Versatile Mage: My magic is off the charts!

Chapter 141 My first kiss! I can sell myself! 【2】

Song Jie leaned forward and Ai Tutu leaned back again.

"What do I want to do? I remember someone still owed me a kiss." Song Jie smiled.

"Didn't I kiss you before?!" Aitutu said confidently.

"But before that, we have a bet." Song Jie smiled knowingly.

At this moment, Ai Tutu suddenly lost his arrogance, as if he was a deflated balloon.

She remembered that Song Jie had made a bet with her before and asked Sister Mu to kiss him!


How could Sister Mu kiss him? !

"What? Do you want to default on my debt?" Song Jie stared at Ai Tutu condescendingly.

"I don't!" Ai Tutu said hard, but he fainted after a while.

Song Jie narrowed his eyes, asking him for a honey trap? He is not afraid at all!

He looked at Aitutu's nervous look and continued: "Then let's get started."

"Kissing here?" Ai Tutu suddenly panicked. What if Sister Mu saw it?

Song Jie smiled and said, "You kissed me last time, but you don't dare to kiss me this time?"

Hearing this, Ai Tutu suddenly blushed, why did she kiss him before? !

But then she thought about it, she had kissed him before anyway, what would happen if she kissed him again!

"I, Ai Tutu, have always been a person who keeps my word. Come here!" Ai Tutu stood up and said.

However, at this moment, the bathrobe on her body suddenly fell off, and she suddenly appeared in spring!

"Ah!!" Ai Tutu exclaimed, and then quickly lifted up the bathrobe!

Just now she deliberately pulled down her bathrobe, but unexpectedly it came loose! !

Song Jie took a sharp breath, was this the legendary Big Mac?

"What are you looking at!!" Ai Tutu glared at Song Jie angrily.

"You can look at me, but I can't look at you?" Song Jie choked Ai Tutu and asked.

"You...!!" Ai Tutu pointed at Song Jie, furious, but helpless!

Song Jie smiled and said, "You looked at me and I looked at you. At this point, we no longer owe each other anything."

"Is this the same!!"

"What's the difference? I have what you have, but I'm just not as big as you."

When Ai Tutu heard this, although it was a compliment to her, she still felt weird.

"No! You clearly took advantage of me!!"

"Are you going to kiss me? If not, I'll do it myself!" Song Jie changed the subject.

"Ah ah ah, Song Jie, I'm going to fight you!" As soon as Ai Tutu finished speaking, she stretched out her hand and grabbed Song Jie!

Song Jie had quick eyes and quick hands and suddenly avoided it. Ai Tutu was in vain and threw herself on him.

He looked up, and a ravine as thick as an arm suddenly appeared in front of him! !

"Song Jie, what are you looking at!!"

"You showed me."

"When did I let you see it!!"

Ai Tutu lay on top of Song Jie and reached out to grab his face! !

Song Jie dodged, reached out and grabbed Ai Tutu's hands, and kissed them suddenly the next moment.

Ai Tutu's beautiful eyes suddenly opened slightly. She didn't expect Song Jie to kiss her mouth to mouth! !


Ai Tutu watched herself being kissed by Song Jie, and suddenly thought of the scene in the TV series where the heroine was forcibly kissed by the hero!

Suddenly, her cheeks turned red involuntarily.

Being kissed by Song Jie like this, she suddenly felt like she wanted to blend in.

However, the next moment, she immediately came back to her senses. She had said a kiss! !

When Song Jie saw Ai Tutu making some movement, he quickly let go of Ai Tutu's red lips.

In order not to be scratched by Ai Tutu later, he walked directly towards the bedroom.

At the same time, he turned his back to Aitutu, waved his hand and said, "We don't owe each other anything now!"

When Ai Tutu reacted, Song Jie had already entered the bedroom.

"Ahhh!" Ai Tutu touched her red lips. This was her first kiss! He handed it over just like that! !

Ai Tutu grabbed the pillow on the sofa and punched it hard!

"Song Jie! You and I are at odds with each other!"

Winter holidays are coming.

Students at the main campus and Qingzhu Campus of Mingzhu Academy do not need to attend classes.

Most of them will choose to practice at home and spend the rest of the time wandering around!

Only a small number of people will choose to go out for training. After all, training is still too dangerous for them.

Ai Tutu has been avoiding him because of what happened last time, while Mu Nujiao is practicing in seclusion.

Therefore, Song Jie could only practice alone.

He spent most of his time practicing the Summoning System, and now his Summoning System is about to reach the critical point! !

However, Song Jie still can't get enough money to buy the Milky Way.

He asked Mu Tingying, but no matter what he said, she couldn't get it out, and even asked him to spank her! !

Song Jie already knows Mu Tingying's little quirks, so of course he won't do this!

"You have to find a way to make money yourself!!" Song Jie said helplessly.

Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, three months passed quietly.

At the same time, Song Jie got three more opportunities to transform his magic skills!

[Radiant·Penetration→Radiant·Penetrating Enhancement→Radiant·Penetrating Coverage→Radiant·Penetrating Light (New)]

This new penetration skill can penetrate defensive magic equipment, such as armor magic equipment, shield magic equipment, or magic shields, etc.!

However, it is limited to defensive magic equipment and defensive magic below high level.

[Guangyou·Painting Wall→Guangyou·Painting Wall Collision→Guangyou·Painting Wall Enhancement (New)]

As the name suggests, the wall's defense range and defense capabilities are enhanced on the original basis!

[Guangyou·Guardian→Guangyou·Confinement Guardian→Guangyou·Great Guardian→Guangyou·Spiritual Guardian (New)]

This spiritual protection is different from the spiritual holy shield. The spiritual holy shield can only help oneself defend against spiritual attacks.

Spiritual protection expands the scope of defense based on the holy shield, allowing it to cover more people and achieve the effect of group defense against spiritual attacks.

Song Jie roughly understood the use of skills and did not study too much.

At this moment, his phone rang.

Song Jie took out his cell phone and saw a call from Tang Yue.

He answered the call and smiled: "Teacher Tang Yue, did you miss me when you called me?"

"I don't miss you, so you can't miss me?" Tang Yue asked back.

"Of course I do!"

"Then why haven't you come to see me for so long?"

"Aren't I busy? I have reached the third level in both departments, and I am about to break through to the high level." Song Jie said.

"So fast?"

Song Jie nodded, "Yes, I've been worrying about breaking through to higher levels recently."

"You little naughty boy, you don't want me to give you the money for the Galaxy Veins, do you?" Tang Yue guessed what Song Jie was thinking.

"Oh, Teacher Tangyue, you are the roundworm in my belly!"

Tang Yue refused: "You can only figure this out on your own, I can't help you."

"Teacher Tang Yue, I can actually sell myself to you!" Song Jie tried to turn the tide.

ps: The last chapter will be late again...

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