time flies.

Another half month has passed.

The people sent by the trial are monitoring the people on the list given by Song Jie.

Any move they make will be watched by the people of the Tribunal.

As long as the trial will close the net, none of these people will be able to escape, without exception.

Song Jie kept vigil last night, and Tang Yue happened to come to change her shift today.

"You have been vigiling for five consecutive days, I will take care of you in the next few days!" Tang Yue said.

Song Jie nodded.

The two of them had nothing to be polite about.

Tang Yue has been resting at night for the past few days, and her complexion has become much better.

"You're not old, but you know how to care for others." Tang Yue covered her mouth and smiled.

"That is!"

As soon as Song Jie finished speaking, he patted Tang Yue's buttocks.


Tang Yue laughed and cursed.

Song Jie smiled and said, "I'm going back first. If you need anything, send me a message."


Tang Yue nodded.

After a while, Song Jie returned to the hotel. As soon as he lay down, Mo Fan sent him a message.

[Mo Fan: Brother Jie, have you heard about the little monkey? 】

[Song Jie: I heard about it. 】

[Mo Fan: I want to go to the ancient capital to find him! 】

[Song Jie: I'm in the ancient capital. You don't need to come over. Leave this matter to me. 】

[Song Jie: And with your strength, you may encounter danger when you go out. 】

[Song Jie: I'm going to find the little monkey. I want to see the corpse if I die, and I want to see the human being if I'm alive! 】

Mo Fan was silent there for a long time, seeming to be making some plans.

[Song Jie: If I can’t come back, you’ll come find us then! 】

Under Song Jie's persuasion, Mo Fan finally nodded and promised to go to the ancient capital after the nomination competition is over! !

If there is no news from Song Jie by then, he will go find them! !

[Song Jie: The little monkey is blessed with great fortune, he will definitely save the day! 】

[Mo Fan: Brother Jie, you have to be careful too! 】

Mo Fan knows Song Jie's specific strength, and if he goes along, he might be held back.

At the same time, Dean Xiao also told him that Song Jie did not participate in the nomination contest because he wanted to give him the nomination spot.

"Little monkey, you must come back alive!" Mo Fan gritted his teeth and thought to himself.

Song Jie just wanted to rest, but now he may not be able to.

He came to the Hunter Alliance alone, and now he was scanning the people in the hall.

During this time, the short man should appear in the hall.

Song Jie searched around and soon found the figure of the man.

He approached the short man and murmured at the same time: "I don't know if Yangyang Village has been there yet!"

The short man turned his head and asked, "Are you going to Yangyang Village?"


"I happen to be going there as well. If you come, I'll pay you this price!" The short man raised a finger.

"Ten thousand?"

"Do you fucking want to go?"

Song Jie smiled and asked directly: "How much?"

"Ten million!"

"make a deal!"

Seeing Song Jie agreeing so simply, he was a little confused!

Do you even think that your price is too low? The other party actually agreed so readily!

"By the way, you are not the only one I am taking with me this time." The short man continued: "If you want to charter a car, you can, 20 million... No, you can charter a car for 30 million!!"

He felt that this guy must be a rich man and must make a fortune.

"It's okay, you can bring people with you!" Song Jie didn't mind, because the person accompanying him was Astraea.

The short man was stunned.

Why the hell don't you play by the rules?

Shouldn't you wave your hand and give me 20 million directly? ?

The short man accepted Song Jie's 10 million and said at the same time: "We will set off tomorrow morning. Please add your contact information first. I will tell you where the meeting place is."


Song Jie nodded. Now that he has his contact information, he just has to wait for departure tomorrow.

At night.

He came to the position where Tang Yue was monitoring.

This is the rooftop of a residential building, where they used to monitor Mu He's every move.

Tang Yue asked: "Are you leaving tomorrow?"


"Pay attention to safety." Tang Yue warned. Although she didn't want Song Jie to take risks, she knew why Song Jie went, so she wouldn't stop him.

"I will."

Song Jie held Tang Yue in his arms.

Tang Yue's cheeks were slightly red, and she suddenly whispered: "Let's go back today."

"You won't continue to monitor Mu He?"

"I'm three substitutes for one night."

Song Jie seemed to understand what Tang Yue meant.

"Sister Yue is so kind to me.

In order to reward Sister Yue, I will teach you a new posture later. "

"You little rascal!" Tang Yue poked Song Jie's chest with her finger.

The two used the shadow system and quickly found out about the hotel.

"Sister Yue also prepared these stockings for me, that's great!"

"I'll tear you all apart tonight!"

"Sister Yue, you have changed, and I like you more and more."

Black, white, mesh, you name it.

One night, "tearing" sounds could be heard from time to time in the bedroom.

the next day.

Tang Yue was still sleeping soundly. Last night they made the customers next door so angry that they knocked on the door to protest.

After Song Jie received the news, he quickly arrived at the meeting place, the outer south gate.

When he came here, the short man not far away jumped up and waved towards him.

Song Jie walked over and looked at the people around the short man.

Among the crowd, stood a woman wearing a black silk veil.

After the outer south door is opened, everyone can go out after registering.

After Song Jie and others registered one after another, they came outside from the door.

There were five men and one woman in their group, and the short man walked in front, leading them towards Yangyang Village.

Song Jie walked behind the woman wearing a black silk veil, and this woman was Astraea.

Her Chinese name is Ye Meng'a. She is also a saint of the Parthenon and one of the candidates for the goddess.

But I have to say that Astraea's figure is still very impressive.

In addition to her big ass and good fertility, she also has that graceful snake waist. I am afraid that even the thin waists of Mu Nujiao, Jiang Shaoxu and others cannot compare to hers.

Moreover, the way she walked, I am afraid that men would have wild imaginations when they saw her.

Song Jie followed the short man and others. The undead would not come out during the day, so they had nothing to worry about.

During this period, Astraea looked at him and seemed to notice something.

The two of them walked unconsciously, and suddenly they walked together.

Astraea glanced at Song Jie, and finally asked: "Are you Song Jie?"


Song Jie was slightly startled, wondering how Astraea knew about him?

"Don't be surprised. I know your name because you are number one on the yellow list." Astraea explained.

"Huang list?" Song Jie immediately felt relieved. Astraea was an information dealer, and it was normal to know that China's number one on the yellow list was normal.

"Forgot to introduce, my name is Ye Meng'a." Astraea said to herself.

Song Jie nodded and admired Astraea's fluent Chinese.

If she hadn't known his true identity, she would have thought she was from China!

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