Versatile Mage: My magic is off the charts!

Chapter 175 It wasn’t intentional this time【3】

Mo Fan took advantage of the giant lizard to emerge from the turtle shell, and the lightning clinging to his fist suddenly exploded.

"Punch me!" Mo Fan said nothing, and a punch filled with thunder and lightning suddenly hit the head of the giant lizard.

The giant lizard was already seriously injured, so it couldn't withstand this punch! !

The next moment, its head was forced into the soil, and its whole body trembled violently.

The power of thunder and lightning followed its head and spread to the whole body in an instant.

The giant lizard is suffering from both soul and body torture at the moment, and now it just wants to end it quickly! !

Mo Fan's right hand suddenly surged with a red flame, and it aimed at the head of the giant lizard! !

Under the rolling heat waves and the scorching flames, the giant lizard finally couldn't bear it anymore, shed tears of happiness and left.

Mo Fan is on the back of the giant lizard, and he is waiting for the opponent's essence.


The spirit of the warrior lizard flew out of its mouth and transformed into the warrior lizard!

It wanted to fight back, but when it thought of what just happened, it just let it go!

But Mo Fan will not let it go. He came to kill the giant lizard just for the soul!

"Little Loach!!" Mo Fan shouted in his heart.

The little loach understood and immediately sucked the soul of the giant lizard into the pendant.

Although it is broken, at least it is broken at the commander level, which is much better than those at the slave level and warrior level.

With this damage, he can quickly return to his original appearance! !

Li Man looked at them in surprise. She didn't expect that these people could really deal with the giant lizard in front of her! !

It’s incredible!

He looked at Song Jie. The light magic he released just now could actually make the giant lizard scream like this!

It is conceivable that the power is certainly not low, and it may also be a mental attack! ?

Light system? Spiritual?

This was a bit hard for her to accept! !

"What kind of monsters are these two!?" Li Man couldn't help but sigh.

She told others that the two young men killed the giant lizard, but others might not believe it.

"Brother Jie! Thanks!" Mo Fan expressed his gratitude towards Song Jie.

Song Jie nodded.

Why are you so polite? I have to call you brother from now on!

Song Jie smiled and said: "Sister Li Man, the people from the military department haven't left yet, right? How about we take this commander-in-chief too?"

Li Man couldn't help but nod. This proposal was indeed good, but she didn't help much, so it was not appropriate to split the money.

"We can sell it to your military department and just give us the money after we leave." Song Jie made a calculation.

Li Man nodded slightly. It was not impossible to sell it to the military department.

Anyway, she had taken advantage of Song Jie before, so she was happy to do this.

And this is also good for the military. In short, both of them can benefit.

"This body of the giant lizard should be very valuable, right?" Zhang Xiaohou said.

"Don't worry, you have a share too!" Song Jie said.

Zhang Xiaohou scratched his head and said sheepishly: "I haven't been able to help at all, so it's not a good idea to share a piece of the pie, right?"

"Brother Jie said it, why are you so polite?" Mo Fan fell behind Zhang Xiaohou.

"Oh well."

Zhang Xiaohou said with a smile.

Mo Fan seemed to have remembered something and said: "By the way, there seems to be an earth-type spiritual seed here. Brother Jie and I will also find it for you when the time comes."

This old six! !

Song Jie wanted to curse, but he didn't say to help find him, but now he was roped in by Mo Fan.

never mind!

Who asked me to be my brother-in-law in the future?

He doesn't care about earth spiritual seeds. The benefits he is getting now are many times better than those of earth spiritual seeds.

And even if Mo Fan mentioned this, he would certainly be embarrassed to snatch it away.

After Song Jie and others helped Zhang Xiaohou obtain the earth spiritual seed, they returned to Biyi City.

Mo Fan also changed his outfit, no longer looking like his original outfit.

Because the Martial Shell Monitor and the Swamp Poison Thousand Centipede are both dead, the military mages who are sticking here can also take action against Dongting Lake.

So much so that Li Man had no time to pay attention to them in the past few days, and as a result, they didn't even get the money from the sale of the commander-level corpses.

"Brother Jie, Brother Fan, I may have to go back and won't be able to stay with you here." Zhang Xiaohou said.

"Go back."

Mo Fan nodded.

Song Jie said: "When we get the money, we will pay it back to your card."

"Thank you, Brother Jie!"

After Zhang Xiaohou left, the two of them waited in Biyi City for two more days.

And Liman finally found some free time to settle the money they received.

"You two have made a great contribution this time." Li Man said with a smile.

The two commanders of Dongting Lake are dead, and their military mages can also breathe a sigh of relief.

For them, it doesn't matter whether they have meritorious service or not, as long as the account is settled.

Seeing that tens of millions more were accounted for, they felt very happy.

"There's been a lot going on lately, so I'm going to leave first. Let's have dinner together when we have time!" As soon as Liman finished speaking, they were left with only their retreating figures.

Mo Fan didn't care, he looked at Song Jie and asked: "Brother Jie, are you going back to the Magic City next?"

"There's no rush, I have something to do at Sister Yue's place, so there's no rush to go back."

"That's just right. I also want to go to Lin'an, just in time to tell Xinxia that I'm safe." Mo Fan said with a smile.

"Let's go together then." Song Jie didn't care and bought the same flight as Mo Fan.

It only takes two hours from Biyi City to Lin'an.

Mo Fan got off the plane and headed towards Zhejiang University.

Song Jie returned to the residence arranged for him by Tang Yue.

Song Jie opened the door and suddenly heard someone in the bathroom. He walked over quietly.

"Thief?!" Song Jie hesitated, but soon he came to the bathroom door.

Who is so bold!

How dare you come and steal Song Jie's things! !

Song Jie suddenly opened the bathroom door, ready to catch the thief! !

When he saw the exciting scene in front of him, his eyes widened and he swallowed.

Things are getting serious! !

"Song Jie!!" Tang Yue was taking a bath just now and was about to put on a bathrobe! !

Song Jie is here! !

"Sister Yue, I didn't do it on purpose this time!" Song Jie quickly explained.

"Then can you lock me up first!!" Tang Yue's face was filled with anger! !


Song Jie quickly closed the bathroom door.

Come on, he didn't see clearly enough before, but now he can see clearly, but his heart is feeling cold!

He was thinking, Tang Yue won't kill people and silence them later, right?

But fortunately, his defense is not bad, and the opponent should not be able to kill him.

Thinking of this, my originally chaotic heart immediately relaxed a lot.

After a while, Tang Yue sat opposite him, staring at him with murderous eyes.

"Sister Yue, I thought a thief came in just now, but I didn't expect it was you..." Song Jie tried to save himself.

"Do me a favor and I won't care about this matter." Tang Yue stared at him and said.

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