Versatile Mage: Evolving from the One-eyed Wolf

Chapter 242 242, Destroy the Thunder Dragon

The Dongting Lake in the magic plane has not been transformed by humans. Its area is still very large, and its waters are extremely vast, stretching hundreds of miles from east to west and hundreds of miles from north to south.

Only a huge lake of this size can support a large tribe of demons, but Chen Xian's arrival will destroy everything. His Great Wilderness Star Meteor is not just as simple as raising waves, even the riverbed has been raised by him to create a huge meteorite crater.

The landform of Dongting Lake has been severely damaged, and it is estimated that there will be a lake in the lake in the future.

After Lei Jiao woke up, he roared angrily, and his huge body twisted in the water, directly stabilizing his body. Its lantern-like eyes stared at Chen Xian, who caused all this chaos, and spewed out thick lightning from its mouth, attacking Chen Xian.

Chen Xian also quickly adjusted his landing shape. His super-level sound perception allowed him to find the damn Lei Jiao at the first time. Facing this thick lightning, Chen Xian did not defend himself at all and let it fall on him.

Zi! ! !

Thick blue lightning fell on Chen Xian's huge body, and a layer of green light flashed by.

The next second, Chen Xian was unharmed, and the thick blue lightning disappeared without a trace.

The magic immunity brought by the 759% hell curse was extremely terrifying, and Lei Jiao's attack couldn't even remove his rust.

Chen Xian's mouth corners slightly raised: "Monarch-level attack? That's it?"

"Taste my invincible iron fist!!!"

Chen Xian shouted, and the huge iron fist carried a huge demonic power and smashed towards Lei Jiao fiercely. The demonic power fist wind whistled, and the surrounding lake water was squeezed open by this powerful force.

There was only a loud "bang", and the colorful demonic power fist light hit Lei Jiao directly. Lei Jiao was hit by this punch and his body was sunken, and half of his body was directly buried in the riverbed.

The sound of broken bones was clearly audible, and it wailed in pain. At this time, it finally regained its sanity in the pain, and the little bit of irritability disappeared directly, and it wanted to escape from here madly.

The existence of the eyes is not something it can provoke. This terrifying freak can't be defeated even if he grows up for hundreds of years.

However, how could Chen Xian let it escape easily. He took a step forward, and the lake water exploded under his feet.

"Want to run? Not so easy!" Chen Xian roared.

He stretched out his giant hand, grabbed the tail of the thunder dragon, and pulled it out of the riverbed. The thunder dragon twisted its body desperately in the air, but couldn't break free from Chen Xian's control.

The little dragon demon was only two hundred meters long. It was like a small snake in the hand of Chen Xian's two hundred-meter-tall demon wolf body. Chen Xian's demon power spread all over his body, and his body power exploded.

He held the thunder dragon tightly with his right hand, as if he was controlling a deadly weapon. His arm muscles burst, and the demon power ran around his body like an electric current.

He suddenly exerted force, lifted the thunder dragon high, and then waved it wildly. The two hundred-meter-long body of the thunder dragon seemed to be weightless in Chen Xian's hands.

"Bang!" The Thunder Dragon was smashed hard against a huge rock beside it, and the rock instantly collapsed, with debris flying everywhere. Chen Xian did not stop at all, and threw the Thunder Dragon to another steep mountain wall again.

"Boom!" A huge dent was smashed into the mountain wall, and dust flew everywhere. The Thunder Dragon screamed in pain, but could not break free from Chen Xian's iron palm.

Chen Xian's movements became faster and faster, and the Thunder Dragon collided violently with the surrounding solid materials again and again. Every collision was accompanied by a loud noise that shook the earth and the Thunder Dragon's increasingly weak wailing.

The entire Dongting Lake seemed to tremble under Chen Xian's violence. His hideous face and violent momentum made people shudder.

I don't know how long it took, when Chen Xian stopped his movements, the Thunder Dragon had turned into a pool of rotten meat, and all the scales on its body were broken and fell off under the destruction of Chen Xian's violent power. Now it is as embarrassed as a snake, as if it will be gone if it hits again.

The surrounding environment also changed beyond recognition. Under Chen Xian's violent operation, the riverbed of Dongting Lake directly cracked into countless huge cracks, as if the earth opened its hideous mouth.

The river water rushed out of the cracks, making a deafening roar. The originally quiet lake bottom was now full of gravel and mud, and the water plants were uprooted and drifted with the waves.

At this time, Dongting Lake was filled with the breath of blood and death. The surrounding demons were frightened by Chen Xian's terrifying means and hid one after another, not daring to make a sound.

Chen Xian looked at the waters that were messed up by himself, without any mercy in his heart.

He raised the Thunder Dragon in his hand directly. After killing for so long, he was angry and it was time to do business.

Chen Xian stared directly at the Thunder Dragon Demon, and the Void Eye on his head slowly opened at its head. A dark purple ray of horror sprayed out from it. This power contained indescribable horror.

Under the bombardment of the deep purple rays, the huge body of the Thunder Dragon seemed to have encountered the most terrible deconstruction in the world. Its scales, flesh and even bones were quickly decomposed under the action of this force, turning into dots of light and dissipating in the lake.

This is not just physical destruction, but more like the erasure of the essence of existence, completely stripping the life form of the Thunder Dragon from this world.

The power of the Eye of the Void is still shocking no matter how many times you see it. At the same time, a strange information poured into Chen Xian's mind. This is the knowledge and perception analyzed by the Eye of the Void.

Chen Xian opened his wolf claws and looked at the huge palm. He silently sensed the deep purple nebula in the spiritual world, mobilized the void energy in it, and used it according to the perception he just gained.

Ziz! ! ! !

Suddenly, purple light bloomed, and strong void lightning burst out from Chen Xian's palm. The lightning jumped like a spirit snake, and the surrounding air was ionized and "crackling".

Chen Xian felt this void lightning, and a burst of excitement surged in his heart. This void chaos system is really awesome. It can even occupy the authority of the thunder system. Moreover, this void lightning is not an ordinary product at first glance. It is at least a soul seed level thunder.

It should be said that the quality will improve with the improvement of the void chaos system, but this thunder and lightning has the characteristics of the void. It is not only extremely flexible and weird, but also has strong corrosiveness.

The corrosiveness of void lightning focuses on breaking defense. The stronger the defense, the more useful it is. This kind of erosion is to transform and assimilate matter into void lightning.

However, the conversion efficiency is not high, currently only 5%. Moreover, the void is also logical, it also emphasizes equivalent exchange, and the conversion ratio is calculated based on the mass of the substance, not the volume.

If it is a substance of extremely high mass, the corrosiveness of the void lightning can be said to be useless, but if it is used to deal with certain magic barriers, it is a magical skill, and it can break them all at once.

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