Versatile Mage: I can control you until you die

Chapter 661 I can’t tell the difference! I can’t tell the difference! (Two in one)

"Mi, Lord Michael..." the Holy Judge who followed Michael said timidly.

"It's okay."

Michael forced his voice not to tremble so much.

He is an angel, the first person under God, how could he be killed by a mere demon...

Boom! ! !

In the distant sky, the Shayuan made a sharp explosion, and the Ten Thousand Corpses Pit opened, revealing a scene like a hell furnace inside.

Before Michael and his men were shocked, a figure suddenly crashed into it, smashed through the layers of undead, and disappeared in the sky.

"The Undead Emperor is gone!" the Holy Judge screamed.

"It's better to die together, no matter who is the Lord of the Underworld or the Queen of the Royal Veil and Skeletons." Michael said viciously.

Until this time, he became lively: "Let's go and kill the demon!"

The several dead kings left, and the remaining three or two kittens were naturally no match for Michael, and were swept away by his magic and annihilated in batches.

When the last batch of undead turned into smoke and dust in the magic, Michael stared at the direction where the Sha Yuan disappeared, his eyes uncertain.


Inside the Sha Yuan.

The sky was dark and distorted, and the heavy corpse cloud always covered the sky. Only sporadic netherworld fire illuminated the environment.

Indistinctly, a strange figure rushed around.

Its limbs twisted at incredible angles, and every step it took was accompanied by ground tremors and the wailing of the surrounding undead.

It was rampant in the Sha Yuan, which was piled with countless bones, crazy corpses, and wandering ghosts. Every collision triggered a series of chain reactions, making the surrounding bones rustle as if pushed by invisible hands.

The undead were trembling with fear and dared not move.


The figure slammed to the ground. It was hard to imagine that a body of only a few meters in size could cause a great shock to the entire Sha Yuan.


A punch hit his face, the force was aimed at smashing it.

The other side was not to be outdone, directly used the sharp nails to dig a piece of meat, and was about to tear it off bloody.

The low-level undead were fine, but the high-level undead with a little culture were stunned.

What is this.

The art of fighting with both hands?


A deafening roar sounded, and the black-striped bone dragon with countless undead pierced by its sharp fish bones rushed over. The emperor-level physique prevented it from dying even in the evil abyss.

It felt the breath of the queen and the Lord of the Underworld.

It wanted to help the queen kill that damn guy, and victory always belongs to the noble... Roar?

The bone dragon was stunned.

What is this?

Stitched beast?

"Uh——!!!" The Queen of the Royal Veil felt the arrival of the bone dragon and ordered it to attack Xu Fang in great joy.

But her body had already been embedded in Xu Fang's body, and the Bone Nether Dragon didn't dare to attack at all, and was as anxious as a black loach that had just been put into a hot pot.

I can't tell! I can't tell!


The Bone Nether Dragon suddenly looked up and saw a huge figure running towards him, towering into the clouds, like a moving mountain.

There was a faint green light flashing in his eyes, full of high fighting spirit and undisguised killing intent.

The corpse of the mountain, I want its undead soul!

"Ah!!!" Another Nether Dragon soared into the sky, and the look in the eyes of the King of the Skeleton Sha looked at the Bone Nether Dragon as if he was looking at a plate of the ultimate delicacy.

The outside of the Eight Directions King of the Dead was surrounded by a strong aura of death, and any movement could set off a cold storm.


Xu Fang's body made a tooth-grinding bone crisp sound, the gold in his eyes was also covered with bloodshot, and he made a series of beast-like low roars from his mouth.

It looked like it had no momentum, but waves of energy suddenly spread outward, stirring up another emperor's war!

Xu Fang's soul resilience far exceeded the expectations of the Queen of Royal Veil and Bones.

You know, she had devoured countless powerful beings in the past and took the soul fire of others for herself.

Among them, there were many emperor-level beings, and there were countless rebels.

But there has never been even one that was so tenacious, like a reef on the sea.

It looked so ordinary, but no matter how the waves beat and roared, it always remained motionless.

The Queen of Royal Veil and Bones was even a little broken.

And Xu Fang felt the same way.

After all, she was an emperor... Among all the beings who tried to invade Xu Fang's spiritual world, the Queen of Royal Veil and Bones was undoubtedly the strongest one, without a doubt.

The spiritual power of the eighth realm was still difficult to resist this dominant emperor.

————This is after Xu Fang had cleansed the armored evil spirit for several years, otherwise he would have been killed at the beginning because of the internal and external cooperation.

The mental defense line was retreating little by little.

The string was gradually tightening, either it would be forcibly broken, or it would counterattack with greater force!

Xu Fang chose C!


Buzz! ! ! ! !

Deep in the soul, there was a golden light flashing, and several golden figures wearing ancient robes reappeared!

This time it was even clearer than the last time. In addition to seeing their figures, Xu Fang also saw the world behind them.

It is difficult to describe it in words, like a mysterious dimension beyond the mundane world.

The sky showed an unprecedented clarity and depth, not like the blue or gray of the human world, but interwoven with golden and silver brilliance.

It was like countless tiny stars twinkling in the daytime, or like the gate of heaven gently opening, leaking out a trace of sacred light.

Various creatures lived in it, some with wings flying in the sky, and some with scales swimming in the ocean.

Some were even very strange————to be more precise, abstract, but they did not have that kind of terrifying weirdness, but exuded majesty and mercy.

Xu Fang stretched out his hand and wanted to touch it, but the scene in front of him disappeared quickly in his sight.

When he came to his senses, the will of the Queen of Royal Veil and Bones had been melted into a small ball, and most of the energy was digested and dissipated in the spiritual space.


It's so cool to cheat.

"These energies, tsk." Xu Fang looked at the huge energy ball, and felt a little happy.

Although having magic and not using it are two different things, it's like saving a fixed deposit for who knows how many years, and you can only look at the balance but can't spend it on yourself. It's a pity.

"Roar!" The Queen of Royal Veil and Bones screamed.

Impolite human, I'm not dead yet!

"You're still yelling... After all these years, this is the first time I've seen someone rushing to die." Xu Fang sneered.

"Ugh!!!" The laughter of the Queen of Royal Veil and Skeleton was sharp and sarcastic.

Even the mysterious light just now could only deprive her of her power, but could not completely destroy her will.

Being entangled by me, the fate of this human is to be in fear for the rest of his life, and he may be replaced by me and his personality will be annihilated at any time!

"Are you still blaming me?" Xu Fang laughed.

To deal with a deadbeat like you, I have a set of effective methods.

"Yaoyun, you come to the table for dinner today."

"Eat this dragging woman up and wipe her out, don't leave any!"

The purple Yaoyun was extremely excited, shook off the restraint of the golden star, and rushed to the soul of the Queen of Royal Veil and Skeleton impatiently!

After the first bite, the Queen of Royal Veil and Skeleton could not laugh.

The smile shifted to Xu Fang's face.


A month passed.

The huge dark river brought by the forbidden magic attack was still horizontal in the original place, with blurred and twisted edges. It was the folds of time and space kneaded by the power of the forbidden spell, emitting a creepy gravity.

The gravity was too strong, and the waves, clouds and even the sea monsters in the distance were all dragged into this darkness, and then appeared in a new position with a confused face.

"Tu Feng Zhan!"

The cold voice sounded, and after the violent wind blade, these unlucky guys were twisted into stuffing.

Jiang Chong's expression was so ugly that water was about to drip out.

He had been searching in this sea area for a month, but still couldn't find any trace of Xu Fang.


The sea surface broke open, and several mages jumped out from underwater: "Da Jun Si, no signs of human activity were detected!"

"I don't have any here!"

"I don't have any here either!"

Jiang Chong's irritable eyebrows were squeezed together. For a month, Xu Fang was like a stone sinking into the sea, and no one was seen alive or dead.

He didn't even dare to tell his daughter, but led the elite to search on the sea.

"Report to the military commander, the Forbidden Spell Society sent a message, asking you not to leave the coastline lightly, otherwise they will..."

Jiang Chong waved his hand to stop the staff officer from speaking:

"What will happen? What a shitty Forbidden Spell Society, they didn't say anything when they killed people during the mission?

I saved people and they still pointed fingers at me. I'm happy that I didn't cause trouble for him! He shouldn't be a dog if he's a dog, he just barked!"

The staff officer was speechless and whispered: "Two weeks ago, didn't you just come to the door, and there were also the military chief, the speaker and others."

"If it weren't for that damn Heaven Mountain, Michael's wings would have been plucked off sooner or later!" Jiang Chong cursed.

The last time he went to the Holy City to cause trouble, although he didn't fight under the mediation of all parties, he also noticed that Michael's two wings were broken at the root, and there were also dark and smelly hideous marks.

Michael's breath was very weak. Jiang Chong, who was used to seeing all kinds of strange monsters, could conclude that this was a toxin that eroded his vitality.

If we were to fight fairly, I would beat his shit out!

Then beat him into shit!

Finally, I would beat him with his shit!

"How about letting Shaoxu come over?" Jiang Chong frowned and thought.

Jiang Shaoxu's insight was even inferior to that of his father, who was at the forbidden spell level, after all, he had the bonus of the Tears of Qingqiu.

But Jiang Shaoxu was now looking for a solution to the low temperature epidemic. God knows which city or even the mountain valley he went to.

It was not easy to find his daughter without a phone call.

The most important thing was that Jiang Chong did not want to tell her the news until it was absolutely necessary.

The sea was originally the most dangerous place on this plane, and it was difficult for his irrational daughter to walk out alive.

"It's all the fault of the forbidden spell society, it's all the fault of the holy city!"

I was too lenient last time, I should have smashed their gate!

At this moment, a sturdy military mage flew over excitedly: "General Dajun! General Dajun! We detected the voice signal of General Xu!"

"Where is it?"

Jiang Chong suddenly became interested: "Take me there!"


Jiang Chong was soon brought to a huge seaweed meadow. The lush plants lived directly on the sea surface, floating in groups like icebergs in the North and South Poles.

Lush and huge, like the emerald green ocean, it sways gently with the waves, covering the skyline and transforming this sea area into a mysterious and weird secret land.

"Grand Army Secretary, according to our testing, the density of monsters living in this grassland is close to the purple alert, we..."

"Blue Sky Blue Blade!"

Jiang Chong's cold magic chant sounded.

Emerald green light gathered in the clouds, and then turned into countless sharp magic blades!

The first to bear the brunt was the seemingly indestructible kelp meadow.

With an unstoppable force, the wind blade instantly penetrated the dense seaweed, like a sharp sickle harvesting a wheat field, cutting pieces of seaweed into pieces, turning them into green fragments and scattering in all directions.

On the sea surface, deep cracks spread rapidly, which were the traces left after the wind blade cut through the seaweed.

The seawater surges through these cracks, as if the ocean itself is trembling with this force.

As the kelp grassland collapsed, the monsters hidden within were suddenly exposed.

They fled from their hiding places in terror, scurrying around like headless flies.

But the density of the blue sky blade is so terrifying. From the monarch to the slaves, everyone enjoys the cutting of the wind blade without distinction, and the blood flowers are intertwined with the green seaweed fragments.

At this moment, this pasture has achieved absolute fairness to a certain extent.

When the last blade of wind dissipated in the air, the once lush seaweed grassland no longer existed, replaced by a mess and emptiness.

Only floating wreckage and the faint smell of blood were left on the sea, as well as the military mage who was extremely shocked by the power of magic.


"Ah... yes!" The strong military mage was startled and said quickly.

The instrument detected a sound signal from a trench. Because the density of demons was too high, the patrolling military mages did not dare to go into the sea.

Jiang Chong didn't need to think so much. A layer of chaotic wind shield appeared directly around his body, and the airtight air cut the surrounding seawater into pieces.

Enter the water.

One kilometer.

Two kilometers.

Three kilometers.

The surroundings were very quiet, except for the undercurrents on the seabed that pushed the body around, and the trench wall also produced strong suction forces.

"Grand Army Secretary, this place is too dangerous, you can't go down any further!" the staff officer said with a serious look on his face, using sign language to stop him.

"I'll go in, you guys wait." Jiang Chong responded: "Others can do it, so can I."

"But the place where they dive is offshore! In our island chain, we are in the Pacific Ocean!"

The staff persuaded him earnestly that he was not afraid of his own death, but was afraid that something would happen to Jiang Chong, and there would be no one along the Jiaodong coast to take charge of the overall situation.

"I want to get Xu Fang back." This was Jiang Chong's response.

The strong military mage said quickly: "I promise, there is a voice signal from Commander Xu below, I will take you there!"


Jiang Chong's wind element was so powerful that he actually awakened the wind element that had been dormant for a long time in the sea water, forcibly breaking the constraints of sea water pressure and density.

The speed was as fast as a cannonball, and the strong military mage couldn't keep up.

Jiang Chong's thoughts moved, and the water flow followed the guidance of the wind element, forming streamlined channels, making the strong military mage's body suddenly lighten.

"Right in front!" he said quickly.

No need for him to say anything, Jiang Chong's mental power also captured the familiar voice.

It’s Xu Fang!

There seemed to be a fierce battle, with angry curses and shouts.

Jiang Chong hurriedly approached, but what appeared in front of him was not Xu Fang, but a sea monster.

One person and one monster, big eyes facing small eyes in the sea.

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