Flame Fairy? !

Everyone was startled, it turned out that this was Yan Ji! !

Little Flame Fairy is extremely cute, just like a ceramic doll.

The flame witch Jiang Feng looked at the little Flame Fairy on her palm as if she were looking at her own daughter.

Yan Ji saved her before, and now, she has lived up to him.

Little Flame Fairy turned over lazily, as if she hadn't woken up yet.

The Flame Witch smiled and put it in her arms, lovingly protecting it.

"She said that this is the Flame Princess in the northern corner of Zhuoyuan." Jiang Shaoxu said.

Song Jie glanced at Xiao Lu on his shoulder, who understood and made a "ring ring ring" sound.

Little Flame Fairy was still sleeping, but suddenly she opened her cute eyes and flew up.

Soon, its eyes fell on Xiao Lu.

Lingling was so smart that she immediately recognized Song Jie's plan.

"Ring ring ring..."

Most people here have no idea what they say.

But the Flame Witch and Jiang Shaoxu knew it.



The two "people" communicated happily and had a great time.

At this time, the Flame Witch also saw Song Jie's thoughts and couldn't help but glance at him.

Song Jie smiled sheepishly, but he was too thick-skinned to care.

After a while, the two little guys flew away to play elsewhere.

The Flame Witch told them not to fly too far, just like a mother's advice.

Lingling came over and poked Song Jie's waist, "You really can think of this solution."

"What can you do? I don't know!" Song Jie pretended to be dumbfounded.

Two days passed.

Because after the fire disaster, many people discovered the opportunity and came to the north corner of Zhuoyuan to pick up the leaks.

So their harvest is getting worse day by day.

However, the relationship between Xiao Lu and Xiao Yan Ji is getting closer day by day.

This is what Song Jie feels happy about.

Originally, Xiao Lu was already outstanding enough, but now here comes a cute little Flame Fairy!

The elves have been working harder these past two days than they were the past few days.

At night, everyone began to count the spiritual seeds and fragments of spiritual seeds they had spent these days.

"There are twenty-five fire spirit seeds in total, and there are more than one hundred and thirty fire fragments in total." Lingling told the results of the past few days.

"Twenty-five fire spirit species!!" Bai Tingting and Jiang Shaoxu both looked surprised.

In the past few days since they came to the northern corner of Zhuoyuan, they have found so many spiritual seeds! !

Before they were released, they couldn’t even think about it! !

"Now you can all become little rich women!"

As soon as Song Jie finished speaking, he glanced at them and said, "There are exactly five of us here, so we can divide it evenly!"

"I can't help you much. It's up to you if you want." Bai Tingting said.

"Me too!" Jiang Shaoxu also said quickly.

"I don't have to." Li Rui also expressed his position.

"No way!"

Song Jie knew that they were thinking about him, after all, they were all his women!

"One person has a fire spiritual seed. It doesn't matter if he needs fire or money."

Everyone looked at each other, seeing Song Jie being so tough, they could only accept it.

Part of the spiritual seed can be sold, and the other part can be kept for Little Flame Fairy.

As for the fire spirit seed fragments, they can be used as snacks for the little Flame Fairy!

He didn't expect to come to the northern corner of Zhuoyuan and even solve the training resources of Little Flame Fairy.

In addition, the biggest gain is the commander-level essence of the three-headed evil python!

At least 800 million base!

At least 800 million were sold, and 200 million was spent on the Veins of the Galaxy, so there was still 600 million left.

And he also has other income, such as helping the Tribunal to interrogate and giving him rewards.

But compared with the money sold for the essence, this is just a small amount!

At this moment, Zhao Yulin came over with Chen Ying.

"I can collect any of the spiritual seeds you found in the northern corner of Zhuoyuan." Zhao Yulin walked over and said with a smile.

The Zhao family really owed Song Jie, and they didn't have time to ask the other party what he needed last time.

After hearing that Song Jie was looking for spiritual seeds, he wanted to do a favor.

"Uncle, you don't want to take our spiritual seeds and repay the favor, right?" Song Jie looked at him and said.

Zhao Yulin coughed lightly, feeling that he had been seen through, and now he was a little embarrassed.

Song Jie asked: "Do you think that if I hadn't taken action, you would have caused a tragedy with your own hands?"

Zhao Yulin nodded helplessly.

"Look, if I help you like this, it's not too much to give me the pulse of the galaxy, right?" Song Jie said with a smile.

The veins of the galaxy! ?

Hearing this, Zhao Yulin twitched his lips. Although the Zhao family is in business, one Galaxy Pulse costs 100 million, right?

He showed an embarrassed look, "See if we can discuss it further. This galaxy vein is really..."

"Okay, then help me find auxiliary materials that can cultivate the plant-type summoned beasts." Song Jie continued.


Zhao Yulin weighed the pros and cons and finally nodded.

Compared to the Veins of the Galaxy, this requirement is relatively low.

Song Jie was not as open as the lion, so it was easy to help them anyway.

It's already pretty good to be able to earn auxiliary materials that allow Xiao Lu to improve his cultivation.

Xiao Green's current strength is extremely close to that of a general. With the auxiliary materials, it can break through to the level of a general in one fell swoop!

After a while, Xiaolu returned to Song Jie and secretly said something to him.

"Done?" Song Jie was overjoyed.

"Ling..." Xiao Lu nodded.

Xiao Lu and Xiao Yan Ji have become best friends in the past few days.

Anyway, if there is anything fun or delicious, Xiaolu will share it with Xiao Yanji.

Because of this, Little Flame Fairy longed for the outside world, which aroused her desire to go out and have a look.

"Good job!" Song Jie leaned over and kissed Xiao Lu.

Lingling looked like she had seen through it but didn't say anything, and was eating by herself.

At this time, the Flame Witch came to Song Jie with Little Flame Fairy.

When Little Flame Fairy saw Little Green, she immediately flew towards it happily, and the two best friends hugged each other tightly.

The flame witch stared at Song Jie with sharp eyes, obviously blaming her.

Song Jie touched his head and smiled, but didn't say anything.

The Flame Witch said seriously: "Can you take good care of it?"

Song Jie seemed to have guessed what the Flame Witch was asking, and then assured him: "As long as I'm still here, it will be fine!"

The Flame Witch saw that Song Jie's answer was not perfunctory and he said it sincerely.

"I can give it to you, but you can't force a contract on it, and every once in a while, please bring it back, otherwise I will go find you." The flame witch said.

Seeing this, Song Jie already knew that the Flame Witch had relented.

"Don't worry, I won't force it." Song Jie immediately nodded in agreement.

At this moment, Little Flame Fairy looked at Song Jie, who looked so cute, and then Xiao Lu pulled her onto his shoulder and sat down.

Song Jie stretched out his hand and touched the little guy, and Little Flame Fairy didn't resist.

Seeing this, the flame witch breathed a sigh of relief. If the little Flame Princess hadn't made trouble with her, she would not have agreed to the Little Flame Princess leaving the northern corner of Zhuoyuan.

The Flame Witch said: "I hope you can do it, otherwise I will find you no matter where you are!"

ps: On the train, the Internet is not very good. The typo will be corrected at the station tomorrow!

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