Versatile Mage: My magic is off the charts!

Chapter 200 I can’t change my name, but I can’t change my surname!

Song Jie was not afraid of it at all. Instead, he liked the look in the eyes of the three-headed evil python.

In this way, he didn't hesitate to make a move.


The three heads of the three-headed evil python roared at Song Jie!

The next moment, it spit out raging flames and turned Song Jie's position into a sea of ​​fire!

However, Song Jie was not afraid of his flames at all. The holy shield enveloped him, and the surrounding flames could not hurt him at all.

The three-headed evil python did not believe in evil and continued to gather even greater flames, preparing to kill Song Jie!

But when it was about to be completed, a ray of light flew from the sea of ​​fire, destroying it immediately and exploding! !

The three-headed evil python could not have imagined that this would happen, and was caught off guard by its own flames.

It flew out upside down, and its body suddenly fell to the ground and slid out for dozens of meters.

At this moment.

Everything around them was filled with flames, and waves of heat hit their faces.

Song Jie walked towards the three-headed evil python step by step. At this time, it had raised its head from the ground.

The three-headed evil python looked at the ever-changing Song Jie and suddenly fell into deep thought!

at this time!

Song Jie has become a demon!

Every time the three-headed evil python saw Song Jie take a step forward, it felt like it wanted to take a step back.

But now it is the overlord of Huoyunlin, how can it retreat! !

"Roar!!!" The three-headed evil python roared and headed straight for Song Jie!

Song Jie's holy shield emerged, and no matter how the three-headed evil python hit it, it could not be shaken.

The next second!

A golden ball of light appeared in his hand, and then suddenly blasted towards one of the heads.

With a "boom", the light in Song Jie's hand exploded. The light with the ability to burn instantly blasted the head of the three-headed evil python until it was covered with blood.

It kept retreating, and the other two heads also let out miserable wails.

Song Jie slowly raised his hand, and the golden light rushed towards the three-headed evil python like a firefly.

This golden radiance is the penetrating soul, specifically targeting the soul!

The three-headed evil python spit out blazing flames, but it had no effect on the golden light.

The next moment, Jinhui rushed toward it and immediately submerged into its body!

Suddenly, the three-headed evil python howled again, and even Song Jie took a breath after hearing it.

He rose slowly, his eyes fell on the three-headed evil python, and he also completed the star map!

"Wall cutting!"

Song Jie's light system star maps were completed one after another, and the paintings kept flying out of the wall, like boomerangs in mid-air.

The three-headed evil python sensed the danger and quickly resisted before it could scream! !

It sprays flames, but the painted wall also has amazing defensive power. Its flames can't do anything to the painted wall!

In an instant!

The painting wall cut diagonally towards a head, blood spattered, and the head fell to the ground from mid-air.

"Roar!!" The three-headed evil python has three heads, and now only two are left!

But the painting cut away again, and the three-headed evil python, which was already suffering, suddenly lost another head! !

"Roar!!" The three-headed evil python screamed repeatedly, and the miserable voice resounded throughout the Fire Cloud Forest.


Song Jie released the wall cutter again. In front of the absolutely defensive wall, the wall was like a sharp blade.

The three-headed evil python is like tofu, not enough to look at in front of the painting wall.

Song Jie slowly fell down, waiting for the spirit of the three-headed evil python to appear! !


The light like fireflies emerged from the body of the three-headed evil python and gradually condensed together.

The soul of a three-headed evil python condensed by light suddenly appeared in front of him!

Song Jie looked at it, and his face suddenly showed joy!

Not a remnant!

It's spirit!

Commander-level spirit! !

The spirit of the three-headed evil python seemed to want to escape, but Song Jie had quick eyes and quick hands and immediately put it into the system space.

He turned into a demon and retreated. This time he came to the northern corner of Zhuoyuan and made a lot of money! !

Not to mention spiritual seeds!

This commander-level soul definitely makes more money than the spiritual seed!

At this time, Song Jie suddenly received the news from Xiao Hei.

"They're coming?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he took the valuable parts of the three-headed evil python and left immediately.

This is a leader-level demon. Useful alien bones, alien skins, etc. are all materials for making magic tools.

It could be worth hundreds of thousands, or even millions!

Zhao Yulin, Chen Ying and others have arrived at the top of Pingding Mountain from the passage.

"Mom, why are the Fire Tribulation Fruits gone?" Chen Ying asked, looking at the bare treetops.

The white cloth man said: "It should have been moved."

"Then where are we going to find the Fire Tribulation Fruit?" Zhao Yulin asked in confusion.

"The Fire Tribulation Fruit should be in that forest, let's go in and have a look." The man in white cloth said.

They all came, Zhao Yulin nodded and led them towards Huoyunlin.

When they entered the Fire Cloud Forest, they searched for a while, but still found nothing.

"Why not? Did you remember it wrong?" Zhao Yulin asked.

"No, it should be right in front." The man in white cloth pointed to the front and said.


They came to the depths of Huoyun Forest and saw a red fruit on a tree!

"Mom, is that the Fire Tribulation Fruit?" Chen Ying exclaimed.

"Yes, that is the Fire Tribulation Fruit!" The man in white cloth was also a little excited.

"Come here, pick the fruit and take it away!" Zhao Yulin immediately ordered the people behind him.

But at this moment, a figure hurriedly came and stopped in front of those people.

It was the Flame Witch.

She turned around slowly and scanned the person in front of her.

When she saw Chen Ying, her eyes changed slightly and she froze on the spot.

This is her... daughter!

Zhao Yulin, Chen Ying and others were on alert, and those who were about to pick the fruits stopped and did not dare to move.

However, the man in white cloth glanced at Chen Ying, his eyes telling her what to do.

Chen Ying nodded, and she slowly approached the Flame Witch.

The Flame Witch wanted to talk to Chen Ying, but she couldn't speak human words and didn't know how to communicate with her.

So she looked very anxious at the moment.

Chen Ying stepped towards the Flame Witch, but she was actually scared in her heart!

But without her mother, she is willing to take risks! !

Chen Ying is her daughter, and it is impossible for the Flame Witch to be wary of her own daughter.

But the next moment, Chen Ying quickly took out the ice thorn and stabbed the flame witch in the chest!

The Flame Witch was startled and was a little unprepared for the sudden attack.

The white cloth man's eyes were filled with joy, she felt that her plan was going to succeed! !

However, just when the ice thorn was about to pierce the flame witch's chest, a golden light suddenly enveloped her.

The ice thorns pierced the holy shield, but failed to pierce it at all! !

Chen Ying failed and hurriedly turned around and ran back to the white cloth man.

"Who!?" Zhao Yulin knew that this was light magic. He turned around and looked around and said angrily.

"If you don't change your name when you're working, if you don't change your surname when you're sitting down, you, Grandpa Mo Fan, are the same!"

Song Jie came out and said.

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