Versatile Mage: My magic is off the charts!

Chapter 198 Three-headed Evil Python

After several days, Song Jie and others finally arrived at a flat-topped mountain that looked like a crater.

"Is this a volcano?" Bai Tingting asked, looking at the extremely majestic Pingding Mountain.

"It looks like it." Jiang Shaoxu also said.

Song Jie looked at Pingdingshan. He had finally arrived, but now was not the time.

He said: "There must be spiritual seeds nearby, let's look for them!"

When they heard that they were looking for spiritual seeds, Bai Tingting and Jiang Shaoxu became excited.

They have been following the elves to find spiritual seeds for the past few days, and doing these things has become the fun of their trip.

After some exploration, they discovered that there were actually two fire-type spiritual species here! !

Worth more than 40 million!

How long has it been? Less than two hours!

At this time, Song Jie saw the Sand Howling Tiger not far away heading towards them.

"Are you coming?" He saw Sand Howl Tiger coming and knew that those people were coming without even having to listen.


Sand Howl Tiger came to them.

"Song Jie, Sha Xiaohu said someone is coming." Jiang Shaoxu is a psychic mage, so he knows what Sha Xiaohu means.

Song Jie said: "You guys find a place to hide first, and I'll go up the mountain to take a look."

"Shall we go with you?"

"I don't know what dangers there will be up there. If you go together, I won't be able to take care of you." Song Jie found an excuse to refuse.

They didn't want to drag Song Jie down, so they could only nod in agreement.

"Then we will wait for you in the area over there, and you will come to us when the time comes!" Lingling pointed in a direction.

Song Jie said: "You can continue to look for spiritual seeds, I will be back soon."

After saying a few words, he summoned the wind-riding eagle and headed straight for Pingding Mountain.

Lingling and the others are protected by Li Rui, so there shouldn't be any problems.

far away.

A group of people is heading towards Pingding Mountain.

"Chen Ying, once we find the Fire Tribulation Fruit, your mother's face will be saved." Zhao Yulin said in a good mood.

Chen Ying nodded and looked at the mother of the white cloth man next to her.

Her mother has been like this for a long time, and she has tried her best to recover.

But my mother said that the pulp in the Fire Tribulation Fruit can heal her face!

So they formed a team and came to the northern corner of Zhuoyuan, preparing to seize the Fire Tribulation Fruit!

Although Chen Ying didn't know why her mother brought her along, she was as happy as her father Zhao Yulin at the moment!

"Mom, when will we arrive?" Chen Ying asked.

"Come on, have you seen the flat-topped mountain over there? That's right there!" The man in white cloth said, pointing to the mountain in the distance.

Chen Ying nodded, suddenly looking forward to it.

At this time, Song Jie drove the Wind-riding Sky Eagle to the top of Pingding Mountain.

He saw the figure of the Flame Witch from above, and immediately let the Wind Controlling Sky Eagle fall down.

At this moment, a woman covered in flames was staring at him warily.

This is the Flame Witch who was created by the fusion of Chen Ying's mother and Flame Fairy!

"I mean no harm..." Song Jie was about to explain, but the flame witch threw scorching flames at him.

The raging flames lay between them, warning him not to come any closer.

Although the Fire Witch can explore the soul, she doesn't want strangers to come near this place now.

She stood in front of the Fire Tribulation Fruit, not wanting anyone to take it away!

Song Jie didn't know what to say for a moment. Did he tell the other party that he knew about her?

Isn't this a bit too abrupt? ?

After thinking about it, Song Jie decided to leave here first and then take action!

He guessed that Chen Ying and others would be arriving soon, so it would be fine if they waited for a while.

As soon as Song Jie left, the Flame Witch took off the fruit and was about to leave.

After all, a stranger has been here, and she is afraid that Song Jie will come back again!

Therefore, after she picked off the Fire Tribulation Fruit, she turned around and entered the Flame Forest.

Song Jie knew that the Flame Witch was very strong, so he did not follow her. Instead, he asked the little black cat after the dimension was restored to follow her.

If something happens to her, he can quickly know it.

At this moment, Song Jie seemed to remember something. He remembered that besides Chen Ying, there seemed to be a team of military mages who came here.

Fire cloud forest.

A team of military mages were exploring the forest.

Their original team of more than a dozen people now only has a few people left!

In addition, they haven't even figured out what kind of demon is dealing with them!

"This place is like a maze. We can't get out now even if we want to!" The leading female soldier glanced around with serious eyes.

She is tall and has a proud figure. When she puts on the military uniform, the proportions of her upper and lower bodies are vividly outlined.

Mu Ningxue, Mu Nujiao and the others are all the school beauties in the school.

And this female soldier is the school beauty of the army!

He has a stern face and doesn't panic when encountering difficulties, giving people a feeling of being difficult to control.

"Here we go again! Everyone, be careful!!" Nan Yu shouted, then alerted the surroundings, trying to catch him out! !

Everyone was panicking at this moment, because they had tried various methods before, but they had no idea what the hell it was! !

Sudden! !

While all of them were alert, there was a rustling sound all around.

"There should be more than one demon!! Everyone, be careful!" Nan Yu reminded.

There was a rustling sound from both sides of them, which immediately made their nerves tense.

Just as they were watching the two sides, a huge snake head was coming quietly!

This demon is none other than the three-headed evil python of Huoyunlin. It has three heads and is also the supreme ruler of Huoyunlin!

The reason why Nan Yu and others couldn't find out who was attacking them was because the three-headed evil python had other heads to cover it up, so it strangled them without anyone noticing.

However, just when the three-headed evil python was about to take action, Song Jie happened to appear! !


"Blessed by the Holy Shield!!"

His exclamation immediately attracted the attention of Nan Yu and others.

And soon they noticed something was wrong. When they turned around and looked around, they saw one of the heads of the three-headed evil python biting the golden shield!

The military mage saw the bloody mouth in front of him, gasping for air, and his chest kept rising and falling! !

If it weren't for the holy shield around him, he might have died just now...

"Go together!"

Nan Yu was the first to complete her magic star map, and suddenly a purple crossbow appeared in her hand.



She pulled the bowstring, pointed in the direction of the three-headed evil python, and suddenly let go of her hand!

As the bow and arrow were shot, there was a sound wave all around!

The sound wave was like a bow, and it instantly hit the head of the three-headed evil python!

The three-headed evil python let out a roar, and its fierce gaze immediately fell on Nan Yu!

Others completed the magic star map one after another and greeted it one after another!

However, the three-headed evil python didn't seem to be afraid. It carried the oncoming magic and headed straight for Nan Yu! !

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