"Are you all okay?" Although Tang Yue cared about Song Jie, others also wanted to ask.

"Teacher Tang Yue, we are all fine." Zhang Xiaohou said with a smile.

They were able to come out of the evil abyss safely, which can be said to have experienced a narrow escape from death.

But they made the right choice, so the narrow escape no longer existed.

At this time, Han Ji, Zhu Meng and others also came to Song Jie and others.

"Young and promising!"

They all know that it was this group of young people who saved the ancient capital.

"You guys can do it!!"

Zhu Meng landed in front of them with a smile and hugged them immediately.

"Congressman Zhu Meng, let go quickly, we are about to be strangled to death!!" Song Jie said quickly.

This guy was so strong that his neck turned red.

"Sorry, I'm just too happy." Zhu Meng said with a smile.

Song Jie glanced at the people who came here and suddenly frowned.

"Where's Sa Lang? Isn't anyone watching Sa Lang?" Song Jie asked.

Lu Huan replied: "Salan is watched by my guard mage, he..."

Before he could finish speaking, there was a sound from the bell tower.

"Suffer it!!"

Only then did everyone realize that Salan might still have a back-up plan.

At this moment, they rushed back to the bell tower, but they couldn't let Salan escape! !

Song Jie didn't expect that there was a Black Church in the ancient capital. It seemed that they were hiding quite deep here.

On top of the bell tower, many Black Churches showed up just to rescue Salan.

However, the Guard Mage is not a vegetarian. Those Black Vatican are no match for their Guard Mage.

"Everyone obeys the order. Anyone who approaches the bell tower will be treated as a Black Church and killed!" said the leading guard mage Zuo Feng.

This was an order given to him by Lu Huan, no one could get close to Salang.

After a while, Han Ji, Song Jie and others returned to the bell tower.

"What's going on?" Han Ji asked immediately.

Zuo Feng replied: "President Han, a group of people just wanted to come up to save Salang, but they were killed by us."

"how many people?"

Zuo Feng said again: "It looks like there are more than twenty people."

Han Ji frowned. He didn't expect that there were so many people in the Black Church.

His eyes full of murderous intent immediately looked at Sa Long. If it weren't for the Black Holy See, Gudu would not have this crisis! !

"President Han, how about we make a deal?" Salan said calmly.

"Deal? What are you trading with us now! Today is the day you die!" a senior executive said angrily.

His students died in this crisis, and he wanted to chop Salan into pieces and feed them to the dogs.

However, Salan didn't care at all and continued: "You saw it just now, those are my people.

Think about it, I have been planning for so long, how could I have hidden so many people?

Those people just now are my gifts to you. "

Hearing this, everyone could tell from Salan's words that there were people from the Black Church in the ancient capital!

Moreover, she dared to let more than twenty people come to die, and obviously there were more people!

"What do you want to trade?" Han Ji asked with a cold face.

Salan looked at him and said, "Let me go."

"How is it possible to let you go!!" Zhu Meng immediately objected.

They finally caught Sa Long, how could they let her go! !

This is the culprit in the ancient capital, she should pay homage to those who died! !

"Think clearly, if I die, the people you protect will be buried with me!!" Salan sneered.

She was extremely crazy at this moment, as if she was the master of the world at this moment.

Everyone looked at each other and looked at the mysterious man.

They don't know if the other person is telling the truth, so they can only see if the mysterious person has relevant information.

However, the mysterious man shook his head.

"You should know about the life and death insects, right?" Salan said as he scanned the crowd.

"Life and death bug!?"

The mysterious man seemed to have thought of something, and his eyes were a little nervous.

"The life-and-death bug is a parasite that reproduces extremely hard. As long as the parasite body dies, other infected parasites will also die!!"

When everyone heard the mysterious man's explanation, everyone felt shocked.

Parasite! !

This is a terrifying creature for anyone!

Because no one knows whether they have been parasitized or not! !

Salan looked at their nervous expressions and laughed suddenly: "Some of you are also parasitized!"

As soon as these words came out, some people panicked even more. They didn't want to be buried with Salan! !

And these people are usually from big families, and they don't care at all about Zhu Meng!

"You don't care about your own life or death, but you should care about the people behind you, right?" Salan's face was full of smiles.

But in their opinion, this is the laugh of the devil! ! !

"I don't know how many people are parasitized. Maybe it's an area? Or half? Or maybe all of them?" Salan laughed, but everyone present was silent.

Song Jie looked at Sa Long. It seemed that he was still too young. The other party must have done an extremely thorough job in planning this conspiracy.

If they threaten the residents of the ancient capital, everyone knows how to choose!

Han Ji was willing to beg Salan for the sake of the ancient capital, but in this situation, Salan must win.

"Don't use any crooked ideas. As long as any of you dare to mess around, they will be buried with me!" Salan stared at them and said.

One thought from her can trigger the life and death bug, and they will all die together!

Han Ji looked at the mysterious man, who shook his head and signaled him not to act rashly.

"President Han, what do you think?" Salang looked at Han Ji and asked.

Han Ji pondered. At this moment, he looked helplessly at the others. Unexpectedly, he failed to keep Salang in the end! !

Han Ji looked at the mysterious person and asked doubtfully: "Is there any way to know whether there are life and death insects in her body?"

"Psychic mages can see it." The mysterious man replied.


Several spiritual mages came here.

Han Ji was afraid that Sa Long was deceiving them and that there were members of the Black Church among the psychic mage.

So he called a number of psychic mages to come over and check it out together.

After a while, Salang felt confident and not afraid of the inspection of these psychic mages.


Han Ji and others all received the same reply.

There is indeed a parasite of life and death in Salan's body!

Han Jide's face was very ugly. The residents of the ancient capital of Salang came to threaten him, but he could only compromise! !

"President Han, have you thought clearly?" Salang smiled.

"I can let you go, but you can't leave with the life and death bugs on you." Han Ji said.

"I have thought of a good way for you. You can leave a curse on the life and death insects. But do this curse according to my instructions, otherwise you will know the consequences." Salang said.

Lu Huan looked at a guard mage who had the curse system. His second major was the curse system, and he was also the person he trusted the most.

"You do what I tell you to do. Don't do anything unnecessary, otherwise..." Salan threatened. She must be sure of her own confidence if she dared to let them leave a curse.

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