Versatile Mage: My magic is off the charts!

Chapter 196 Large troops search!

They all looked at the fire disaster below, wondering when this disaster would subside.

Lingling collected a lot of information about Zhuo Yuan Beijiao, but he had no information about this fire disaster.

Therefore, she was very confused about this, so she didn't know what the fire disaster was about.

After escaping for a long time, they returned to the vicinity of the Shawang River and saw the Sand Howling Tiger crawling on the sand from a distance.

"It's pretty good." Seeing that it didn't leave, Song Jie felt that it was quite loyal.

The next moment, he let the wind-riding eagle swoop down and brought it into the air.

They were flying in mid-air. Song Jie smiled at Sand Howling Tiger and said, "Little tiger, I'll put a shield on you. Can you enter the fire tribulation to test your power?"

When the Sand Howling Tiger heard this, he immediately shook his head like a rattle, how dare he! !

Wherever the fire swept through, the bones were covered with white bones, and there was no living thing left to survive.

"What? You want me to throw you down?" Song Jie suddenly showed a wicked smile.

Humanity! Don’t talk about martial ethics!

It clearly didn't say anything just now! !

Of course, Song Jie just made a joke about it.

But I found that the Sand Howl Tiger actually peed...


He was silenced.

The Wind-riding Sky Eagle also glanced at it with disgust.

When Huo Jie arrived at the Shawang River, he stopped unconsciously.

"It finally stopped!" Bai Tingting watched Huo Jie stop not far away and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Song Jie, do you know what is going on?" Lingling looked at Song Jie and asked.

"This is the fire disaster in the northern corner of Zhuoyuan. Whenever it appears, treasures will be born!" Song Jie explained.

"Fire Tribulation?" Lingling had never heard of it, but it was one more piece of news about Zhuoyuan North Point.

Bai Tingting asked: "Song Jie, what do you mean when you say it will give birth to treasures?"

"This fire disaster is very threatening to living things, but it is a great opportunity for non-living things!"

Song Jie explained, “The fire tribulation contains a lot of energy, and the spread of the fire tribulation just injects energy into these inanimate objects.

For example, spiritual seeds, or fragments of spiritual seeds, or special objects like magic stones! "

"Where did you know all this?" Lingling asked.

"I asked Dean Xiao when I came to Zhuoyuan North Point, and he told me." Song Jie found an excuse to explain.

Lingling nodded.

"Let's go, the fire disaster should be over, it's time to search for our loot!"

As soon as Song Jie finished speaking, he let the Wind Controlling Sky Eagle fly straight towards the route it had just taken.

They got off the back of the Wind Rider Sky Eagle, and Lingling asked Li Rui to take out the energy detection instrument.

"With this energy detection instrument, you shouldn't be able to find anything, right?" Jiang Shaoxu said.

The North Point of Zhuoyuan is such a large area, but with this detection instrument, there will be gains, but not much.

Song Jie smiled and said: "It's really hard to find, so we need help now."

"Help?" They all looked puzzled. In this endless desert, desert is still desert. Where can help come from?

"Wait a minute!"

Song Jie smiled slightly, and more than 300 stars were connected continuously. Star maps emerged one after another, and then a bright constellation was constructed.

"Infinite frenzy!"

The infinite frenzy of his outrageous transformation not only consumes no magic energy, but also has no limit on quantity.

That's why it's called "infinite".

Lingling, Jiang Shaoxu and others looked at it in confusion, and soon they saw elves flying out of the plane space one after another.

"Are these all... elves?!" Bai Tingting was stunned when she saw so many elves popping out of the plane at once.

So does everyone else.

Moreover, these elves include not only slave-level elves, but also warrior-level elves!

Song Jie thought for a moment, and although the fire element elves could help him find the spiritual seeds, other elves should also be able to help.

Therefore, he directly summoned all the brand elves.

Of course, when these elves appear, Xiaolu will also be summoned by Song Jie.

Song Jie didn't pay attention to the expressions of Lingling and Jiang Shaoxu, because he couldn't wait to reap the fruits of the fire disaster!

He told Xiao Green what he wanted to express, and Xiao Green helped him convey it to every elf.

When they hear who is looking for the spiritual seeds, or if there are many useful things, they will get the gifts prepared by Xiaolu!

For a moment, every elf was as excited as if he had been given a shot of blood!

They are eager to look for it now, look for it fiercely, and compete with everyone else.

Song Jie was very satisfied with their emotions, but also felt sad for them...

Following the order, all the elves set off and headed in all directions.

Jiang Shaoxu couldn't help but swallowed when he saw so many elves taking action.

Creatures like elves are the most sensitive to energy, especially fire-attribute elves, which are most suitable for the environment here.

At this moment, Jiang Shaoxu finally understood what Song Jie said before.

She looked at Song Jie's back longingly, feeling that there was nothing this man couldn't do.

"Song Jie, is this a high-level summoning skill after your mutation?" Lingling also knew about Song Jie's mutation talent.

Song Jie nodded.

Hearing this, Lingling muttered "pervert"!

After all, the average high-level mage can only summon so many summoned beasts as the summoning system becomes stronger and stronger.

But Song Jie has only just advanced to the high level! ?

There is actually such an army of elves, and they can all be summoned.

What is it if it's not a pervert?

The elves dispersed and attacked, and after a while good news came from there. One of the elves discovered a fire spiritual species!

The fire elf was praised by Xiao Lu for being so awesome, and he almost went crazy with joy!

It immediately gathered all its strength and continued searching! !

They searched for a day, and the harvest was huge! !

Because it only took the elves one day to find nine fire spirit seeds and more than 70 fire spirit seed fragments!

If they continue to search, you can imagine what they will gain later! !

The minimum price for a fire-type spirit species can be sold for 20 million, but he has three good-quality spirit species here.

After conversion, it should be sold for 200 million! !

Coupled with more than seventy fire-type spirit seed fragments, if the spirit seeds are synthesized, judging from the success rate, it can be made into two, right?

It’s also a huge amount of tens of millions of dollars! !

As for Yan Ji, you can put it aside for now, after all, it hasn't hatched yet.

Song Jie now has too many summoned beasts. If there are no rewards, how can they work hard?

They sat around the fire, everyone looked at Song Jie.

Song Jie smiled and said: "What are you looking at? Am I the kind of person who will monopolize the benefits?"

The person who knows Song Jie best here is Lingling. After all, he was willing to share the bounty equally with Mo Fan before.

So they looked at Song Jie so not because of this, but because it was so easy for him to make money.

Who would have thought that Song Jie actually had nine of the spiritual seeds that fire mage coveted! !

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