Versatile Mage: My magic is off the charts!

Chapter 179 Someone you can rely on【2】

Under Song Jie's comfort and coaxing, Tang Yue finally chose to go to bed to rest.

He looked at Tang Yue, who had fallen asleep just after lying down on the bed, with a smile on his face.

"Silly woman."

Song Jie sat by the window, watching the people coming and going below, and waiting for darkness.

Tang Yue did not bring the totem bead with her and chose to leave it to him for safekeeping.

Because she felt that if she was tried and found out, she would definitely be the first target.

So it is relatively safe to leave it to him for safekeeping, and she also believes in herself!

Song Jie took out the totem bead and said to it, "Can you understand what I'm saying?"

However, there was no movement at all from the totem beads.

"If you can understand, please move."


The totem bead shook.

Song Jie said: "You should have heard what I just said. I believe that you did not do any of that, and my people have already found a solution and will soon restore your innocence."

The Totem Black Snake suddenly trembled, as if to indicate that it understood.

Song Jie smiled and said, "If you believe me, no matter what happens then, don't come out. You can only solve the current predicament by completing the molting quickly."

At this time, Totem Pearl didn't respond, and Song Jie didn't say much.

He closed his eyes and began to practice the chaos system.

Night is approaching.

Neon lights flash outside.

There are also more vehicles coming and going.

Song Jie looked at Tang Yue who was sleeping, stood up and came to the bed.

He looked at Tang Yue, whose face was not so good before, but now she looked much better.

It looked just as tempting as before.

"Sister Yue, get up."

Song Jie pushed Tang Yue's arm, and the latter slowly opened his eyes.

"Is it dark?" Tang Yue looked at Song Jie and at the same time glanced out the window.


Song Jie nodded, then smiled slightly, "Sister Yue, if you're naked, hurry up and pull it up."

Hearing this, Tang Yue looked down, her pretty face flushed, and she quickly pulled up her clothes.

"You guys have taken all the advantages!!"

"It's not that I want to."

"What did you say?"

"Okay, okay, it's Sister Yue who is so pretty. It's a huge advantage for me to take advantage of her!" Song Jie joked.

"That's about right." As soon as Tang Yue finished her words, she felt something was wrong after thinking about it, but she quickly forgot about it.

As opposed to trivial matters.

It is important to resolve the matter of the totem black snake first.

Afterwards, Song Jie and Tang Yue quickly left the hotel and headed straight out of the city.

Song Jie and Tang Yue were quickly discovered when they left the city, and the people from the Tribunal quickly chased after them.

However, Song Jie has a flying summoned beast, and those people can't do anything to them.

The Judgment Council had set up layers of checkpoints on the road, but they were flying in the air and there was nothing they could do.

At this moment, several trainee judges were standing at a checkpoint.

"Look, is that the person we want to arrest over there?" someone pointed to the sky and exclaimed.

Dongfang Ming, Liu Yilin and others raised their heads and looked in the direction of the Wind Controlling Sky Eagle.

"It's him!!" Dongfang Mao and Liu Yilin said in unison, frowning! !

"Should we stop them? I have a flying summoned beast." Someone asked.

"If you want to die, go ahead. I won't go." Dongfang Ming expressed his attitude directly.

He had survived before and also knew what Song Jie was capable of.

If he had known that the person he wanted to arrest was Song Jie, he would never have agreed to come.

So fucked! !

"I won't go either." Liu Yilin also expressed his position. He had been humiliated in Zhejiang University before, but now he wants to be beaten?

He is not stupid!

The other two trainee judges couldn't help but be startled. They didn't know why these two people just messed up.

"Don't look at me. I'm just a support player. I don't have any attack skills." Another person continued.


The summoning mage suddenly fell silent.

Tang Yue watched them pass another level, and her worries relaxed a little.

"Fortunately, you have a flying summoned beast, otherwise it wouldn't be so easy for us." Tang Yue said happily.

"How long will it take for us to reach the Thousand Cave of Baishan Mountain?"

"If you hurry, we can arrive early tomorrow morning!" Tang Yue replied.

Song Jie nodded.

He glanced at his phone and saw that there was no news from Lingling. It was obvious that he had not found a breakthrough.

"I hope everything goes smoothly!" Song Jie thought to himself.

The night passed.

The morning is slightly cooler and the sun rises slowly.

At this time, Song Jie and Tang Yue had arrived at Baishan Thousand Cave.

"This is it!"

Tang Yue slid off the back of the Wind Controlling Sky Eagle, and the stone hanging in her heart also fell.

Song Jie took out the totem bead, Tang Yue took it, and then released the totem black snake.

The huge body emerged like a building. Song Jie raised his head and looked up, but could not see the head of the totem black snake at all.

"You're safe, big guy!" Tang Yue comforted, stroking the snake's body.

The totem black snake made a hissing sound, seeming to be talking to Tang Yue.

Tang Yue smiled and said, "Thank you, big guy."

Song Jie nodded slightly.

"Okay, you go to the cave to complete the molting first, and leave the outside matters to us."

After Tang Yue said that, he took out a blood sample from the Totem Black Snake.

Although she didn't know whether the plague was caused by the big guy, taking this blood sample could be used in case of emergency.

Tang Yue sent the totem black snake into the cave, and she finally felt at ease.

"Song Jie, thank you!"

Along the way, Song Jie has always been his support, and he is also someone she can rely on and trust.

She stood on tiptoes, leaving a faint red lip mark on Song Jie's face.

Tang Yue shyly turned around and walked outside, "This is a reward for you!"

"This reward is not enough."

Song Jie smiled and immediately followed Tang Yue's pace.

"Don't push yourself too far!"

"Hey, I'm going to push even further!"

Tang Yue did not continue to argue with Song Jie because now was not the time and the most fundamental problem in Lin'an had not yet been resolved.

"I want to send the big guy's blood back. If it does it, it may be able to solve this plague!"

Although Tang Yue believed that the big guys wouldn't do it, she had to think about those people as they were still in pain.

"You can go, but you have to promise me one thing. No matter what those people say to you, you will discuss it with me!" Song Jie said seriously.

Tang Yue nodded heavily, "Then where are you going?"

"I promised you that I won't let the big guys get hurt. Of course, I will find a solution."

Song Jie continued: "If there is any news from my side, I will tell you as soon as possible."

After saying that, Song Jie walked up to Tang Yue and held her in his arms.

Tang Yue didn't break away, didn't say anything, and quietly let Song Jie hold her.

At this moment, she felt warm, reassured, and reassured.

"I'm leaving first, time is urgent." Song Jie let go of Tang Yue.

Tang Yue's pretty face turned red and she nodded obediently.

Song Jie smiled and said, "Why don't you give me a kiss before leaving?"

Hearing this, Tang Yue became even more shy and pushed Song Jie, "Hurry up and leave, the court mage will be here later!"

"Okay, let's pay it first!"

ps: Take it! !

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