Song Jie returned to Zhang Xiaohou's residence from the city wall. When he discovered that Fang Gu and the others had been caught, he nodded immediately.

"Well done."

Li Rui said nothing and nodded slightly in response.

"Where's Hong Jun?" Song Jie turned to ask Su Xiaoluo.

"He's in there."

As soon as Su Xiaoluo finished speaking, he shouted into the room.

Hong Jun trotted out and said with a smile, "What do you want from me?"

Song Jie smiled slightly and looked at the other person, "Are you a member of the Black Church?"

Hearing this, Hong Jun was suddenly startled. He didn't expect Song Jie to be so direct.

Song Jie was not worried when he saw that the other party did not answer, because this guy was indeed a member of the Black Church.

"What is the Black Church? Why don't I know?" Hong Jun pretended not to understand.

"Let me tell you this, I am a judge and I have been monitoring you for a long time. Do you need me to be more straightforward?" Song Jie looked at him and said.

Hong Jun was completely panicked now. He didn't expect that this person would actually spy on him...


Song Jie continued: "You take the well water in your village and give it to the people of the Black Church..."

At this moment, Hong Jun's expression changed. He believed that the other party really knew! !

When Xie Sang, Su Xiaoluo and others saw this, they immediately understood that Hong Jun might really be the Black Church! !

"Hong Jun, you're not really from the Black Church, are you?" Xie Sang asked suspiciously.

Hong Jun glanced at Song Jie in front of him, and without even thinking, he ran straight to the door.

He was discovered, how dare he stay here!

But when he was about to reach the door, Li Rui caught him with quick eyes and quick hands.

"This guy is worth half a million, don't let him get away." Song Jie said with a smile.

When Zhang Xiaohou saw this scene, he suddenly felt a little shaken.

"Brother Jie..."

Hearing this, Song Jie turned his head and looked at Zhang Xiaohou. Although he knew that Zhang Xiaohou was pretending to have amnesia and pretending to be himself, he did not expose it.

"Remember me?"

Zhang Xiaohou scratched his head in embarrassment. He had pretended to have amnesia before because he was afraid that there were still people from the Black Vatican hiding around him.

Now, after Hong Jun was found out, he felt that there was no need to continue hiding.

"Brother Jie, I was actually pretending to have amnesia before." Zhang Xiaohou said with a naive smile.

"I don't blame you. What you did is right." Song Jie smiled.

"But you have to give people an explanation."

Zhang Xiaohou looked at Su Xiaoluo, "Thank you, I didn't pretend to have amnesia on purpose. I had no choice at that time..."

Song Jie didn't want to hear it and was about to leave here to help Tang Yue.

He also wanted to send the little black cat over. After all, he still needed this guy to control Mu He and identify who Salang was!

Outside Mu He's residence, Tang Yue was monitoring his every move.

At this time, she suddenly received a call saying that the Black Vatican was taking action.

Hearing this, Tang Yue reported to her superiors, and after a decision, they agreed to take action!

After all, the ancient capital is in crisis now. If the people of the Black Church are allowed to act recklessly, the ancient capital may become even more chaotic!

After receiving the order, Tang Yue immediately issued orders to other members of the Trial Council.


The people who were monitoring the Black Church took action!

Some members of the Black Church were caught before they knew what was going on.

After this arrest, dozens of members of the Black Church were arrested.

Among the members, there are mostly gray-clad priests and black-clad priests, and there are also three blue-clad deacons.

We are fully prepared for this arrest and trial.

So even the blue-robed deacon who is a high-level mage still cannot escape capture!

Tang Yue also started taking action, and Mu He was surrounded by people from the trial.

Among them are several high-level mages, as well as a super-level mage! !

In such an encirclement, Mu He couldn't escape even if he wanted to!

Tang Yue followed the super mage into Mu He's residence. Mu He was sitting in the living room, not expecting anyone to break in.

Mu He said coldly: "Who are you? Isn't it bad to break into other people's houses without permission?"

"Mu He, Archdeacon Hujin of the Black Vatican." Tang Yue looked at Mu He and said.

Mu He knew Tang Yue. After all, they had crossed paths in school.

"Deacon Hujin? What are you talking about?" Mu He pretended not to understand anything.

"Stop pretending and tell us what you want to do to the ancient capital and what conspiracy you have!" Tang Yue stared at him.

"I don't understand. You broke into a private house. If you don't get out, will I call the police?" Mu He still looked like he had nothing to do with me.

At this time, Tang Yue's cell phone rang. It was Song Jie calling him.

She said something to the super mage, and then ran out.

The person standing outside was Song Jie, holding Xiao Hei in his arms.

"Here you go."

"give it to me!"

Tang Yue got Xiao Hei, was secretly kissed by Song Jie, turned around and returned to the living room again.

Everyone looked at the little black cat in her arms with surprise.

"Tang Yue, is this what you said before?" the super mage asked.


Tang Yue nodded and put the little black cat down.

Mu He lowered his head and looked at the little black cat walking towards him step by step. He always felt that something was wrong.

But the next moment, before he could react, the little black cat had already merged into his shadow.

Mu He clearly felt that his body was being stripped away, and he lost control.

"How's it going?" the super-level mage asked.

They saw that Mu He's eyes, which were originally still full of energy, suddenly became confused.


Tang Yue replied.

After Song Jie handed the little black cat to Tang Yue, when he was about to go back, he saw the purple warning above.

He knew that the real disaster was coming!

Song Jie quickened his pace and rushed towards the city wall.

But when he passed by those streets, countless undead suddenly fell from the sky.

They all fell heavily into the city! !

At this moment, everyone who saw the undead was stunned. They didn't expect the undead to appear in the city! !


The originally peaceful street suddenly became panicked.

The movement here also attracted the attention of the military mages, who kept sending people over for reinforcements.

"Run quickly!!"

"help me!!"

"Please, help me take my baby away!!"

The terror of the undead made all residents extremely desperate at this moment.

Song Jie's painting appeared on the wall, cutting across the street at an extremely fast speed.

Those undead souls that were constantly advancing, as well as the undead souls that had just stood up, were split into two halves in an instant!

"Get out of here quickly!" Song Jie said to those who had not yet had time to leave.



Those who originally thought they were dead suddenly saw hope of living.

When they passed by, they would say thank you to him.

Song Jie had killed hundreds of undead in just one move, but the undead falling from the sky were still happening.

On other streets, waves of undead fell from the sky, immediately filling the entire street.

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