Versatile Mage: My magic is off the charts!

Chapter 113 The situation suddenly reverses, I will be responsible for you! (3 updates)

Hundreds of people walked through the two broken buildings and soon came to another street.

The leader judged the direction and led them towards the safety barrier.

But before they had gone very far, bloodthirsty ants suddenly came towards them! !

"Fight them!" The hunters and military mages behind shouted angrily.

they know!

They have no way out!

At this time, the female military commander also came to the next street and saw this scene at the same time.

She bit her red lips lightly and said nothing, her heart filled with determination.

When Song Jie flew towards their street, he also saw swarms of bloodthirsty ants.

At this moment, he couldn't help but feel a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

Humans face monsters!

Still too weak.

Under the street, the street lights shine, and the bloodthirsty ants surge in like a torrent!

Everyone is ready to sacrifice at this moment, they will all be the heroes of Oil City!

However, they could never see Oil City again, and they didn't have time to say goodbye to their families.

Everyone was shocked. They were holding sticks, stones, brooms... and were staring at the bloodthirsty ants charging towards them! !

Just when they were about to fight to the death, the entire bloodthirsty ant army suddenly stopped.

They didn't know what was going on, but they saw those bloodthirsty ants rushing back at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"what's the situation?"

"The army of bloodthirsty ants has retreated!?"

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, you have no idea what happened.

But Song Jie and the female military commander had already realized what was going on.

"Why did this bloodthirsty ant retreat suddenly?" Mu Tingying didn't understand either.

"Why are you so stupid?"

As soon as these words came out, Mu Tingying took a deep breath. She was afraid that she would not be able to help but beat Song Jie.

"Why, do you still have any objections to me?" Song Jie raised his hand and slapped him without saying anything!

With a "pop" sound, Mu Tingying couldn't help but say "hmm" and immediately turned to look at Song Jie.

"Not convinced?"

"I accept it, I accept it..."

Mu Tingying replied pitifully that she didn't want to be spanked by Song Jie again.

"Military Secretary, have you found the queen ant over there?" someone asked.

"Maybe!" The female military commander smiled and nodded. Only this could explain why the bloodthirsty ant suddenly left.

They were so relieved that many of them sat down suddenly on the ground, already exhausted.

Jinshan, deep.

Hunter King and others have found the approximate location of the queen ant.

The reason why they are sure is because there is an army of bloodthirsty ants underneath them!

There were three layers of bloodthirsty ants inside and three layers outside, preventing the Hunter King and others from getting close.

The Hunting King said: "It seems like this is it."

"When will we do it?" Xu Chu asked.

"Don't worry, we need to determine its location first, and then we take action." The Hunting King waved his hand.

"It is summoning bloodthirsty ants back, and I'm afraid there will be more by then!" Xu Chu said.

"Let them gather together, they can be destroyed together." The Hunter King said without caring.

Xu Chu nodded, seeming to understand his boss's intention.


Ling Tiancheng, Dean Songhe and others also received news that the Hunter King had found the hiding place of the Queen Ant.

"We old guys don't need to help, right?" Dean Songhe said.

"No, I've already sent people over. This matter will be dealt with soon." Ling Tiancheng said slowly.

They discussed it for a while and then the meeting ended.

After Old Man Deng walked out of it, Ding Yumian, Jiang Shaoxu and others greeted him.

"Professor Deng, is there any news about Song Jie?" they asked, staring at old man Deng.

Old man Deng felt very uncomfortable seeing the three girls in front of him caring so much about Song Jie.

I think when he was young, he was also...

Forget it, stop bragging...

He admired it...! !

Old man Deng shook his head and sighed.

Seeing this, the three girls couldn't help but feel nervous, wondering if something had happened to Song Jie?

"He's fine. He's in Oil City now." Old Man Deng said.

When the three women heard this, they felt relieved.

When Old Man Deng saw this, he couldn't help but shook his head and sighed in his heart. He didn't know where Song Jie had been lucky enough to have three girls worry about him.

In Oil City.

The bloodthirsty ants retreated, and the crisis in Oil City was temporarily lifted.

However, the female military commander did not let the citizens come back. After all, they did not know whether the bloodthirsty ants would come back again.

Therefore, she thought it was better to wait for reinforcements to arrive before letting the citizens return to the city.

The military prepared two rooms for them. Song Jie was really tired, so he went into the room without saying anything, lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

Mu Tingying raised her hand to cover her mouth and yawned before entering her room.

A night of silence.

The next day, Song Jie didn't wake up until noon. He had a really good sleep.

When he got up, he happened to see Mu Tingying walking in with food.

"This is your lunch. The military commander asked me to bring it over." Mu Tingying said casually.

"come here."

Song Jie shouted.

Mu Tingying was confused, but walked over anyway.

However, at this moment, Song Jie slapped her buttocks again with lightning speed.

"Hmm...!!" Mu Tingying made a shy voice.

"I brought you food, why did you hit me?"

"I'm your savior, and you have this attitude?" Song Jie said confidently.

Mu Tingying couldn't refute, and she didn't want to refute, lest she get beaten again.

She said nothing, ignored Song Jie, closed the door angrily and walked out.


After she went out and walked a few steps, she suddenly stopped, as if something was wrong! !

She seems to be free now, why should she listen to Song Jie! ?

"Hmph, Song Jie, I will make you pay the price!" Mu Tingying said through gritted teeth.

Song Jie didn't know Mu Tingying's little plan. He was really hungry and was devouring it.

After installing the mobile phone card, he opened the chat software and saw that many people had sent him messages.

Most of them are people who care about him, such as Ding Yumian, Jiang Shaoxu, Huo Yumeng and Mu Lei.

Song Jie replied one after another, and then saw the message Mu Nujiao sent him.

He knew that it was probably because Mu Lei told Mu Nujiao that the other party knew about his situation.

[Mu Nujiao: Song Jie, I heard Brother Lei say you are in danger now...]

Song Jie saw that Mu Nujiao was worried about him, so he quickly responded to her message.

[Song Jie: I thought I would never see you again, but luckily I survived. 】

At this time, Mu Nujiao was practicing. When she heard the message ringing, she immediately woke up and picked up her phone.

[Mu Nujiao: As long as you’re fine...]

[Song Jie: I'm sorry that night, I was drunk... If you don't mind, I will be responsible for you. 】

Mu Nujiao couldn't help but blush when she saw the news.

The reason why she didn't respond or contact Song Jie before was because she didn't know how to face it.


At this time, the busty girl in the bed next to Mu Nujiao was staring at her with squinted eyes.

"Sister Mu, why is your face red?"

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