally hidden deep in the dense jungle felt an unprecedented sense of oppression. This force was like an invisible storm, instantly tearing apart the tranquility of the forest and plunging the demons living here into extreme panic and chaos.

First of all, there are those feather demons living in the canopy. They were the first to sense the crisis. Their colorful wings vibrated rapidly in panic, like a colorful storm in the wind, suddenly erupting from the layers of green leaves, screaming. Soaring towards the sky, the sound of flapping wings and sharp cries intertwined, breaking the tranquility of the forest.

Immediately afterwards, the ground began to shake, as if there was some ancient and huge creature ready to move underground. Countless underground demons, such as earth beasts and earth elemental demons, were disturbed by this force and broke out of the ground one after another. They ran wildly on all fours or dug into the ground, kicking up bursts of dust as if the earth itself was shaking and escaping. This unknown threat is coming.

The water monsters in the river were also affected. The water surface churned, and huge water columns rose into the sky. With the angry roars of the water monsters, they turned into water and quickly shuttled through the forest, looking for shelter.

The trees were swaying, branches and leaves were flying, and even the plant monsters that usually hide deeply and are almost undisturbed by the outside world were disturbed. They were trembling in the forest, afraid of being watched by Chen Xian.

Chen Xian naturally knows how huge the impact he has brought. With his current body shape and appearance, he will be treated this way no matter where he goes.

"Brother Immortal, you won't disturb any ancient demon, right?" Mo Fan asked worriedly.

"I'm afraid of chicken feathers. There's no one in Nanling who can beat me!" Chen Xian said arrogantly.

As he advanced to become a monarch, the demon's cultivation also brought him many interesting things. For example, the pressure of the monarch level can make lower-level demons surrender to a certain extent.

At the same time, it can also sense a certain sense of crisis unique to demons, such as whether a more powerful being has inhabited a certain area. He can sense this as soon as he gets close.

There is obviously no powerful person in Nanling, and the strongest one is probably at the monarch level. Facing the current Chen Xian, there is only a dead end.

Following the guidance of Yu Shishi, Chen Xian slowly went deep into Nanling and arrived at a land of palm trees. This place is called the Moon Shadow Palm Forest and is one of the most mysterious areas in Nanling.

The trees are towering into the clouds, and the palm leaves are as wide as a canopy, blocking out the sky and the sun, making the light in the forest dim, even at noon, it feels like dusk. There is a strange floral fragrance in the air, mixed with the smell of moist soil, giving people a feeling of mystery and tranquility.

In the heart of the palm forest, there is a unique water area. It is a forest wonder that is soaked all year round. The water is about ten centimeters shallow, and the clear stream meanders leisurely. Under the night sky, the stars and moonlight interweave, making it like The dazzling lakes dotted in nature show the purest crystal brilliance of the earth.

Here, water and forest blend intimately, forming the Moon Moth Emperor's ideal dormant sanctuary, a secluded place that gathers the spirits of heaven and earth.

Going deep into the hinterland of this water forest, you will soon encounter an open clear pool. There are no trees in the water, only the water is as clear as a mirror, reflecting the stars in the sky peacefully. The beautiful scenery is like a dream, as if it is another world.

And above this clear pond, a miracle appeared! A giant oval-shaped pupa was suspended in the air, centered on the surface of the pool, and its shadow sank, intersecting with the stars in the pool. This was the legendary pupa of the moon moth and phoenix!

The green pupa body seems to be suspended in the void without any support, but upon closer inspection, it can be found that there are several almost invisible slender threads that steadily pull it up in a radiating pattern, and the other end of the threads is hidden among the surrounding towering ancient trees. .

The starry sky and moonlight intersect, gently shrouding the giant cyan pupa like a patron saint. The giant pupa itself is constantly absorbing the natural essence of the surroundings, like a pulsating sapphire heart, containing the mystery and power of life. , waiting for the great moment of Hua Yu's rebirth.

"This is Yue'ehuang!" Master Yu's voice rang out in the quiet night, carrying an indescribable awe.

"Why is this a pupa?" Mo Fan asked doubtfully.

"Yue'e Phoenix is ​​a moth totem, which naturally goes through the process of forming pupae and breaking out of cocoons. Since totem beasts are ancient gods with long lifespans, Yue'e Phoenix is ​​constantly reincarnated in the process of forming pupae and breaking out of cocoons. It has been It’s been thousands of years,” Master Yu explained.

"Okay, then in this state, do we still need to take him away?" Mo Fan asked hesitantly.

As a totem ambassador, his purpose is to find the power of totems to help mankind. In this situation, he doesn't know how to deal with this problem.

"Leave it to me. Yue'e Phoenix is ​​relatively weak when it pupates. As long as you are able to protect it, I will take it back to Fanxue Mountain." Yu Shishi said.

"No problem, with Brother Xian protecting us, no one dares to mess with us!"

Seeing that Chen Xian did not deny it, Master Yu nodded and slowly stretched out her hand to touch the sacred diaphragm. The giant cyan pupa instantly erupted with a strong holy light, and the surrounding slender silk threads were broken from the ancient tree. Open, the giant cyan pupa floats quietly in the sky.

The next moment, she didn’t know what Master Yu did. She saw the giant chrysalis of holy light shrinking rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, it compressed into a small light ball the size of an apple and fell into her hand.

"Is this okay? It's so convenient!"

"Let's go."

In order not to cause further demon riots, Chen Xian quickly took the two of them and left Nanling. There were some small towns nearby. If the demons really rioted, they would have to be taken care of.

Chen Xian doesn't want to do anything now. He just wants to retreat, sort out his state, and study his fourth golden finger, the Eye of the Void!

Like the previous three golden fingers, this golden finger is also a type of monster-killing upgrade, but the upgrade method is different.

Feast: 8th floor (3.34 million/100 million)

Soul Furnace: 3901244 [+3006454]

Hell Curse: 759%

Eye of the Void: 33999

The Eye of the Void also provides a value for his monster-killing upgrade, but this value is useless and can't see anything.

The way to increase the value of the Eye of the Void is very special. It is not just a simple monster-killing upgrade, but analysis!

That's right, it's called analysis. The beam emitted from the Eye of the Void is called the body deconstruction ray!

And this is how to obtain the analysis value. As long as the deconstruction ray causes damage, the value will increase, even if it is to deconstruct a stone! And the increase in the value will make Chen Xian more handy in mastering the energy of the void, and at the same time, he will also gain some magical understanding of the analysis.

Speaking of void energy, we have to mention Chen Xian's fourth system. Yes, his fourth system has awakened.

Chaos system!

Everything was fine, but the appearance of the Eye of the Void directly caused serious pollution to this system. The originally chaotic and strange stardust has now turned into a dark purple and deep strange nebula. The Chaos system has been completely polluted into the Void system!

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