Versatile Mage: My magic is off the charts!

Chapter 160 Song Jie’s plan, Mo Fan changed!

Zhankong walked to the water dispenser, took out a plastic cup, and gave Song Jie a glass of water.

He walked over with a smile, handed out the water glass and said: "You came to me to think that you have decided to become a military mage?"


Song Jie said bluntly.

Soon, he retracted the water glass in Zhan Kong's hand and took a sip himself.

Song Jie glanced at him and poured him water with a smile just now.

Just stop pretending now, right? ?

"What's the matter?" Zhankong knew that Song Jie must have something else to do when he came to him.

"Instructor Zhankong, you must have heard about the bloodthirsty ants in Jinshan, right?" Song Jie asked.

"heard about it."

"I also encountered another thing in Jinshan."

Zhan Kong became interested, raised his head and asked, "What's the matter?"

Song Jie said: "Someone entered Jinshan to look for me, and they even wanted to use me for experiments!"

Hearing this, Zhan Kong frowned suddenly, and something suddenly came to his mind.

"Did they do anything to you?"

Song Jie nodded, he also wanted to let his demonization be accepted through this incident.

Anyway, Mo Fan will also show his demonic transformation by then. With his precedent, Song Jie will be able to use his demonic transformation ability normally in the future.

Moreover, even if they investigate Lu Nian and others, they will know that they have touched them!

As for the outcome, no one knows, because all the people sent by Lu Nian died.

Moreover, Ding Yumian, Mu Lei and others did not see it, so no one knew the specific situation.

At this time, Zhan Kong's eyes were filled with anxiety because he had received the information that Lu Nian had left the military.

"Song Jie, please stay here for now. I'm going to the imperial capital now," Zhankong said.

Now was the time, he had to expose the plot of Lu Nian and others.

"Instructor Zhankong, what are you doing in the Imperial Capital?"

"That guy Lu Nian might take action against Mo Fan, I'm going to stop this!"

I saw Zhan Kong going out in a hurry.

Seeing this, Song Jie also left the Southern Military Headquarters and prepared to go to Jinlin City.

His plan is almost ready, everything is in his calculations.

Wild, late at night.

Mo Fan, Zhao Manyan and others were warming themselves by the campfire.

Not far from them, there was a lake where the girl was taking a bath.

Everyone felt itchy in their hearts when they heard the laughter and laughter coming from over there.

You can imagine!

The lake is definitely a beautiful scenery!

Song Xia wondered: "Mu Nujiao, why are yours bigger than Bai Tingting's? I didn't notice it before!"

They all thought Bai Tingting was the eldest among them, but they didn't expect Mu Nujiao to be the dark horse.

How dare Mu Nujiao speak?

I'm so blushing!

She was indeed not this old before, but after being often beaten by Song Jie...

At once……

So shameful! !

When the boy in the distance heard this, he couldn't stand it even more! !

"Peng Liang, aren't you a shadow type? Why don't you go for such a good opportunity now?" someone encouraged.

"Yeah, if I had the shadow element I would go."

"You have awakened the shadow system and haven't mastered its true use. Peng Liang, you can't do it!"

Everyone spoke to encourage Peng Liang.

However, at this time, Mo Fan stood up and said, "If anyone dares to go there, don't blame me, Mo Fan, for turning against me!"

"Mo Fan, what do you mean!" Shen Mingxiao was the first to refuse.

Luo Song also stood up.

"It's none of your business whether they go or not?"

Zhao Manyan looked at Mo Fan in confusion, "What's going on with you kid? Why are you so serious today?"

He knew that Mo Fan also had the Shadow Element, but this guy didn't go there. It was strange!

Mo Fan looked at Zhao Manyan and explained: "Mu Nujiao is my brother's girlfriend, what do you think?"

"You mean... Mu Nujiao is Song Jie's girlfriend?" Zhao Manyan asked.

Mo Fan nodded.

Zhao Manyan fell silent.

The goddess of Mingzhu Academy has an owner!

At this moment, Peng Liang also heard their conversation and immediately sat down obediently.

"Song Jie?"

Liao Mingxuan from Imperial Capital Academy was puzzled: "Why does this name sound so familiar?"

"Of course you are familiar with him, because he is the person who tortured your Imperial Capital Academy last year." Zhao Manyan said with a smile.

When the male students from the Imperial Academy heard this, they also remembered who it was! !

It turns out to be him! !

Song Jie's legend has already engraved their Imperial Capital Academy on the Pillar of Shame!

Their Imperial Capital University was the number one university in China, and it was crushed by one person!


What's even more annoying is that their Imperial Capital Academy originally wanted to save their dignity during this exchange of students!

However, Mo Fan gave them another blow! !

They were all silent, no one spoke.

A few days later.

They came to a church.

When Mu Nujiao saw this church, she suddenly remembered what Song Jie had said to him before.

"I feel like it's not safe here. Let's go find another place." Mu Nujiao said.

"Isn't it safe? I don't think there is any danger!" Ming Cong said as he glanced around.

"It's so late, it might be more dangerous if we are still walking around outside." Liao Mingxuan also said.

"Yes, yes, I can't walk anyway." Fatty Luo Song collapsed on the ground.

Mu Nujiao looked at them and bit her lips. She didn't know how to convince them.

"Jiaojiao, do you have anything to say to us?" Bai Tingting asked.

“Someone told me that this church is not safe,” Mu Nujiao said.

"Who told you?"

"a friend."

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

However, Mo Fan did not leave the team this time, but followed them.

He chose to believe Mu Nujiao's words and said, "Then let's go further?"

Mu Nujiao nodded.

"I believe in Mu Nujiao. As for the rest of you, it's up to you. Lao Zhao, will you follow us?" Mo Fan said.

"Follow!" Zhao Manyan didn't believe anyone here, but he only believed in Mo Fan.

"Three people!" Mo Fan looked at them.

In the end, everyone from the Pearl Academy stood up and chose to believe Mu Nujiao.

Mu Ningxue remembered the message Song Jie had sent her before, and also lined up with the people from Pearl Academy.

At this moment, the people from the Imperial Capital Academy had no choice. Mu Ningxue was the captain, so they could only follow the Pearl Academy.

They found another place to rest. It was dark and windy, and they were all exhausted.

The bonfire was lit and everyone sat together to eat dinner.

They were safe and sound until the next night, and the night was peaceful.

After they all woke up, they prepared for the next detection mission.

"We have two detection points next. To save time, should we act separately?" Song Xia asked.

"I think it's okay!"

"I agree, it saves time."

Others nodded in agreement.

Lu Zhenghe analyzed: "The detection point on the left is relatively easy, so let the girls go, and we boys will go to the detection point on the right."

Mo Fan knows the detection point on the girl's side. There is no demonic activity there and it is very safe.

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