Versatile Mage: My magic is off the charts!

Chapter 149 Am I going to be rude to you? 【1】

This is 120 million people walking! !

At the same time, Song Jie also felt the cunningness of the Black Church.

Even Nighthawk was deceived by the blue-clad deacon. It is conceivable that the other party had already arranged how to get out of trouble.

However, everything the other party did was to make a wedding dress for him.


The black shadow transformed by Song Jie caught up with the seriously injured deacon in blue.

At this time, he was running along the residential area. This residential area was complicated and complex. As long as he escaped from pursuit, it would be difficult for the Trial Council to find him again.

Song Jie watched him enter a wide area, the corners of his mouth raised, and then he raised his hand to see the first level of brilliance!

In an instant!

The light turned into a golden laser in the dark night, piercing the air and heading towards the seriously injured deacon in blue!

Before the latter could react, his whole body was hit by the laser and his body hit the wall heavily.

The middle-aged man looked at the armor on his body, which was now in pieces.

He glanced around and his eyes fell on the black figure Song Jie in the darkness.

Just now, he escaped to the planned escape route area and asked the people who were already guarding there to lure Nighthawk away.

He thought he could escape the pursuit of the Tribunal, but unexpectedly another one suddenly appeared!

The middle-aged man suddenly punched his fist fiercely. If he didn't deal with the person in front of him quickly, he might be inseparable! !

He showed a ferocious smile and said: "Since you rushed up here to die, then I will help you!"

Song Jie disagreed. As long as the opponent was not super-level, he would press the hammer under super-level!

"Blood Curse!!"

The middle-aged man bit his finger immediately, and then pressed his finger to the ground.

The next moment, a strange bloody pattern suddenly appeared on the ground! !

Blood energy permeates the middle-aged man's surroundings, and the bloody patterns are constantly sucking his blood!

He was panting, and when he saw that it was almost time, he looked at Song Jie like a hungry wolf.

"Blood sacrifice!" the middle-aged man shouted. The blood around him was mixed with curses, and they swarmed towards Song Jie.

Seeing this, Song Jie calmly completed the star map, and the golden six-pointed star suddenly shone on the soles of his feet! !


"Spiritual Protection!!"

In an instant, golden light suddenly enveloped Song Jie, and all the blood energy and curses that rushed towards his face were isolated.

"How can it be!!"

The middle-aged man looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief. Isn't this middle-level Guangyou?

It can actually block his blood sacrifice! ?

His blood sacrifice can kill even a third-level mage with advanced training.


The opponent was blocked by Guangyou! ?

Song Jie looked calm and calm at the moment. As long as it was not a super-level mental attack, there would be no problem with any amount of it.

"I don't believe it!!" the middle-aged man roared and bit his palm.

He pressed his palm violently on the bloody pattern. No matter what, he was going to kill the person in front of him!

otherwise! !

He can't escape!

"Xiao Lu." Seeing that the middle-aged man was still trying to struggle, he couldn't let him die. He might be used in the trial.

After Xiaolu flew out of the dimensional space, she followed Song Jie's instructions and released the vines to control the middle-aged man in front of her.

He wanted to struggle, but suddenly, he felt as if all his strength had been taken away.

It made him feel like he couldn't exert himself.

Xiaolu's toxicity has spread throughout the middle-aged man's body, but the other party doesn't know it.

"Well done!" Song Jie watched as the blood and curses were instantly wiped away, and kissed Xiao Lu on the face.

"Ring ring ring!!" (with drool on his face...)

Song Jie came to the middle-aged man's side and dialed Tang Yue's number at the same time.

After the curse in Tang Yue's body was removed by him, she should have almost recovered.

Therefore, he planned to call Tang Yue out. After all, the other party was a member of the Trial Council, and he was also half one of his own!

Then it will be easier for him to negotiate the price, right?

Song Jie was a little excited when he thought that 120 million would be credited to his account later.

This is the first time he has seen so much money! !

After Tang Yue received Song Jie's call, she immediately notified Nighthawk. She didn't expect that Song Jie really captured the blue-clothed deacon.

But she was also worried about Song Jie's safety. People from the Black Church were very cunning!

Nighthawk was the first to find Song Jie's position, and he slowly fell from mid-air.

His eyes fell on the middle-aged man on the ground, and then looked at Song Jie:

"Are you Song Jie?"

Song Jie nodded.

Nighthawk smiled, patted his shoulder and said, "You are really young and promising."

Song Jie said nothing and nodded implicitly.

"Is he dead?"

"No, it's just poisoning." Song Jie explained immediately.

Nighthawk looked happy, the living butler in blue was much more valuable than the dead one.

"A great achievement!"

"I heard that there is a reward for capturing and killing people from the Black Church, right?" Song Jie deliberately opened up the topic.

"Yes, you are not only the provider of the information this time, but you also helped catch him. All his bounty will be yours." Nighthawk said with a smile.

With these words, Song Jie felt much more relaxed.

After a while, Tang Yue also rushed over and was relieved to see that Song Jie was fine.

"Teacher Tang Yue, I also know that there are many members of the Black Church. Come with me to catch them." Song Jie said.

Hearing this, Tang Yue nodded and followed Song Jie out of here.

She left all the affairs of Deacon in Blue to Nighthawk, and that night the people from the Tribunal also started to take action.

They were also staring at the members of the Black Church in the Demon City before, but they were just fishing, so they took so long to close the net.

After the deacon in blue was captured, they had no worries.

"Didn't your summoned beast come back just now? Did you lose him?" Tang Yue asked.

"There is a river around Qingba. Xiao Hei said he jumped into the river." Song Jie replied.

Tang Yue sighed and said, "This guy is really cunning. He used this method to get rid of tracking."

"He can't escape, but it's not the right time yet." Song Jie said.

Afterwards, Song Jie took Tang Yue to arrest other members of the Black Church.

With the cooperation of the two of them, those people from the Black Church were no match at all, and they were subdued in a short time.

"You made a lot of money this time." Tang Yue looked at the gray-clothed cultists who were stunned by the poison and said with a smile.

"Compared with Teacher Tang Yue, this is nothing." Song Jie smiled and waved his hand.

"After I broke through to the high level, I am now very poor. How about you give me some of it?" Tang Yue gave Song Jie a wink.

"Okay, but it's too late tonight. Should we find a hotel to stay for one night before going back?" Song Jie said with a smile.

How could Tang Yue not understand Song Jie's words? She suddenly raised her hand and hit him on the back of the head.

"Teacher Tang Yue, if you hit me like this again, I will be rude to you!" Song Jie narrowed his eyes and threatened.

"Oh? How can you be rude to me?" Tang Yue looked not afraid at all.

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