Versatile Mage: My magic is off the charts!

Chapter 181 I’ll let you see how crooked I am then [2]

Song Jie glanced at the forest below, and then asked Wang Xiaoyun to direct the gray eagle to fall.

At the same time, just as the White Magic Eagle was attacking, Song Jie completed the light star map, and the painting wall immediately blocked most of the White Magic Eagle!

Lingling had already informed him before, so Senator Luo Mian should be here!

Just now, Song Jie also deliberately splashed blood all over his body. This was also done to make them look more like each other.

Gray Eagle carried Song Jie and Wang Xiaoyun down from the air, and then Song Jie and Wang Xiaoyun collapsed to the ground weakly.

Song Jie's acting skills are excellent, while Wang Xiaoyun's acting skills are young.

But none of it matters!

Now they are just waiting for Luo Mian to come to their door! !

"Are you the one who followed Tang Yue before?"

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded from not far away.

Song Jie smiled slightly, because he knew that the voice was none other than Senator Luo Mian!

old man!

You finally came!

And Luo Mian had to come. He originally planned to finish it off, but the two people in front of him got there first!

Song Jie didn't reply, just watched Luo Mian act.

"I heard that you were coming to pick eagle red grass, so I came to support you."

Luo Mian asked: "Where is the Eagle Red Grass? Give it to me quickly and I will take it back right away."

"Congressman Luo Mian, the Eagle Red Grass is indeed on us, but we want to take them back ourselves," Song Jie said.

"Little brother, now is not the time to show off. Do you know that every second you waste, one more person may die?" Luo Mian said angrily.

Luo Mian could tell that these two people were wary of him, and he immediately narrowed his eyes.

Wang Xiaoyun suddenly said: "You have told me all your crimes. You are a bad person. We will not give you Yinghongcao!"

Luo Mian looked at the young Wang Xiaoyun and asked with a smile: "What did she tell you?"

Song Jie immediately glared at Wang Xiaoyun, and Wang Xiaoyun beside him did not dare to speak any more.

"It's nothing, Senator Luo Mian, you heard wrong just now." Song Jie said with a smile.

"Young man, you should have a better future. Give me the Eagle Red Grass and I will ensure that you leave here alive. I will also allow you to join the trial and sit in a higher position!" Councilor Luo Mian painted a big picture for Song Jie cake.

At this time, Wang Xiaoyun excitedly advised: "Brother, you can't give it to him. You have forgotten that Lingling said that he planned the plague in Lin'an!"

Hearing this, Councilor Luo Mian's eyes flashed with a cold light, and his eyes were like sword rays, heading toward them.

Song Jie sighed and immediately completed the star map, and a golden barrier appeared in front of him.

"Wang Xiaoyun, I was harmed by you..."

At this moment, Councilor Luo Mian also realized that the reason why these two people did not believe him was because they had information about him.

"How could it be me? You must have misunderstood. This plague was caused by that big snake."

Councilor Luo Mian walked towards them while smiling.

"Congressman Luo Mian, do you want to kill people and silence them?" Song Jie stared at him and asked warily.

Luo Mian was already murderous at this moment because he believed 90% of what Wang Xiaoyun just said.

If those people find more evidence, he will really be doomed as a congressman!

Now that time is running out, he must go back quickly to solve the hidden dangers left behind.

Only in this way can he be cleared of all suspicions, and he still has Lin'an's life-saving straw in his hand, and he will also become a great contributor to Lin'an by then! !

Time is of the essence.

If these two people don't cooperate, they will be killed. Who would have thought that it was him who did it!

Luo Mian said coldly: "If I want to blame, I blame you for being nosy and ruining my plan."

"It turns out that the plague in Lin'an was really caused by you!" Song Jie said angrily.

"So what if I did it, so what if I didn't do it, it doesn't matter whether you know it or not."

Luo Mian stopped talking nonsense and started using curse magic, preparing to torture them to death!

However, the next moment, what he didn't expect was that Song Jie and Wang Xiaoyun actually disappeared under his nose! !

Luo Mian saw the two of them passing through the golden wall, and then... nothing more! !

"Congressman Luo Mian, it turns out that you are the culprit of this plague!!" Zhu Meng walked out of the darkness, pointed at Luo Mian and said angrily.

"How could you?!" Luo Mian looked at Zhu Meng, Leng Qing, Li Tian, ​​Tang Zhong and others who were all panicking as they walked out.

At this moment, Song Jie and Wang Xiaoyun were riding on the backs of the wind-riding eagles, flying towards Lin'an at the same time.

Just now, he used the ability to shuttle through the painting wall, allowing them to travel to the location of the painting wall that was previously released in mid-air.

This is one of the trump cards that Song Jie mentioned before.

Fortunately, everything went smoothly just now, Wang Xiaoyun was saved, and Luo Mian got the sanction he deserved.

"Xiao Hui!!" Wang Xiaoyun saw Gray Eagle coming back and waved to it, with a bright smile on his face.

"Song Jie, Song Jie, are you okay?" Lingling's voice sounded from the earphones.

"We're fine, we're going back now."

After hearing that Song Jie was safe, Lingling breathed a sigh of relief, as did the people next to her.

Lingling said: "We only have some clues so far, so I still have to look for them with Mo Fan!"


Song Jie also knew that only by finding more clues could Luo Mian be nailed to the pillar of shame forever!

He cares about reputation, status and honor, so let him lose everything, be reviled by the world, and make his life worse than death!

Return to Lin'an.

Song Jie immediately handed over Yinghongcao to the person in charge.

Seeing them getting busy, he left the research room and walked outside to the living room.

Tang Yue heard the news and quickly came to Song Jie's side.

"You're not injured, are you?" Tang Yue looked left and then again, anxiously checking Song Jie's body.

"Do you want me to strip naked and check you out?" Song Jie held Tang Yue in his arms and whispered in her ear.

Hearing this, Tang Yue's pretty face suddenly turned red, and she laughed and cursed: "Not serious!"

"After this crisis is over, I'll let you see how crooked I am." Song Jie joked with a smile.

"You...!!" Tang Yue hammered Song Jie's chest, causing her ears to turn red and hot.

After a while, Song Jie and Tang Yue walked out of the institute.

"I heard that the situation at the Western Fortress is not optimistic?" Song Jie asked.

Tang Yue nodded, "I only know that the White Devil Eagle Legion invaded Lin'an. You should have dealt with them before."

Song Jie nodded. When they were picking the red eagle grass, they were chased by the white magic eagle.

"By the way, when will that big guy finish shedding its skin? If it shows its hand during this crisis, it might be recognized by the citizens of Lin'an!"

Tang Yue knew that Song Jie was thinking about everyone, and her heart suddenly felt warm.

"I've thought about it too, but I don't know when the big guy will be able to finish peeling off his skin." Tang Yue answered uncertainly.

Song Jie remained silent because he knew that Lin'an would definitely be able to survive this crisis.

Immediately, he lowered his head and pecked Tang Yue on the face.

"Song Jie...!"

Tang Yue looked around, but fortunately there was no one else here.

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