Versatile Mage: My magic is off the charts!

Chapter 162 Was he the one bullying you just now?

"Stop running away. None of you can run away today."

The military mage who was chasing Mu Nujiao said.

Mu Nujiao turned her head. She had fought with the opponent just now, but she was not her opponent.

These military mages are Lu Nian's capable generals and have experienced hundreds of battles. Although they are top students, they are still too young compared to them.

What's more, these military mages are all middle-level full cultivators. Not only are they invincible in actual combat, they are also invincible in terms of cultivation.

Therefore, Mu Nujiao was pressed closely by the opponent step by step and had no chance to get rid of him.

Mu Nujiao asked: "You are military mages, why do you do this?"

"Maybe I was the same a few days ago, but today, I am no longer." Although the military mage felt disappointed in his eyes, he had no regrets.

Because they will soon see the birth of a new series!

"You may not see the birth of the new system, and then you can go and die."

As soon as the military mage finished speaking, a red five-pointed star pattern suddenly appeared under his feet!

"Fire Fist!"


The ground suddenly cracked, and raging flames struck instantly along the cracks in the ground.

Mu Nujiao felt the heat all over her body and immediately took out a thumb-sized ball.

She pinched it suddenly, and her whole body was immediately covered with a blue light curtain.

"Defensive magic equipment?" The military mage couldn't help but sigh, "It's good to be a child of a big family! But even if you have magic equipment, how long can you last!"

Mu Nujiao also understood that this was just a solution to an urgent need. What should she do next?

She is thinking!

But at this moment, she suddenly saw a figure coming towards her quickly! !

The military mage also noticed something strange and turned his head to look over.


A huge figure passed over him and landed next to Mu Nujiao in a moment.

"Song Jie!" Mu Nu screamed and ran over quickly.

Song Jie slid down from the eagle's back and reached out to hug Mu Nujiao, who was rushing towards her.

"It's okay, leave this to me." Song Jie patted Mu Nujiao on the back and said.

"Well..." Mu Nujiao nodded and hugged Song Jie tightly.

At this time, another military mage came not far away.

The man said, "What's wrong with you? It took you so long to deal with a few students?"

"There was an accident." The military mage who had just dealt with Mu Nujiao said.

"Why are you here?"

"We also had an accident over there."

"what happened?"

The man explained: “After we got there, we didn’t find the target, but there was a battle there and their detector was also lost there.

The military commander suspected that they might have been dispersed by demons during the detection, so the military commander asked me to come over and let you know that the problem has been solved and go back quickly. "

"Let's not talk about that first. You help me deal with them first." The military mage hurriedly looked at Song Jie and Mu Nujiao and said.

He could tell that the Wind Controlling Sky Eagle was at the warrior level. If this person hadn't come, he might not even be their opponent.

"You are a master in our military, but you can't even deal with two students?"

"Didn't you see a general on the other side? Help me deal with that general, and leave the other two to me." The military mage said confidently.

They are just two fresh students, far behind them!

Song Jie didn't take them seriously at all and was wiping Mu Nujiao's cheeks.

"My face is dirty, but it's still beautiful."

"Song Jie..." Mu Nujiao couldn't stand such words, and there were two... beasts here! !

"Boy, are you still busy talking about love? Are you afraid that you don't know your situation?"

The military mage sneered.

However, Song Jie ignored him completely. He looked at Mu Nujiao and said softly, "Isn't he the one who bullied you just now?"

Mu Nujiao nodded, as long as Song Jie was by her side, she would feel very safe.

"Students from top universities are arrogant!" The military mage next to him also said.

Just as he finished speaking, a golden sword suddenly flew through the air and instantly pierced one of his legs!

"Ah!!" He suddenly exclaimed and collapsed on the ground.

"Shut up before you can speak." Song Jie was very ruthless because he didn't need to hold back against these lunatics.

In addition, the military mage suddenly frowned. He didn't even see how Song Jie took action just now! !

Song Jie looked at the military mage who bullied Mu Nujiao: "It's your turn next!"


Penetrating Sword!

Song Jie used the same trick he used against the military mage just now!



This military mage felt that Song Jie's magic was too evil. He had never seen it before!

So much so that he directly released the third-level intermediate defensive magic!


Just when he thought he could block it, he saw the golden sword penetrate his defense at a speed visible to the naked eye!

In an instant!

His arm was immediately lifted off, blood splattered, and even his wailing was slowed down by half a beat!


Seeing this, Song Jie quickly covered Mu Nujiao's eyes.

"Jiaojiao, this scene is too bloody and not suitable for you to see."

"It's okay, I know they are not good people..." Mu Nujiao's ability to accept is still very strong.

Therefore, Song Jie nodded and did not stop Mu Nujiao from looking.

Song Jie asked: "Where is your commander?"

The two military mages were covered in sweat. They both looked up at Song Jie, not expecting such a result at all.

"Do you think we will say it?" They will not betray their commander.

The next moment, Song Jie released his magic again and disabled their legs.

"Jinlin City is only that big anyway, so we just have to look for it for a while." Song Jie knew they were being tough.

At this moment, the alarmed demons came one after another. Song Jie looked at the two of them and could already guess the outcome.

"Let's go. Killing them will dirty my hands and let them die in another way."

Song Jie and Mu Nujiao both got on the back of the Wind Controlling Eagle and left here in the blink of an eye.

After they left, the giant lizard-head monsters rushed in and surrounded the two military mages in an instant!

Mu Nujiao was sitting in front. Song Jie moved his face towards her and kissed her on the cheek.

"Song Jie..."

Mu Nujiao was not as shameless as Song Jie, so her pretty face suddenly turned red.

"Song Jie, Bai Tingting and Mu Ningxue are still being hunted by those people. Can you go and help?"

If it weren't for Mu Ningxue's arrow, they might have died!

Therefore, she is grateful to Mu Ningxue!

"I have found Bai Tingting. You are also tired. You go to meet her first and leave the others to me." Song Jie said.

"Thank you!" Mu Nujiao turned her head and suddenly kissed his mouth with her red lips.

Later, Song Jie asked Wind Controlling Sky Eagle to send Mu Nujiao to Bai Tingting first, and then he went to find Mu Ningxue and the others...

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