Versatile Mage: My magic is off the charts!

Chapter 185 Your projects are a bit short【1】

Time flies.

Song Jie opened his eyes from practicing. At this moment, his light system has reached a high level!

Therefore, he has now become a dual-system high-level magician!

at the same time.

His Chaos Element has also been cultivated to the first level, and he can already release the first-level sequence change!

The primary magic of the chaos system is sequence, which can be used to change the magic trajectory or change the existing sequence.

As for what will happen after the outrageous transformation, we will have to wait until after the transformation to know.

Song Jie left the three-step tower and quickly returned to the rental house.

Mu Nujiao and Ai Tutu were not in the room, so they had no choice but to go back to the room to practice and control.

It's approaching evening.

Ai Tutu's voice came from the living room.

"Just a little bit, just a little bit I can win!" Ai Tutu said with great pity.

"It doesn't matter, we can continue the challenge next week." Mu Nujiao comforted her.

Ai Tutu nodded and took a few big bites of the strawberry cake unhappily.

"By the way, Sister Mu, did you succeed in the challenge?" Ai Tutu asked.

"Successful." Mu Nujiao nodded. She challenged the top 100 students, and finally won with her plant-based abilities.

"I'm envious!" Ai Tutu was so angry that she took two more bites of the strawberry cake.

"Are you all back?"

Song Jie opened the bedroom door and walked out.

"Are you back?" Ai Tutu was a little panicked and ate the last bit of strawberry cake in one gulp to suppress her shock.

Song Jie nodded, "I came back during the day, and I didn't see you guys."

"We all went to challenge." Mu Nujiao explained, and then asked: "How is your cultivation going?"

"The light system has also reached a high level."

As soon as these words came out, Mu Nujiao and Ai Tutu were not calm anymore.

"What did you say?"

"I said, my light system has also reached a high level."

"Pervert!!" Ai Tutu whispered, thinking that Song Jie was a pervert!

This guy has practiced for one more year than them, and he is actually at the high level of two elements! ?

Mu Nujiao also fell silent. She felt that it might be impossible for her to catch up with Song Jie.


She won't give up!

Although Mu Nujiao was happy for Song Jie, at this moment she also had the idea of ​​becoming stronger!

"I'm going upstairs to practice first!" After Mu Nujiao said this, she immediately got up and went upstairs.

Song Jie sighed, if he had known he would not have said anything, now Mu Nujiao began to practice in seclusion again.

How is she doing...

Immediately, his eyes fell on Aitutu.

Ai Tutu was very angry. Not only did she not win, she was also angered by Song Jie's words.

Then, he took out another piece of strawberry cake and took a few big bites.

But when she saw Song Jie staring at her naked, and was about to take another bite, she suddenly stopped.

"You want to eat too?"

"Don't eat."

Song Jie walked over and narrowed his eyes, "Did you forget something?"

"I..." Ai Tutu couldn't help but blush when she thought of those services.

? ? ?

Song Jie's head is full of black lines, why are you blushing?

The big sword he wanted was serious, but the big sword in Ai Tutu's mind was not serious at all.

Aitutu said: "I haven't forgotten, but you can't force me to do other things."

Song Jie nodded and stretched his body, "Then you go and get ready. I'll wait for you in the room."

"Okay..." Aitutu replied timidly.

Song Jie returned to the bedroom. He was really tired during this period.

I was busy doing this and doing that, but I never relaxed well.

He lay directly on the bed, waiting for Aitutu to come to serve him.

After a long time.

The bedroom door just opened, and Aitutu walked in from the outside wearing a maid uniform.

Song Jie turned around to look, and his eyes lit up.

Aitutu was wearing a white maid dress, and her legs were covered in seductive white silk.

The low-cut design accentuates her turbulent figure and makes her feel ready to come out.

Like two bright and symmetrical full moons, half of the white and round head was exposed.

"Technician No. 13 is at your service." Ai Tutu said shyly.

"Hurry up!" Song Jie urged, turning back and closing his eyes to enjoy.

Ai Tutu came to the bed cautiously, and then massaged Song Jie clumsily.

"Don't tell me that you haven't learned how to massage for such a long time." Song Jie said.

"..." Ai Tutu has only seen it, but he has not studied it, so he only knows the process and has little practical experience.

"Forget it, since you are a novice, I won't embarrass you."

As soon as Song Jie finished speaking, he turned around and said, "Here, help me take off my clothes."


"Ah what? Aren't you serving me?"

Ai Tutu walked over with puffed cheeks and reached out to take off Song Jie's shirt.

She looked down, and her sharply defined eight-pack abs suddenly appeared in her eyes.

Ai Tutu couldn't help but swallow, feeling the urge to touch it.

Song Jie didn't pay attention, turned around and lay down again, and continued: "Hurry up, or I will give you a bad review!"

Ai Tutu had no choice but to squat down and take out the essential oil, and then poured it on Song Jie's fair back bit by bit.

Song Jie enjoyed the smooth hands massaging his back, and his tired body suddenly became much more relaxed.

"Yes, yes! This is the location!"

"Didn't you eat? You have so little strength..."

"Oh, I'll go and I'll give you a bad review later!"

"Papa pa pa", Ai Tutu slapped Song Jie on the back.

Song Jie asked: "Will cupping help?"



Song Jie was silent, so he shouldn't ask.

Half an hour later, Aitutu was panting from exhaustion and sitting on the edge of the bed covered in sweat.

Song Jie felt happy both physically and mentally. He held his head and asked, "Are there no data projects?"

As soon as these words came out, Ai Tutu's heart was frightened, and she suddenly looked at him and asked with a guilty conscience: "What other projects do you want?"

"It depends on what projects you know how to do." How could Song Jie dare to ask? If he asked, he wouldn't know any of them.

"I don't know much." Aitutu's ears turned red and his face became hot.

"Is it okay to have so few projects? I'm giving you a bad review!" Song Jie didn't even do a few projects. This is not okay. It's such a loss! !

Ai Tutu was restless, thinking that it was not the kind of project Song Jie was referring to...

She whispered, "I can't do that..."

Song Jie waved his hand and said nonchalantly: "It's okay, just do as you please, I don't ask too much."

Hearing this, Ai Tutu became even more panicked. She had never had a boyfriend, so she had never done anything like that.

Song Jie thought of a kind of foot massage, "Is there a project on top? Come on top of me!"

above! ?

Aitutu's cheeks suddenly turned redder. She had heard of that posture...

But she won't...

"Song Jie... I can't do this kind of project..." Ai Tutu blushed so much that she almost dripped water.

Song Jie frowned, "You can't even do that simple thing. You can just move on top of me. You can't do this?"

"I won't...!!" As soon as Ai Tutu finished speaking, he stood up and rushed out of the room.

Song Jie looked at the door, "What! You can't even step on it with your feet, wait until I get back and give you a bad review!!"

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