"Hmph! I finally captured this evil spirit. He actually turned himself into a monster. He is indeed a heartless beast." Karuk said with heavy breaths.

This battle was extremely difficult for them. Since Chen Xian had no intention of intervening, several of Han Ji's trump cards were directly destroyed. Fortunately, the light bird summoned by Mo Fan used the body of the monarch to hit it in time, and everyone Talents can have a good spell-casting output environment.

At this time, the light bird was also covered in scars, and the originally bright light on its body seemed a little dim. But it still held its head high and its eyes were firm.

Mo Fan looked at the light bird with distress, walked up and gently stroked its feathers, and said: "Thank you for your hard work, please take a good rest."

The light bird chirped softly, seemingly in response to Mo Fan, and then turned into a ray of light and disappeared into the dimensional gate.

On the other side, Han Ji walked up to the evil horned god Leng Jue and threw out two soul ice sealing chains. The chains were like two blue snakes, tightly wrapping around Leng Jue's body and binding him firmly to the ground. .

Han Ji stared at Leng Jue's eyes full of malice and ridicule. A strong murderous intention surged in his heart, but he still managed to restrain himself. The red archbishop captured alive was obviously more useful.

"Beast, your evil days are over!" With that said, Han Ji controlled the soul ice sealing chain to suppress Leng Jue's soul.

Without any resistance, he quickly degenerated into the original purple-eyed boy under this power. The power of the Evil Horned God left his body and soul, and Leng Jue turned back into a useless high-level human mage.

However, the injuries all over his body have not recovered. The limbs are broken. The breakage of the tentacles has also formed fleshy pits and blood clots on the skin. One of the eyes is still blind.

Those who didn't know thought that some evil force had done something unscrupulous to a young man from a good family. In fact, the evil that Leng Jue had done was not worth mentioning at all.

"Hehehe...hehe..." Even though he ended up like this, Leng Jue still laughed crazily, with blood gushing out of his mouth as he laughed.

"You lunatic, you can laugh even when you are about to die!" Karuk glared at him.

Leng Jue gasped and said intermittently: "You guys... don't think you will win, do you? You are too naive!"

The demon man snorted coldly: "You are already like this, what else do you want to do?"

Leng Jue raised his head with difficulty, with madness in his eyes: "So what if you kill me? There are powers you can't even imagine! Just wait and see, you will pay the price for what you did today!"

Han Ji stepped forward and said coldly: "No matter what you say, your conspiracy will not succeed."

Leng Jue suddenly laughed wildly, his laughter full of joy and madness: "Hahahaha, it's here, it's already here! The army of the undead from the underworld has arrived, and the God of Hades will flatten your city and kill all of you. What are you doing? Nothing can stop it!”

When he heard the word undead, Han Ji's pupils shrank, and his face instantly became extremely gloomy. No one knew the horror of the undead better than him, who had experienced the catastrophe of the ancient capital. Combining the origin of the artifact of the dimensional trigonometric mirror with the current situation, Han Ji Ji immediately understood something.

At this moment, the sky in the distance suddenly became dark, and an unsettling smell filled the air. The sky in the distance seemed to be shrouded in a layer of black clouds, which even light could not penetrate.

"What's going on?" A super-level mage stood up alertly.

"Could this be Leng Jue's back-up plan?" Mo Fan asked doubtfully.

"No, that's the direction of Zhenbeiguan!" General Zhenbeiguan's expression suddenly changed.

"I'm afraid that's the army of the undead that Leng Jue was talking about. The damn beast actually used a dimensional triangular mirror to cast a dark glow in the Dragon Kingdom. As expected, a pyramid descended." Han Ji said with a gloomy expression.

At this time, a mage responsible for the investigation hurried over with a look of horror on his face: "Oh no, a huge phantom pyramid has appeared outside Zhenbei Pass, and countless undead are pouring out of it!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

Han Ji gritted his teeth: "No matter what, we must stop it immediately. We must not let these undead wreak havoc!"

Everyone stood up one after another, poured their magic energy into the magic walking and wing magic equipment, and rushed towards Zhenbeiguan. Although their physical strength and magic energy were exhausted in the previous battle, they understood that if they did not take immediate action, the consequences would be disastrous.

When they arrived outside Zhenbei Pass, they saw a huge phantom of a pyramid standing in the distant plain sky, like a portal to another world.

Countless undead creatures emerged from the land around the pyramid. They had different shapes, some were like skeletal warriors, and some were mummies. The eyes of these undead creatures flashed with green will-o'-the-wisps, and they made blood-curdling roars.


The turbulent undead storm hit, making people feel suffocated. Mo Fan had seen this overwhelming scene before, but seeing it again still felt like his liver and gallbladder were splitting, and his head was about to burst open!

And among the surging underworld creatures, a sacred pyramid stands there, which is particularly eye-catching and terrifying! !

The hundreds of kilometers of plains surrounding the pyramid were trampled to pieces by these undead. These underworld creatures seemed to be able to smell the breath of living creatures, including the fear of people fleeing.

Chasing is their favorite carnival. The prey caught directly is not as delicious as the prey after torture and chasing.

Not long ago, there were only underworld trackers and Hades frogs on the plain, but now they have been overwhelmed by the follow-up army.

The fastest ones are the underworld executioners who are all white and riding corpse-horned horses. They hold corpse-splitting blades, and their rotten bodies are almost grafted with corpse-horned horses. They gallop on the land of the living, and the corpse-splitting blades make a crackling sound. They are crazy dismemberment executioners.

The underworld executioners are at the front of the undead army. Looking down from the air, their black bodies are like white gauze spread on the ground, rushing forward with the strong wind, dense at the front and sparse at the back. The executioners can also surpass the underworld creatures on foot, gathering at the tip of the frenzy, like the white wave arc at the front of the tsunami, which is the magnificence of death.

The tens of thousands of underworld executioners are only a small part, and the speed is closely followed by the twin bull ghosts.

They are made up of the trunk of the demon bull and the upper body of the underworld tracker. They are strong and powerful. The small ones are more than five meters, and the big ones are fifty or sixty meters.

The twin bull ghosts were the main force of trampling, crushing countless underworld creatures as they moved forward. The sound and feeling of trampling corpses and flesh was their way of pleasure and decompression, and they were deeply loved by the rulers of the underworld, so they were more powerful.

The shaking and shattering of the earth were half the work of the twin bull ghosts, who followed the underworld punishment because the underworld punishment could smell the smell of living people.

Behind these two pioneers were a mixture of various underworld creatures that could not be clearly distinguished. They were generally divided into underworld slaves, underworld warriors, mummies, grafters, underworld giants, rulers, etc.

"Hahahahaha! This is the grand ceremony of my ascension to the godhood!" Leng Jue was carried by Mo Fan like a dead dog, but he still dared to laugh wildly.

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