Versatile Mage: My magic is off the charts!

Chapter 220 Harvesting the Undead

"This young man has the same style as I did back then!"

"Uncle, can you stop bragging? I've heard you brag all the way, now you want to give Guangyao a try?"

"If the old man doesn't mention his bravery, just let him go!"

Everyone was really surprised when they saw the magic released by Song Jie.

None of them expected that there would be such a powerful mage in the team, and he was still a young man!

"Everyone, please pay attention, there are a group of undead in front of you!" The demon man's voice came from the front.

Song Jie turned around and looked around. There were at least hundreds of these undead. It might be difficult to deal with them.

But there were quite a few undead on both sides of them, and it was quite difficult to deal with them.

"Xiao Hei, come out and control the undead over there." Song Jie said.

He didn't know if it would work, so he asked Xiao Hei to try it.

If it is really possible, then choose the commander. If you control a commander, these people should be able to survive.


Xiao Hei turned into a black shadow, passed through the undead group, and selected a warrior-level undead.

When it disappeared into the shadow of the warrior-level undead, the undead suddenly stopped moving.

Although Song Jie didn't know whether the undead had a soul, he knew that the undead must have a shadow.

Xiaohei is a shadow type and has a strong connection with spirit. As long as its strength is higher than the opponent's, controlling the shadow is equivalent to controlling the opponent.


There was a response from Xiao Hei, and Song Jie looked happy!

It actually works! !

In this way, he can let Xiao Hei control those commander-level undead! !

Song Jie asked Xiao Hei to try if he could use it to affect the surrounding undead.

After trying it, I felt that it didn't work. Maybe it was because the warrior-level undead was too low-level.

Song Jie glanced around and remembered that they would encounter a leader-level undead!

"It seems it hasn't appeared yet!" Song Jie thought to himself.

He asked Xiao Hei to control the sword and ax corpse general, constantly killing the undead around him.

"Damn it, is that sword and ax corpse a traitor? How can he kill his own teammates!" Someone discovered this scene and exclaimed.

It's just that now they can't spare any time, so they don't have time to see it.

As they continued to penetrate deeper, they also attracted the attention of the undead army.

The undead around them were densely packed towards them, which was extremely terrifying.

Xiao Hei controlled the sword and ax corpse general and killed several undead with one swing of his axe. The undead were a little confused.

But they are just slaves, so they are no match for the Sword and Ax Corpse General.


Song Jie looked at the exclamations coming from the front and understood that the flesh-mound zombie was about to appear!

He immediately passed the order to Xiao Hei, and at the same time completed the magic of "contract fusion".

Song Jie absorbed part of the power of the elves and transferred it to Xiao Hei.

Because of this, Xiao Hei's current strength continues to rise, breaking through the leader level in one fell swoop.


He has been in charge since he was young and has reached the level of being in command...

However, summoned beasts such as Little Green and Wind Riding Sky Eagle did not escape the temptation.

Xiao Hei was very fast. He passed over all the undead and immediately disappeared into the shadow of the flesh mound corpse minister.

Yao Nan and Mo Fan who were in front couldn't help but look solemn when they saw the flesh-mound corpse minister.

"Commander level!!"

"You also need to reach the Commander level!" As soon as the demon man finished speaking, when he was finishing the magic, he suddenly saw that something was wrong with the flesh-mound corpse minister.

Because the body that it originally wanted to come over suddenly stopped moving and stood there blankly.

"What's going on?" Mo Fan was ready for a big fight, but maybe the flesh-mound zombie didn't move!

Suddenly, the flesh-mound zombie minister covered with undead souls roared angrily.

The surrounding undead seemed to have received some instructions, and their movements slowed down, no longer approaching Song Jie and others in a hurry.

Song Jie knew that Xiao Hei should have succeeded and controlled the flesh mound corpse minister.

"The flesh-mound corpse minister didn't seem to attack us?" Mo Fan asked in surprise.

The demon man also discovered something was wrong, but their mission was to clean up the undead, and this flesh-mound zombie was also under his surveillance.

If the Flesh Mound Corpse Minister made any move, he would definitely take action immediately.

At this time, the mage present suddenly discovered that the undead around him seemed not as crazy as before.

Seems calmer?

Although they don't know the reason, they know that this situation is good for them.

"Xiao Hei, gather those undead souls towards me." Song Jie sent a message to Xiao Hei.

After Xiao Hei understood, he gathered all the dead souls to Song Jie in the name of the corpse minister.

They reached the depths, and except for those injured in front, few people were injured afterward.

This is also the result of Xiaohei's control.

Song Jie watched as the undead continued to gather towards him, and the next moment he completed the star map!

Painting wall cutting!

He used sequential orbital cutting to change the direction of the wall cutting.

In the blink of an eye, countless undead people died in the cutting of the painting wall.

Song Jie was right next to him, and the remaining souls and essences were rushing toward his bracelet.

Hundreds of undead vacated an area at this moment.

"Damn it! Can you still play like this with wall paintings?" a light mage shouted.

There were many light mages present, and they all looked shocked when they saw this scene.

"One Guangyao killed even the scum left, and one painted wall played the effect of darts! This is fucking amazing!"

"This young man is not from our ancient capital, right? Otherwise, how could we not know about it?"

Everyone was able to take a breath as the undead around them slowed down.

This gave them free time to pay attention to Song Jie's current killing!

Right now, no matter whether they are slaves or warriors, as long as they touch the painting wall, they will be split into two halves.

Someone exclaimed: "This young man can defeat an army by himself!"

Zhou Min, Yu'er and others were also surprised when they saw this scene.

Before, although they knew that Song Jie was very strong, they had never seen it with their own eyes.

At this moment, they finally knew how strong Song Jie was.

Those undead souls are like rice in the fields, allowing Song Jie to harvest them.

They said before that Song Jie could stand up to an army, and they agreed with this.

With so many undead being killed, the pressure on the team was suddenly reduced by more than half.

Everyone cast a grateful look at Song Jie. Without him, they don't know how many people would die now!

"Change to the other side!" After Song Jie harvested the undead in front of him, he turned to the other side.

The painting wall is like a harvester. No matter what kind of undead they are, they can't escape his harvest.

Countless residual souls and essences all flew over and disappeared into the bracelet.

Mo Fan also saw the situation on Song Jie's side at this time, and also saw the remaining souls and essences!

He said in surprise: "Damn it, it turns out Brother Jie has the same thing as me!!"

Mo Fan could see the essence because he had the pendant, so he guessed that Song Jie also had it.

"This kid is not bad!" Yaonan praised without hesitation.

ps: I'm a bit stuck. Let me think about how I can write the plot of the ancient capital!

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