Versatile Mage: My magic is off the charts!

Chapter 169 Are you Xinxia’s boyfriend?

"Hey Ye Xinxia, ​​Mr. Bing treats you like this, and you're here hooking up with other pretty boys!"

Three girls standing not far away came over and were staring at them unkindly.

Originally, Song Jie was still wiping Ye Xinxia's tears, but he stood up after hearing this.

Song Jie asked: "That Mr. Bing might not be able to get out of bed for several days. Do you want to give it a try?"

"What nonsense are you talking about! You can slander us, Mr. Bing!" One of the girls stood up and said angrily.

Song Jie couldn't help but smile and shake his head. He prefers to convince people with reason!

"If your mouth smells so bad, then go wash it off in the water."

As soon as he finished speaking, a golden light shield immediately enveloped them.

Immediately afterwards.

The three of them were brought to the lake by the shield.

"What are you going to do! Put us down quickly!"

The three of them kept banging on the shield, but it had no effect at all.

"Put it down? You actually have such a request, so I will satisfy you." Song Jie withdrew the golden shield, and the three of them fell into the lake.


"I can't swim, help me!!"


Just now these three people were so proud, now these three people are so embarrassed.

They slapped the water and choked on a lot of saliva.

"Song Jie, hurry up and rescue them." Ye Xinxia said hurriedly.

She knew that Song Jie was helping her out, but she was also afraid that something would happen and he would be implicated.

When Song Jie heard this, he nodded and released the shield to fish them out of the lake.

The three girls were all soaked and were coughing hard.

Song Jie said: "Apologise now, otherwise I will let you continue to wash in the lake."

At this moment, many people gathered around this scene, and they were all watching the show by the lake.

Those three girls were no match for Song Jie. How could they dare to say no?

"We were wrong!"

"We know we were wrong!"

"Stop throwing us into the water."

The three of them hurriedly apologized, not wanting to be embarrassed again by being thrown into the water.

Song Jie sent them back to the lake, and the three of them left here immediately after regaining their new life.

At this time, two beautiful figures slowly came to Ye Xinxia's side.

"Xinxia, ​​is this your boyfriend?" Ye Xinxia's roommate asked curiously.

"No..." Ye Xinxia shook her head. Her cheeks were still a little red, but now they turned red again.

One of the girls smiled and joked: "You still say no, look how red you are?"

Song Jie was nearby and could naturally hear their conversation.

"Xinxia, ​​these two are your friends?"

One of the girls with ponytails stood up and said, "We are Xinxia's roommates. Are you Xinxia's boyfriend? I don't know how you became your boyfriend. Xinxia was often criticized at school. You just came out now!”

"Jingjing..." Ye Xinxia was about to say something, but Jingjing interrupted directly:

"Xinxia, ​​you are a kind person, so don't speak for him."

Song Jie knew that the other party had misunderstood, but if he misunderstood, then he misunderstood.

"The lesson is that I didn't protect Xinxia well."

Hearing this, Ye Xinxia didn't know what to say and could only lower her head shyly.

The pony-tailed girl nodded slowly, "Recognizing your mistakes can greatly improve things. You have to treat Xinxia well, otherwise our roommates will not let you go!"

She clenched her fists, as if she was really going to fight Xinxia if she didn't treat her well.

Song Jie said sincerely: "I must be good to Xinxia!"

The ponytail girl put away her fists with satisfaction, "Okay, then we won't disturb you two on your date."

Song Jie nodded.

However, Jingjing suddenly stopped, looked at Song Jie and warned: "Remember to send Xinxia back to the dormitory tonight. Xinxia, ​​you can't spend the night outside with him."

Then she came to Ye Xinxia uneasy: "Remember this sentence, you must not let a man get what he wants! Otherwise, he will not cherish you!"

Hearing this, Ye Xinxia knew what Lingling was talking about, and her face suddenly turned redder.

"Okay, let's leave quickly!" The roommate next to her couldn't stand it anymore, so she pulled Jingjing and left.

Song Jie saw that Ye Xinxia was too shy to raise her head, so he couldn't help but smile and said, "Your roommate is quite cute."

"Hmm..." Ye Xinxia responded, her ears were now red.

Song Jie came behind Ye Xinxia and pushed his wheelchair forward.

"Let's go, my Xinxia girlfriend, I'll take you for a walk."

When Ye Xinxia heard this, she couldn't even raise her head. She was so ashamed.

time flies.

After they finished eating, it was evening.

Song Jie has already sent Ye Xinxia downstairs to the dormitory.

"We've arrived, my Xinxia girlfriend."

Ye Xinxia knew that Song Jie was teasing her, so she controlled the wheelchair to turn around.

"Thank you for what happened today."

Song Jie smiled and said, "Why are you thanking me? Mo Fan is my brother. He asked me to take care of you, and I will do it without any hesitation."

Ye Xinxia nodded.

She was about to turn around and leave when her two roommates suddenly emerged from the darkness.

"Is this the end of it for you two?"

Ye Xinxia didn't expect her roommate to be hiding aside, and was also shocked.

"I couldn't see the kissing scene I wanted to see. It's so boring." Lingling said.

"Lingling, what are you talking about!!" Ye Xinxia's face turned red again.

"You want to see it? Then we can make one for you now!" Song Jie joked.

"Song Jie!!" Ye Xinxia didn't expect Song Jie to be so dishonest! !

“If you miss this village, you will miss this store, and you’ll never think about it again!”

Jingjing grabbed Ye Xinxia's wheelchair and immediately pushed it into the dormitory.

Song Jie looked at their anxious figures and couldn't help but laugh.

After leaving Zhejiang University, he took a taxi and returned to his place of residence.

As soon as he came back, he happened to bump into Tang Yue who was returning with a tired look.

"Teacher Tang Yue, what happened recently?" Song Jie asked.

"It's nothing." Tang Yue shook her head, opened the door and entered her room.

Seeing this, Song Jie didn't ask any more questions and returned to his room.

He was currently lying on the soft bed, looking at the ceiling, thinking about what element he would awaken next!

For him, this is a question worth thinking about!

But he is not in a hurry, he wants to wait until his other magic systems have almost completely transformed before awakening.

A night of silence.

In the following time, Song Jie kept visiting the trial meeting and Zhejiang University.

During this period, Xiao Hei helped the Tribunal with interrogations and made a lot of money.

The Tribunal also achieved a major breakthrough, destroying many of the Black Vatican's base camps.

Therefore, Song Jie is now a small rich man.

But for him who wants to raise three summoned beasts, this little money is still not enough.

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